Items where Subject is "Iowa Governor"

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| 27 June 1952 | 15 January 1953 | 4 July 1953 | 15 July 1953 | 13 January 1955 | 17 January 1957 | 1959 | 15 January 1959 | 27 February 1961 | 1 March 1961 | 30 March 1961 | 11 April 1961 | 21 February 1962 | 3 April 1962 | 17 January 1963 | 1964 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | January 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | May 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | January 1984 | February 1984 | 1985 | 21 December 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | January 1988 | June 1988 | 1989 | January 1989 | 1 December 1989 | 1990 | January 1990 | 30 June 1990 | 1991 | January 1991 | May 1991 | 30 June 1991 | 1992 | January 1992 | 15 January 1992 | 30 June 1992 | 1993 | January 1993 | February 1993 | 1994 | January 1994 | 1995 | January 1995 | February 1995 | 1996 | January 1996 | 1997 | January 1997 | 15 January 1997 | 1998 | January 1998 | 1999 | January 1999 | 15 January 1999 | 2000 | January 2000 | 2001 | January 2001 | 15 January 2001 | February 2001 | 14 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Number of items at this level: 1218.


(1850) Report of the Secretary of State in Relation to the Criminal Returns and The Census of the State of Iowa, 1850. Governor's Office

November 1851

(1851) Rules Regulations and By-Laws for the Government and Discipline of the Iowa Penitentiary, 1851. Treasurer of State

November 1854

(1854) Report of the Inspectors of the Iowa Penitentiary to His Excellency Stephen Hempstead, November 1854. Treasurer of State

3 September 1857

(1857) Executive Order Number One September 3, 1857. Governor's Office


(1858) Report of E. Manning Commissioner of the Des Moines River Improvement to his excellency R.P. Lowe Governor of Iowa, 1859. Governor's Office

(1858) Report of Special Committee, 1858. Governor's Office

(1858) School Law of Iowa accompanied by Blank Forms prepared for The Use and Government of the School Officers, 1858. Governor's Office

13 March 1858

(1858) An Act for the Public Instruction of the State of Iowa, March 13, 1858. Governor's Office


(1859) Biennial Report of the Executive Committee of the Iowa State Historical Society to the Governor of the State of Iowa, 1859. Governor's Office

(1859) The Census Returns of the Different Counties of the State of Iowa for 1859. Governor's Office

(1859) Report of the Auditor of State to the Eighth General Assembly of the State of Iowa, November 7, 1859. Governor's Office

(1859) Report of the Board of Inspectors of the Iowa Penitentiary for the Two years ending October 1, 1859. Governor's Office

(1859) Report of the Commissioners appointed by the Governor in Investigate the Affairs of the Iowa Penitentiary, 1859. Governor's Office

(1859) Report of the Secretary of Iowa State Agricultural College and Farm, 1859. Governor's Office

(1859) The Third Report of the Trustees of the Iowa Institution of the Education of the Deaf and Dumb to the General Assembly of the State of Iowa for the years 1858 and 1959. Governor's Office

7 November 1859

(1859) Report of Commissioners of the Iowa State Hospitals for the Insane to the Eighth General Assembly of the State of Iowa to which is appended the Report of Superintendent of Construction, 1859. Governor's Office

(1859) Report of the Treasurer of State to the Governor of Iowa, November 7, 1859. Governor's Office


(1860) Biennial Message of Gov. Ralph P. Lowe delivered to the Eighth General Assembly of the State of Iowa, 1860. Governor's Office

(1860) Biennial Report of the Executive Committee of the Iowa State Historical Society to the Governor and Eighty General Assembly, 1860. Governor's Office

(1860) Educational Law of the State of Iowa passed by the Board of Education at its First and Second Sessions and by the General Assembly at its Eighth Regular Session, 1860. Governor's Office

(1860) List of Members of the Eighth General Assembly of the State of Iowa to which is added a Valuable Statistical Table..., 1860. Governor's Office

(1860) Report of James Hall in relation to the Geological Survey of the State of Iowa to the Governor and Eight General Assembly, 1860. Governor's Office

(1860) Report of the Commissioners appointed to Investigate the Several State Offices for the years 1858 and 1859. Governor's Office

(1860) Report of the Committee on Schools and State University, 1860. Governor's Office

(1860) Report of the Joint Committee appointed by Concurrent Resolutions of the Eighth General Assembly of the State of Iowa, 1860. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1860) Report of the Joint Committee appointed by the Eighth General Assembly to Investigate the Affairs of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane, 1860. Governor's Office

(1860) Report of the Joint Committee appointed by the Eighth General Assembly to Investigate the Affairs of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane, 1860. Governor's Office

(1860) Report of the Secretary of the Board of Education to the Board of Education and the Eighth General Assembly of the State of Iowa, 1860. Governor's Office

(1860) Report of the Trustees of the State University of the Committee on Schools and State University, 1860. Governor's Office

(1860) Special Message of Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood in reply to a Resolution of Inquiry passed by the House of Representatives, 1860. Governor's Office

(1860) The Third Report of Trustees of the Iowa Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb to the General Assembly of the State of Iowa for the years 1858 and 1959, 1860. Governor's Office

4 January 1860

(1860) "Shall the territories be africanized?", Speech of Hon. James Harlan of Iowa; delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 4, 1860. Governor's Office

16 January 1860

(1860) Special Report of the Auditor of State made in compliance with a resolution of the House of Representatives, January 16, 1860. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

17 January 1860

(1860) Memorial of the Cedar Rapids and Missouri River Rail Road Company to the Legislature of Iowa, January 17, 1860. Governor's Office

6 February 1860

(1860) Address on University Education delivered in the Representatives Hall at Des Moines, February 6, 1860. Governor's Office

9 February 1860

(1860) Speech of Hon. Thos. W. Claggett of Lee County delivered in the House of Representatives of Iowa on Committee of the Whole on Address of Gov. Samuel J. Kirkwood, February 9, 1860. Governor's Office

24 February 1860

(1860) Office of the Secretary of the Board of Education, February 24, 1860. Governor's Office

