A report and plan addressing a zero dropout rate by the year 2000, 1993

(1993) A report and plan addressing a zero dropout rate by the year 2000, 1993. Education, Department of

zero drop out rate report 2000.pdf

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Iowa's high school dropout population remains a product of our schools as well as a product of other social and biological conditions. It is true that some students attending our schools need but do not obtain proper medical care and other necessities to satisfy basic human needs. As well, some students experience family and social dilemmas which undermine constructive behavior patterns that contribute to productivity and the constructive work of school and other professional institutions. Moreover, they are not served well within the limitations of our schools and what they experience in school is overwhelming failure or disgust rather than success or satisfaction. In short, the high school dropout phenomena is complex, requiring the attention of a myriad of service agency resources and the community at large. Dropping out of school is not a school phenomena independent of other influences and cannot be solved as only a school issue.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Education, High School Dropout, High School
Subjects: Education
Education > Educational policies
Education > Students > High school students
ID Code: 30258
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 09 May 2019 19:01
Last Modified: 09 May 2019 19:01
URI: https://publications.iowa.gov/id/eprint/30258