Iowa In Motion: State Transportation Plan, 1997

(1997) Iowa In Motion: State Transportation Plan, 1997. Transportation, Department of


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What is Iowa in Motion? The Iowa Department of Transportation is continuing the journey to develop Iowa’s future transportation system. This ongoing planning process, known as Iowa in Motion, was developed in response to the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) and Iowa’s changing transportation needs. The completion of Parts I, II and III of Iowa in Motion has led to development of this State Transportation Plan. Part IV includes activities, both current and future, to support the plan. This State Transportation Plan represents the thoughts and concerns of thousands of Iowans. Individuals, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), regional planning affiliations (RPAs), associations and organizations have become involved and have made recommendations concerning which direction should be followed regarding transportation investments. This plan represents their extensive input into the Iowa in Motion process and consensus building as we moved towards adoption of this State Transportation Plan. The adopted plan serves as a guide for development of transportation policies, goals, objectives, initiatives and investment decisions through the year 2020.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Note: This record contains links to the 89 page full report as well as the 4 page summary. The summary is not deposited separately. The link to the Iowa DOT "Iowa In Motion" Webpages, as of December 29, 2015, is:
Keywords: Long range planning; Transportation planning
Subjects: Transportation
Transportation > Design and Construction
Transportation > Maintenance and preservation
ID Code: 21145
Deposited By: Leighton Christiansen
Deposited On: 29 Dec 2015 18:17
Last Modified: 29 Dec 2015 18:17