27 February 1860

(1860) Attorney General Office Opinion to the State of Iowa on the Land Granted to the Iowa Central Rail Road Company, February 27, 1860. Governor's Office

2 March 1860

(1860) Special Message of Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood in reply to a Resolution of Inquiry passed by the House of Representatives, March 2, 1860. Governor's Office

5 December 1860

(1860) Journal of the Board of Education of the State of Iowa as its Second Session begun and held at the City of Des Moines on the Fifth day of December, 1860. Governor's Office

1 November 1869

(1869) Report of the Auditor of State to the Thirteenth General Assembly of the State of Iowa, November 1, 1869. Governor's Office


(1870) Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa State University to the General Assembly at the Thirteenth Regular Session, 1870. Governor's Office

13 January 1870

(1870) Inaugural Address of Samuel Merrill Governor of the State of Iowa delivered before that Two Houses of the General Assembly, January 13, 1870. Governor's Office

10 November 1870

(1870) Report of the Register of State Land Office to the Governor of Iowa, November 10, 1870. Governor's Office


(1874) Biennial Message of Superintendent of Public Instruction to the Fifteenth General Assembly of the State of Iowa, 1874. Treasurer of State

January 1874

(1874) Biennial Message of Cyrus C. Carpenter, Governor of the Stat of Iowa to the Fifteenth General Assembly, January 1874. Treasurer of State

(1874) Inaugural Address of Cyrus C. Carpenter Eighth Governor of the State of Iowa Delivers at his Second Inauguration, January 1874. Treasurer of State

1 November 1875

(1875) Biennial Message of the Auditor of State to the Governor of the State of Iowa, November 1, 1875. Treasurer of State


(1876) Biennial Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to the Sixteenth General Assembly of the State of Iowa, 1876. Treasurer of State

(1876) Biennial Report of the Treasurer of State to the Governor of Iowa Governor of Iowa for the Years 1874 and 1875, 1876. Treasurer of State

(1876) Report of Iowa State Board of Centennial Managers to his Excellency Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood, 1876. Governor's Office

January 1876

(1876) Biennial Message of Cyrus C. Carpenter, Governor of the State of Iowa to the Sixteenth General Assembly, January 1876. Treasurer of State

13 January 1876

(1876) Inaugural Address of Samuel J. Kirkwood Governor of Iowa delivered before the Two Houses of the General Assembly, January 13, 1876. Treasurer of State

7 September 1876

(1876) Iowa and the Centennial. : the State Address Delivered by Hon. C.C. Nourse, at Philadelphia, Thursday, September, 7, 1876. Governor's Office

December 1876

(1876) Proceedings of the State Teachers' Association of Iowa at its Annual Meeting, December 1876. Governor's Office

31 October 1879

(1879) Fifth Biennial Report of the Board of Capitol Commissioners to the Governor of Iowa. October 31, 1879, 1879. Treasurer of State

January 1880

(1880) Biennial Message of John H. Gear Governor of the State of Iowa to the Eighteenth General Assembly, January, 1880. Governor's Office

15 January 1880

(1880) Second Inaugural Address of John H. Gear, Governor of Iowa, Delivered before the Two Houses of the General Assembly, January 15, 1880. Treasurer of State


(1885) Biennial Message of Buren R Sherman Governor of the State of Iowa Twenty First General Assembly, January, 1886. Governor's Office

(1885) Biennial Report of the Secretary of State in relation to the Criminal Returns of the State of Iowa for the years 1884 and 1885, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Biennial Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Iowa, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Biennial Report of the of the Treasurer of State to the Governor of Iowa for the Fiscal Term Commencing July 1 183, and ending June 30, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Eleventh Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa State Agricultural College and Farm made to The Governor of Iowa for the year 1884 and 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Fifth Biennial Report of the State Normal School at Cedar Falls Iowa, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) First Annual Report of the State Veterinary Surgeon of the State of Iowa for the year ending June 30, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) First Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistic for the State of Iowa 1994-85, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Inaugural Address of William Larrabee Governor of Iowa Delivered at this Inauguration, January 14, 1886. Governor's Office

(1885) Report of William L. Alexander Adjutant General and A.Q.M.G. of the State of Iowa to Hon. Buren R. Sherman Governor of Iowa for the Biennial Period ending June 30, A.D. 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty First General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Additional Penitentiary located at Anamosa, 1886. Governor's Office

(1885) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty First General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Girls Department of the State Industrial School of Mitchellville, 1886. Governor's Office

(1885) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty First General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Hatching Houses located at Anamosa and Spirit Lake, 1886. Governor's Office

(1885) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty First General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Industrial School for Boys located at Eldora, 1886. Governor's Office

(1885) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty First General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Penitentiary of the State located at Fort Madison, 1886. Governor's Office

(1885) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Second General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the State Hatching House located at Spirit Lake, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Second Annual Report of the Iowa State Board of Dental Examiners for the year 1884, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Second Biennial Report of the State Mine Inspector to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the years 1884 and 1885, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Sixteenth Biennial Report of the Iowa Institution for the Education of the Deal and Dumb at Council Bluffs for the Biennial Period ending June 30, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Sixth Biennial Report of the Visiting Committee to visit the Hospital for the Insane, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Tenth Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Solders' Orphans' Home and Home for Indigent Children, June 30, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Thirteenth Biennial Report of the Trustees Superintendent and Treasurer of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Mount Pleasant for the Fiscal Years 1884 and 1885. Governor's Office

30 June 1885

(1885) Biennial Report of the Warden of the Penitentiary at Fort Madison to the Governor of Iowa, June 30, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) First Biennial Report of the State Oil Inspector to the Governor of Iowa, June 30, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Ninth Biennial Report of the Trustees of the Iowa Industrial School, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Seventeenth Biennial Report of the College for the Blind located at Vinton Benton County to the Governor of Iowa June 30, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Seventh Biennial Report of the Trustees Superintendent Steward Matron and Treasurer of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane Independence for the period ending June 30, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Seventh Biennial Report of the Warden of the Additional Penitentiary to the Governor of the State, June 30, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Sixth Biennial Report of the State Fish Commission of Iowa for the Years 1883-84 and 1884-85, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Third Biennial Report of the State Board of Health of the State of Iowa for the Fiscal period ending June, 30, 1885. Governor's Office

