Development of a TL-3 F-Shape Temporary Concrete Median Barrier by Ronald K. Faller, October 1996

(1996) Development of a TL-3 F-Shape Temporary Concrete Median Barrier by Ronald K. Faller, October 1996. Transportation, Department of


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A temporary concrete median barrier (CMB) was designed and tested for compliance under the Test Level 3 (TL-3) guidelines specified in the Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report No. 350. The barrier is built to the new metric standards and has a traditional pin and loop configuration for interconnection. The objective of this research project was to develop and evaluate a standardized, temporary concrete barrier design while addressing the concerns for safety, economy, structural integrity, constructability, ease of installation, and maintenance. The resulting F-shape barrier segment is 3,800-mm long, a length that reduced the-number of connections while limiting the weight of the barriers to ease handling. Full-scale crash testing demonstrated several critical design features. First, the connections need to be tight initially as practicable to limit deformation and rotation of the barriers,. Secondly, the pin needs to restrain the longitudinal barrier forces. Full-scale compliance testing of the final design demonstrated that the barrier was capable of successfully redirecting the 2000-kg vehicle. The vehicle demonstrated significant roll after contact with the barrier, which is evidenced in a majority of other concrete barrier tests. This barrier provides economical work zone protection applicable in a variety of situations, where TL-3 test criteria is warranted.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: concrete median barrier, maintenance, highway traffic safety, transportation
Subjects: Transportation
Transportation > Traffic safety
Transportation > Maintenance and preservation
ID Code: 49079
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 14 May 2024 19:39
Last Modified: 14 May 2024 19:39