Research In Progress: Evaluating the Performance of Current Rock Check Dam Standards, SPR-RE24(007)-8H-00, 2024

(2024) Research In Progress: Evaluating the Performance of Current Rock Check Dam Standards, SPR-RE24(007)-8H-00, 2024. Transportation, Department of


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Highway construction activities often involve clearing, grubbing, grading, and excavation activities which have the potential to disturb large areas of land. These operations increase the risk of stormwater-induced soil erosion and sediment loss into downstream receiving waterbodies. Sediment-laden stormwater runoff has the potential to negatively impact aquatic life, and clog nearby culverts and drains. The Iowa DOT incorporates stormwater pollution prevention practices on site during construction to minimize erosion and sediment-laden runoff. One of the most commonly used construction stormwater management practices used by the Iowa DOT are check dams. These practices are installed within the channel to reduce stormwater velocity, reduce channel erosion, and promote the settling of suspended sediment. The Iowa DOT maintains standard details for silt fence check dams, wattle check dams, and rock check dams. For roadside and median channels with high runoff velocities, rock check dams are the most common practices because of their structural durability. The project is intended to evaluate Iowa DOT’s current rock check dam standard (EC-302) and proposed modifications to compare hydraulic and sedimentation performance.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Dams; Erosion control; Road construction; Runoff; Sedimentation; Standards
Subjects: Transportation
Transportation > Materials
Transportation > Research
Transportation > Design and Construction
Transportation > Environment
Transportation > Environment > Water
ID Code: 50212
Deposited By: Iowa DOT Research
Deposited On: 20 Aug 2024 16:39
Last Modified: 20 Aug 2024 16:39