1 July 1885

(1885) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the Transactions of the Land Department, July 1, 1885. Governor's Office

15 August 1885

(1885) Biennial Report of the State Librarian to the Governor of the State of Iowa, July 1, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Fifth Biennial Report of the Trustees Superintendent and Treasurer of the Iowa Institution for Feeble Minded Children at Glenwood, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Report of the State University of Iowa, August 15, 1885. Governor's Office

(1885) Third Biennial Report of the Commissioners of Pharmacy for the State of Iowa with regulations and Abstract of State Pharmacy Register, August 15, 1885. Governor's Office


(1886) Biennial Report of the Auditor of State to the Governor of the State of Iowa, 1885. Governor's Office

(1886) Fifteenth Biennial Report of the Board of Curators of the State Historical Society to the Governor of the State, 1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Final Report of the Board of Commissioners of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Independence to the Twenty First General Assembly, 1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Iowa at the World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial and the North; Central and South America Expositions New Orleans 1884-6, 1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Report of the Board of Capitol Commissioners to the Twenty-First General Assembly, required by Chapter 140, Laws 1884, 1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty First General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Additional Hospital for the Insane located at Clarinda, 1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty First General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Benedict Home located at Des Moines, 1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty First General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Hospital for the Insane located at Independence, 1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty First General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Hospital for the Insane located at Mount Pleasant, 1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty First General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Institution for Feeble Minded Children located at Glenwood, 1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty First General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Institution for the Blind located at Vinton, 1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty First General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Soldiers' Orphans' Home located at Davenport, 1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty First General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the State Agricultural College located at Ames, 1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty First General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the State Normal School located at Cedar Falls, 1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the State Fish Hatching House located at Spirit Lake, 1890. Governor's Office

(1886) Report of the Joint Committee of the... General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Additional Penitentiary located at Anamosa, 1876. Governor's Office

(1886) Reports of County Superintendents: Reports for 1883-1885, 1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Reports of the County Superintendents for the year 1885-1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Rules and Standing Committees of the Twenty First General Assembly with list of Executive and Judicial Officers of the State of Iowa Trustees of State Institutions Etc., 1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Third Annual Report of the Board of Dental Examiners for the year 1885, 1886. Governor's Office

8 January 1886

(1886) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty First General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the State University located at Iowa City, 1886. Governor's Office

(1886) Supplemental Report of the State University of Iowa, January 8, 1886. Governor's Office

3 February 1886

(1886) Eighth Biennial Report of the Board of Capitol Commissioners to the Governor of Iowa, February 3, 1886. Governor's Office

30 June 1886

(1886) Second Annual Report of the State Veterinary Surgeon of the State of Iowa for the year ending June 30, 1886. Governor's Office

22 December 1886

(1886) Report of Commissioners appointed to Locate and Build an Additional Hospital for the Insane in Southwestern Iowa, December 22, 1886. Governor's Office


(1887) Biennial Report of State Librarian to the Governor of the State of Iowa, July 1, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Biennial Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Iowa, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Biennial Report of the Treasurer of State to the Governor of Iowa for the Fiscal Term Commencing July 1, 1885 and ending June 30, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Eleventh Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Soldiers' Orphans' Home and Home and Indigent Children, June 30, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Final Report of the Board of Capitol Commissioners to the Governor of Iowa, June 30, 1886. Governor's Office

(1887) Fourteenth Biennial Report of the Trustees Superintendent and Treasurer of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Mount Pleasant for the Fiscal Years 1886 and 1887, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Report of Commissioners appointed to Locate and Build an Additional Hospital for the Insane in Southwestern Iowa, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Report of the Secretary of State in relation to the Criminal Returns of the State of Iowa for the years 1886 and 1887, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Second Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the State of Iowa 1886-7. Governor's Office

(1887) Seventh Biennial Report of the State Fish Commission of Iowa for the years 1885-86 and 1886-1887, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Seventh Biennial Report of the Visiting Committee to visit the Hospital for the Insane, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Twelfth Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa State Agricultural College and Farm made to the Governor of Iowa for the Years 1886-1887. Governor's Office

7 March 1887

(1887) Assessed Valuation of Railroad Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State, March 7, 1888. Governor's Office

30 June 1887

(1887) Assessed Valuation of Railroad Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State, March 5, 1888. Governor's Office

(1887) Biennial Report of the Warden of the Penitentiary at Fort Madison to the Governor of Iowa, June 30, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Eighteenth Biennial Report of the College for the Blind located at Vinton Benton County to the Governor of Iowa, June 30, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Eighteenth Biennial Report of the College for the Blind located at Vinton Benton County to the Governor of Iowa, June 30, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Eighth Biennial Report of the Trustees Superintendent Steward Matron and Treasurer of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Independence for the period ending June 30, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Fifth Biennial Report of the Central Station of the Iowa Weather Service, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Fourth Biennial Report of the Commissioners of Pharmacy for the State of Iowa, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Fourth Biennial Report of the State Board of Health of the State of Iowa for Fiscal period ending June 30, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Ninth Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending, June 30, 1886. Governor's Office

(1887) Report of the Adjutant General and A.Q.M.G. of the State of Iowa to Hon. William Larrabee Governor of Iowa for the Biennial period ending June 30 A.D. 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Report of the State University of Iowa, August 15, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Second Biennial Report of the State Oil Inspector to the Governor of Iowa, June 30, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Seventeenth Biennial Report of the Iowa Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb at Council Bluffs to the Governor of the State for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Sixth Biennial Report of the State Normal School at Cedar Falls Iowa School Years 1885-86 and 1886-87, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Sixth Biennial Report of the Trustees Superintendent and Treasurer of the Iowa Institution for Feeble Minded Children at Glenwood, August 15, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Tenth Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending, June 30, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Tenth Biennial Report of the Trustees of the Iowa Industrial School embracing reports from the Superintendent of the Boys Department at Eldora, the Superintendent of the Girls Department at Mitchellville and also the Treasure of the Board to the Governor of the State of Iowa of the Fiscal Term Ending, June 30, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Third Annual Report of the State Veterinary Surgeon of the State of Iowa of the Year ending, June 30, 1887. Governor's Office

1 July 1887

(1887) Biennial Report of the Auditor of State to the Governor of the State of Iowa, July 1, 1887. Governor's Office

(1887) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the Transactions of the Land Department, July 1, 1887. Governor's Office


(1888) Biennial Report of William Larrabee Governor of the State of Iowa to the Twenty Second General Assembly, January 1888. Governor's Office

(1888) Report of The Joint Committee of the Twenty Second General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb located at Council Bluffs, 1888. Governor's Office

(1888) Report of the Board of Commissioners of the Iowa Soldiers' Home to the Twenty Second General Assembly, 1888. Governor's Office

(1888) Report of the Joint Committee Twenty Second General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Additional Hospital for the Insane located at Clarinda, 1888. Governor's Office

(1888) Report of the Joint Committee Twenty Second General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Institution for Feeble Minded Children located at Glenwood, 1888. Governor's Office

(1888) Report of the Joint Committee Twenty Second General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Iowa Soldiers' Home located at Marshalltown, 1888. Governor's Office

(1888) Report of the Joint Committee Twenty Second General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Soldiers' Orphans' Home located at Davenport, 1888. Governor's Office

(1888) Report of the Joint Committee Twenty Second General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the State Agricultural College located at Ames, 1888. Governor's Office

(1888) Report of the Joint Committee Twenty Second General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the State Normal School located at Cedar Falls, 1888. Governor's Office

(1888) Report of the Joint Committee Twenty Second General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the State University located at Iowa City, 1888. Governor's Office

(1888) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Second General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Additional Penitentiary located at Anamosa, 1888. Governor's Office

(1888) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Second General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Hospital at Mount Pleasant, 1888. Governor's Office

(1888) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Second General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Hospital for the Insane located at Independence, 1888. Governor's Office

(1888) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Second General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Penitentiary of the State located at Fort Madison, 1888. Governor's Office

(1888) Sixteenth Biennial Report of the Board of Curators of the State Historical Society to the Governor of the State, 1887. Governor's Office

(1888) Third Biennial Report of the State Mine Inspectors Governor of the State of Iowa for the years 1886 and 1887, 1888. Governor's Office

12 January 1888

(1888) Inaugural Address of William Larrabee Governor of Iowa delivering at his Inauguration, January 12, 1888. Governor's Office

9 June 1888

(1888) Report of the Governor of Pardons, Commutations, Suspensions of Sentence and Remissions of Fines From January 13, 1886 to June 9, 1888. Governor's Office

30 June 1888

(1888) Eighth Biennial Report of the Warden of the Additional Penitentiary to the Governor of the State, June 30, 1888. Governor's Office

(1888) Eleventh Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending, June 30, 1888. Governor's Office

(1888) Fourth Annual Report of the State Veterinary Surgeon of the State of Iowa for the Year ending, June 30, 1888. Governor's Office

1 July 1888

(1888) Abstracts Reports of the County Superintendents, 1888. Governor's Office


(1889) Biennial Report of the Commissioners of the Soldiers' Home at Marshalltown, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Eighth Biennial Report of the Fish Commission of the State of Iowa for the years 1887-88 and 1888-89, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Eighth Biennial Report of the Visiting Committee to visit the Hospital for the Insane, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Fourth Biennial Report of the State Mine Inspectors to the Governor of Iowa for the years 1888 and 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Report of Commissioners appointed to Locate and Build as additional Hospital for the Insane in Southwestern Iowa, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Report of Commissioners in relation to an Industrial Home for Adult Blind for the State of Iowa, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Report of the County Superintendent, 1887, 1888, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Report of the Secretary of State in relation to the Criminal Returns of the State of Iowa for the Years 1888 and 1889, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Sixth Biennial Report of the Central Station of the Iowa Weather Service, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Third Annual Report of the State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Third Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the State of Iowa 1888-9, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Twentieth Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance, 1889. Governor's Office

3 March 1889

(1889) Assessed Valuation of Railroad Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State, March 3, 1889. Governor's Office

4 March 1889

(1889) Assessed Valuation of Railroad Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State, March 4, 1889. Governor's Office

30 June 1889

(1889) Biennial Report of the Treasurer of State to the Governor of Iowa for the fiscal term Commencing July 1, 1887 and ending June 30, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Biennial Report of the Warden of the Penitentiary at Fort Madison to the Governor of Iowa, June 30, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Eighteenth Biennial Report of the Iowa Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb at Council Bluffs to the Governor of the State for the Biennial period ending, June 30, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Eleventh Biennial Report of the Trustees of the Iowa Industrial School embracing reports from the Superintendent of the Boys' Department at Eldora, The Superintendent of the Girls Department at Mitchellville and also the Treasurer of the Board to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the Fiscal term ending, June 30, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Fifth Annual Report of the State Veterinary Surgeon of the State of Iowa for the Year ending, June 30, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Fifth Biennial Report of the Board of Health of the State of Iowa for the year ending, June 30, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Ninth Biennial Report of the Warden of the Penitentiary at Anamosa to the Governor of Iowa, June 30, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Third Biennial Report of the State Inspector of Oils to the Governor of Iowa, June 30, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Twelfth Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending, June 30, 1889. Governor's Office

1 July 1889

(1889) Biennial Report of the Auditor of State to the Governor of the State of Iowa July 1, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Biennial Report of the State Librarian to the Governor of the State of Iowa, July 1, 1889. Governor's Office

(1889) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the transactions of the Land Department, July 1, 1889. Governor's Office

30 September 1889

(1889) Report of the Adjutant General A.Q.M.G. of the State of Iowa to Hon. William Larrabee Governor of Iowa for Biennial period ending, September 30, 1889. Governor's Office

1 November 1889

(1889) Biennial Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Iowa, November 1, 1889. Governor's Office

6 December 1889

(1889) Proceeding of the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Iowa State Improved Stock Breeders' Association held to Hampton, December 4, 5, 6, 1889. Governor's Office

31 December 1889

(1889) Second Annual Report of the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station to the Governor of Iowa for the year ending, December 31, 1889. Governor's Office


(1890) Eight Annual Report of the Board of Dental Examiners State of Iowa for the Year 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Fifth Biennial Report of the Commissioners of Pharmacy for the State of Iowa, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Fourth Annual Report of the State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Benedict Home located at Des Moines, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Agricultural College and Farm located at Ames, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the College for the Blind located at Vinton, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Hospital for the Insane located at Clarinda, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Hospital for the Insane located at Independence, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Hospital for the Insane located at Mt Pleasant, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Industrial School located at Eldora, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Industrial School located at Mitchellville, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Institution for Deaf and Dumb located at Council Bluffs, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Institution for Feeble Minded Children located at Glenwood, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Institution for Feeble Minded Children located at Glenwood, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Penitentiary located at Anamosa, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Penitentiary located at Ft. Madison, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Soldiers' Home located at Davenport, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Soldiers' Home located at Marshalltown, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the State Normal School located at Cedar Fall, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Third General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the State University located at Iowa City, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Thirteenth Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa State Agricultural College and Farm made to the Governor of Iowa for the years 1888 and 1889, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Twenty First Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance, 1890. Governor's Office

1 January 1890

(1890) Report of the Custodian of Public Building and Property to the Governor of Iowa for the year 1888 and 1889, January 1, 1890. Governor's Office

February 1890

(1890) Biennial Message of William Larrabee Governor of Iowa to the Twenty Third General Assembly, February 1890. Governor's Office

27 February 1890

(1890) Inaugural Address of Horace Boies Governor of Iowa delivered at his Inauguration, February 27, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Report of the Governor of Iowa of Pardons, Commutations, Suspensions of Sentence, and Remissions of Fines From January 12, 1888 to Feb 27, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Rules and Standing Committees of the Twenty Third General Assembly with Official Register, 1890. Governor's Office

30 June 1890

(1890) Sixth Annual Report of the State Veterinary Surgeon of the State of Iowa for the Year ending June 30, 1890. Governor's Office

(1890) Thirteenth Annual Report of Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending June 30, 1890. Governor's Office


(1891) Biennial Report of the Soldiers' Home at Marshalltown, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Eighteenth Biennial Report of the Board of Curators of the State Historical Society to the Governor of the State, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Eighth Biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendent and Treasurer of the Iowa Institution for Feeble Minded Children at Glenwood, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Fifth Annual Report of the State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Fourteenth Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa State Agricultural College and Farm made to the Governor of Iowa for the years 1890 and 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Fourth Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the State of Iowa 1890-1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Ninth Biennial Report of the Fish Commission of the State of Iowa, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Ninth Biennial Report of the Visiting Committee to the Hospitals for the Insane, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Report of County Superintendents, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Report of the Board of Trustees of the Industrial Home for Blind to the Governor, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Report of the Secretary of State relating to Criminal Convictions for the years 1890 and 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Second Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Clarinda for the Fiscal years 1890 and 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Sixth Biennial Report of the Commissioners of Pharmacy for the State of Iowa 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Tenth Biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendent, Steward, Matron, and Treasurer of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Independence for the year ending, June 30, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Tenth Biennial Report of the Warden of the Penitentiary at Anamosa to the Governor of Iowa, June 30, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Twentieth Biennial Report of the College for the Blind located at Vinton, Benton County to the Governor of Iowa, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Twenty Second Annual Report Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance, 1891. Governor's Office

20 January 1891

(1891) Report of the Governor of Iowa of Pardons, Commutations, Suspensions of Sentence and Remissions of Fines for February 27, 1890 to January 20, 1891. Governor's Office

2 March 1891

(1891) Assessed Valuation of Railroad Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State March 2, 1891. Governor's Office

30 June 1891

(1891) Biennial Report of the Treasurer of State of Iowa for the Biennial period ending, June 30, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Biennial Report of the Warden the of Penitentiary at Fort Madison to the Governor of Iowa, June 30, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Eighth Biennial Report of the State Normal School at Cedar Falls, Iowa: School years 1889-90 and 1890-91, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Fifth Biennial report of the State Mine Inspectors to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the two years ending June 30, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Fourteenth Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending June 30, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Fourth Biennial Report of the State Inspector of Oils to the Governor of Iowa, June 30, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Nineteenth Biennial Report of the Iowa Institution for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb at Council Bluffs to the Governor of the State for the Biennial Period ending June 30, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the transactions of the Land Department for the Biennial period ending, June 30, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Seventh Annual Report of the State Veterinary Surgeon of the State of Iowa for the Year ending June 30, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Sixth Biennial Report of the Board of Health of the State of Iowa for the Fiscal period ending June 30, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Thirteenth Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Soldiers' Orphans' Home and Home for Indigent Children, June 30, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Twelfth Biennial Report of the Trustees of the Iowa Industrial School embracing report for the Superintendent of the Boy's Department at Eldora, The Superintendent of the Girls Department at Mitchellville and also the Treasurer of the Board to the Governors of the State of Iowa and Members of the General Assembly for the fiscal term ending, June 30, 1891. Governor's Office

1 July 1891

(1891) Biennial Report of the Auditor of State to the Governor of Iowa, July 1, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Biennial Report of the State Librarian to the Governor of the State of Iowa, July 1, 1891. Governor's Office

(1891) Board of Trustees of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Mount Pleasant of the Sixteen Biennial Report, July 1, 1891. Governor's Office

31 August 1891

(1891) Report of the Board of Trustees of the Benedict Home to the Governor of Iowa located at Des Moines for the Biennial period ending August 31, 1891. Governor's Office

30 September 1891

(1891) Report of the Adjutant General and A.Q.M.G. of the State of Iowa to Hon. Horace Boies, Governor of Iowa for Biennial period ending, September 30, 1891. Governor's Office

November 1891

(1891) Report of the State University of Iowa, November 1, 1891. Governor's Office

1 November 1891

(1891) Biennial Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Iowa, November 1, 1891. Governor's Office

4 December 1891

(1891) Proceeding of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Iowa State Improved Stock Breeders Association held at Waterloo, December 2, 3, and 4, 1891. Governor's Office

5 December 1891

(1891) Proceeding of the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the Iowa State Improved Stock Breeders Association held at Oskaloosa, December 3, 4, and 5, 1890. Governor's Office


(1892) Nineteenth Biennial Report of the Board of Curators of the State Historical Society at Iowa City to the Governor of the State, 1892. Governor's Office

(1892) Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Iowa State Improved Stock Breeders Association held at Corning, December 7, 8 and 9, 1892. Governor's Office

(1892) Report of the Inspectors of Steamboats to the Governor of Iowa, 1892. Governor's Office

(1892) Rules and Standing Committees of the Twenty Fourth General Assembly with Official Register, 1892. Governor's Office

(1892) Sixth Annual Report of the State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1892. Governor's Office

(1892) Twenty Third Annual Report Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance, 1892. Governor's Office

1 January 1892

(1892) Biennial Report of the Custodian of Public Buildings and Property to the Governor of Iowa for the years 1890 and 1891, January 1, 1892. Governor's Office

20 January 1892

(1892) Biennial Message of Horace Boies Governor of Iowa to the Twenty Fourth General Assembly, January, 1892. Governor's Office

(1892) Inaugural Address of Horace Boies Governor of Iowa delivered at his Inauguration January 20, 1892. Governor's Office

7 March 1892

(1892) Twenty First Annual Report of the Assessed Valuation of Railroad Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State March 7, 1892. Governor's Office

30 June 1892

(1892) Eighth Annual Report of the State Veterinary Surgeon of the State of Iowa for the year ending June 30, 1892. Governor's Office

(1892) Fifteenth Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending June 30, 1892. Governor's Office

23 November 1892

(1892) First Biennial Report of the Historical Department of Iowa made to the Trustees of the State Library November 23, 1893. Governor's Office


(1893) Biennial Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of the State of Iowa, November 1, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Fifteenth Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa State Agricultural College and Farm made to the Governor of Iowa for the year 1892 and 1893, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Fifth Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the State of Iowa 1892-93. Governor's Office

(1893) The Life and Times of Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa's War Governor by H. W. Lathrop, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Ninth Biennial Report of the State Normal School at Cedar Falls, Iowa, School years 1891-92 and 1892-3, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Ninth Biennial Report of the State Normal School at Cedar Falls, Iowa, School years 1891-92 and 1892-93, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Ninth Biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendent and Treasurer of the Iowa Institution for Feeble Minded Children at Glenwood, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Iowa State Improved Stock Breeders Association held at Corning, December 6 and 7, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Report of the Executive Council to the 25th General Assembly, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Report of the Executive Council to the 25th General Assembly, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Report of the Secretary of State relating to Criminals Convictions for the years 1892 and 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Reports of County Superintendents: Statistics 1892-1893, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Seventeenth Biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendent and Treasurer of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Mount Pleasant for the Fiscal years 1892 and 1893, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Seventh Annual Report of the State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Seventh Biennial Report of the Commissioners of Pharmacy for the State of Iowa, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Tenth Biennial Report of the Fish Commission of the State of Iowa 1892-93, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Tenth Biennial Report of the Visiting Committee to the Hospital for the Insane, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Third Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Clarinda for the fiscal year 1892 and 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Twenty Fourth Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance, 1893. Governor's Office

6 March 1893

(1893) Twenty Second Annual Report of the Assessed Valuation of Railroad Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State, March 6, 1893. Governor's Office

June 1893

(1893) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the Transactions of the Land Department for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1893. Governor's Office

30 June 1893

(1893) Biennial Report of the Treasurer of State of Iowa for the Biennial Report period ending June 30, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Biennial Report of the Warden of the Penitentiary at Anamosa to the Governor of Iowa June 30, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Biennial Report of the Warden of the Penitentiary at Fort Madison to the Governor of Iowa June 30, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Eleventh Biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendent, Steward and Treasurer of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Independence for the period ending June 30, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Fifth Biennial Report of the State Inspector of Oils to the Governor of Iowa June 30, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) First Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Industrial Home for the Blind to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the Fiscal year ending June 30, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Fourteenth Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Soldiers' Orphans' Home and Home for Indigent Children, June 30, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Ninth Annual Report of the State Veterinary Surgeon of the State of Iowa for the year ending June 30, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Seventh Biennial Report of the Board Health of the State of Iowa for the fiscal period ending June 30, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Sixth Biennial Report of the State Mine Inspectors to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the two year ending June 30, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Thirteenth Biennial Report of the Trustees of the Iowa Industrial School to the Governor of the State of Iowa and Members of the General Assembly for the Fiscal Term Ending, June 30, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Twentieth Biennial Report of the Iowa School for the Deaf at Council Bluffs to the Governor of the State for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1893. Governor's Office

1 July 1893

(1893) Biennial Report of the Auditor of State to the Governor of the State of Iowa, July 1, 1893. Governor's Office

(1893) Biennial Report of the State Librarian to the Governor of the State of Iowa, July 1, 1893. Governor's Office

October 1893

(1893) Report of the State University of Iowa October 1, 1893. Governor's Office

30 November 1893

(1893) Report of the Adjutant General to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the Biennial period ending November 30, 1893. Governor's Office


(1894) Annual Reports of the Board of Dental Examiners of the State of Iowa for the years ending November 15, 1892 and 1893, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Biennial Report of the Iowa Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument Commission for 1892-93, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Eighth Annual Report of the State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1894, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Commissioners of the Iowa Soldiers' Home to the Twenty Fifth General Assembly with Report of the Commandant, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Inspectors of Steamboats to the Governor of Iowa, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Fifth General Assembly of the Hospital for the Insane located at Clarinda, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to Visit the Hospital of the Insane located at Independence, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to Visit the Hospital of the Insane located at Mount Pleasant, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to Visit the Industrial Home for the Blind located at Knoxville, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to Visit the Iowa Soldiers' Home located at Marshalltown, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Agricultural College located at Ames, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the College for the Blind located at Vinton, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Industrial School for Girls located at Mitchellville, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Industrial School for boys located at Eldora, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Institution for Feeble Minded Children located at Glenwood, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Iowa School for the Deaf located at Council Bluffs, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Penitentiary located at Anamosa, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Penitentiary located at Fort Madison, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Soldiers' Orphans Home located at Davenport, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the State Normal School located at Cedar Falls, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Seventeenth Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending, June 30, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Tenth Annual Report of the State Veterinary Surgeon of the State of Iowa for the year ending June 30, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Twenty Fifth Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance, 1894. Governor's Office

(1894) Twenty First Biennial Report of the College for the Blind located at Vinton, Benton County to the Governor of Iowa, 1893. Governor's Office

January 1894

(1894) Biennial Message of Horace Boies Governor of Iowa to the Twenty Fifth General Assembly, January, 1894. Governor's Office

1 January 1894

(1894) Report of the Governor of Iowa of the Pardons Commutations, Suspensions of Sentence and Remissions of Fines form January 20, 1892 to January 1, 1894. Governor's Office

8 January 1894

(1894) Report of the Custodian of Public Buildings and Property to the Governor of Iowa the year 1892 and 1893, January 8, 1894. Governor's Office

11 January 1894

(1894) Inaugural Address of Frank D. Jackson Governor of Iowa delivered at his Inauguration, January 11, 1894. Governor's Office

5 March 1894

(1894) Twenty Third Annual Report of the Assessed Valuation of Railroad Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State, March 5, 1894. Governor's Office

30 June 1894

(1894) Sixteenth Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending June 30, 1893. Governor's Office

17 October 1894

(1894) Twenty First Annual Meeting of the Iowa Improved Stock Breeders' Association held at Agricultural College Ames Iowa, October 17 and 18, 1894. Governor's Office


(1895) Eighteen Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending, June 30, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Eighteenth Biennial Report of the Trustees Superintendent and Treasurer of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Mount Pleasant for the Fiscal years 1894 and 1895, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Eighth Biennial Report of the Commissioners of Pharmacy for the State of Iowa, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Eleventh Biennial Report of the Fish Commission of the State of Iowa 1894-1895, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Fourth Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Clarinda for the years 1894 and 1895, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Ninth Annual Report of the State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Report of the Code Commission to Accompany the code as reported to the Twenty Sixth General Assembly of Iowa, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Report of the Commissioners of the Iowa Soldiers' Home to the Twenty Sixth General Assembly with Report of the Commandant, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Report of the Secretary of State relating to Criminal Convictions for the years 1894 and 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Rules and Standing Committees of the Twenty Sixth General Assembly, 1896. Governor's Office

(1895) Second Biennial Report of the Historical Department of Iowa, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Sixth Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the State of Iowa 1894-95, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Tenth Biennial Report of the Trustees Superintendent and Treasurer of the Iowa Institution for Feeble Minded Children at Glenwood, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Third Biennial Report of the Iowa Soldiers and Sailors Monument Commission for 1894-1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Twenty Second Biennial Report of the College for the Blind located at Vinton, Benton County to the Governor of Iowa, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Twenty Seventh Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance, 1896. Governor's Office

(1895) Twenty Sixth Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) United State Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau Annual Report of the Iowa Weather and Crop Service for the Year, 1895. Governor's Office

16 January 1895

(1895) Report by the Governor of Iowa of Pardons, Commutations, Suspension of Sentence, and Remissions of Fines from January 11, 1894 to January 16, 1896. Governor's Office

2 March 1895

(1895) Twenty Fifth Annual Report of the Assessed Valuation of Railroad Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State, March 2, 1896. Governor's Office

4 March 1895

(1895) Twenty Fourth Annual Report of the Assessed Valuation of Railroad Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State, March 4 1895. Governor's Office

29 June 1895

(1895) Sixth Biennial Report of the State Inspector of Oils to the Governor of Iowa, June 29, 1895. Governor's Office

30 June 1895

(1895) Biennial Report of the Treasurer of State of Iowa for the Biennial Period ending, June 30, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Biennial Report of the Warden of the Penitentiary at Fort Madison to the Governor of Iowa, June 30, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Eighth Biennial Report of the Board of Health of the State of Iowa for the fiscal period ending, June 30, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Eleventh Annual Report of the State Veterinary Surgeon of the State of Iowa for the year ending, June 30, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Fifteenth Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Soldiers' Orphans' Home and for Indigent Children, June 30, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Fourteen Biennial Report to the Trustees of the Industrial School for the fiscal term ending June 30, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Second Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Industrial Home for Blind to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Seventh Biennial Report of the State Mine Inspectors to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the Two year ending, June 30, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Twelfth Biennial Report of the Warden of the Penitentiary at Anamosa Iowa with the Reports of the Officers of the Institution to the Governor of Iowa for the two year ending, June 30, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Twenty First Biennial Report of the Iowa School for the Deaf at Council Bluffs to the Governor of Iowa for the two year ending, June 30, 1895. Governor's Office

1 July 1895

(1895) Biennial Report of the Auditor of State to the Governor of Iowa July 1, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Biennial Report of the State Librarian to the Governor of the State of Iowa, July 1, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the Transactions of the Land Department, July 1, 1895. Governor's Office

31 August 1895

(1895) Report of the Trustees and Superintendent of Benedict Home to the Governor for the Biennial Term ending, August 31, 1895. Governor's Office

(1895) Twentieth Biennial Report of the Board of Curators of the State Historical Society to the Governor of the State, 1895. Governor's Office

31 October 1895

(1895) Twenty Second Annual Meeting of the Iowa Improved Stock Breeders' Association held at Osage, October 30 and 31, 1895. Governor's Office

30 November 1895

(1895) Report of the Adjutant General to the Governor of the State of Iowa for Biennial period ending November 30, 1895. Governor's Office

3 December 1895

(1895) Report of the Shiloh Battlefield Commission to the Governor of Iowa, December 3, 1895. Governor's Office


(1896) Joint Commission of the Twenty Sixth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Iowa Soldiers' Home located at Marshalltown, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Report of the Commissioners appointed by the Governor of Iowa in pursuance of "an Act to provide for the proper internment of the remains of pioneers on Okoboji and Spirit Lakes, massacred by the Sioux Indians in 1857, and for the erection of a commemorative monument." 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Report of the Iowa Commissioners with the Twenty Fifth General Assembly and Park Regulations by the Secretary of War and the United States Commission, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Report of the Joint Committee for the Twenty Sixth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Penitentiary located at Anamosa, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Sixth Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Hospital for the Insane located at Clarinda, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Sixth Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Industrial Home for the Blind located at Knoxville, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Sixth Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Soldiers' Orphans' Home located at Davenport, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Sixth General Assembly of State of Iowa appointed to visit the Industrial School for Girls located at Mitchellville, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Sixth General Assembly of State of Iowa appointed to visit the Industrial School of Boys located at Eldora, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Sixth General Assembly of State of Iowa appointed to visit the Penitentiary located to Fort Madison, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Sixth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to the visit the School for the Deaf located at Council Bluffs, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Sixth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Benedict Home located at Des Moines, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Sixth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Hospital for the Insane located at Mount Pleasant, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Sixth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Institution for Feeble Minded Children located at Glenwood, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Sixth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the State Fish Hatchery located at Spirit Lake, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Seventh Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor and Statistics for the State of Iowa 1895-1896, 1897. Governor's Office

(1896) Special Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Sixth Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Hospital for the Insane located at Independence, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Special Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Sixth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Agricultural College located at Ames, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Special Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Sixth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the College for the Blind located at Vinton, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Special Report of the Joint Committee of the Twenty Sixth General Assembly of the State of Iowa appointed to visit the Hospital for the Insane located at Independence, 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Tenth Annual Report of the State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1896. Governor's Office

January 1896

(1896) Biennial Message of Frank D. Jackson, Governor of Iowa to the Twenty Sixth General Assembly, January 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Report of the Custodian of Public Buildings and Property to the Governor of Iowa for the year 1894 and 1895, January 1, 1896. Governor's Office

14 January 1896

(1896) Report of the Battle Flag Committee appointed by the Twenty Fourth General Assembly to provide cases and transfer the Iowa Battle Flags for the Arsenal to the State Capital, January 14, 1896. Governor's Office

16 January 1896

(1896) Inaugural Address of Francis M. Drake Governor of Iowa delivered at his Inauguration, January 16, 1896. Governor's Office

30 June 1896

(1896) Nineteenth Annual of the Board of Railroad Commission for the year ending, June 30 1896. Governor's Office

(1896) Ninth Biennial Report of the Board of Health of the State of Iowa for the Fiscal Period ending June 30, 1897. Governor's Office

9 December 1896

(1896) Twenty Third Annual Meeting of the Iowa Improved Stock Breeders' Association held at Fairfield Iowa, December 9 and 10, 1896. Governor's Office


(1897) Biennial Report of the Visiting Committee to the Iowa Hospital for the Insane, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Eleventh Annual Report of the State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Eleventh Biennial Report of the State Normal School at Cedar Falls school years 1895-96 and 1897-98, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Eleventh Biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendent and Treasurer of the Iowa Institution for Feeble Minded Children at Glenwood, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Nineteenth Biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendent and Treasurer of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Mount Pleasant for the Fiscal Years 1896 and 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Ninth Biennial Report of the Commissioners of Pharmacy for the State of Iowa, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Report of Statistics of County Superintendents 1896-1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Report of the Commissioners of the Iowa Soldiers' Home to the Twenty Seventh General Assembly including the period from June 30, 1895 to July 1, 1897 with Report the Commandant, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Report of the Secretary of State relating to Criminal Convictions for the Years 1868 and 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Second Report of the Board of Commissioners for the erection of the Hospital for the Insane at Cherokee, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Third Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Industrial Home for Blind to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the Biennial Period ending, June 30, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Twelfth Biennial Report of the Fish Commission of the State of Iowa 1896-1897, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Twenty Eighth Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Twenty Third Biennial Report of the College for the Blind located at Vinton, Benton County to the Governor of the State of Iowa, 1897. Governor's Office

1 January 1897

(1897) Report of the Custodian of Public Buildings and Property to the Governor of Iowa for the years 1896 and 1897, January 1, 1898. Governor's Office

25 March 1897

(1897) Twenty Sixth Annual Report of the Assessed Valuation of Railroad Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State March 25, 1897. Governor's Office

30 June 1897

(1897) Biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendent and Treasurer of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Mount Pleasant, June 30, 1918. Governor's Office

(1897) Biennial Report of the Warden of the Penitentiary at Fort Madison to the Governor of Iowa, June 30, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Eighth Biennial Report of the Mine Inspectors to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the Two yeas ending June 30, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Fifteenth Biennial Report the Trustees of the Iowa Industrial School embracing reports from the Superintendent of the Boys Department at Eldora the Superintendent of the Girls Department at Mitchellville and the Trustees of the Board to the Governor of the State of Iowa and to the Members of the Twenty Seventh General Assembly, June 30, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) First Biennial Report of the State Veterinary Surgeon of the State of Iowa following the Eleventh Annual Report to the Governor of Iowa for the year ending, June 30, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Sixteenth Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Soldiers' Orphans' Home and Home for Indigent Children, June, 30 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Thirteenth Biennial Report of the Trustees, Superintendent, Steward and Treasurer of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Independence for the period ending, June 30, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Thirteenth Biennial Report of the Warden of the Penitentiary at Anamosa Iowa with the Report of the Officers of the Institution to the Governor of Iowa for two year ending, June 30, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Twentieth Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commission for the year ending, June 30, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Twenty Second Biennial Report of the Iowa School for the Deaf Council Bluffs to the Governor of the State for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Twenty Sixth Biennial Report of the State Librarian to the Governor of Iowa embracing the period from July 1, 1895 to June 30, 1897. Governor's Office

1 July 1897

(1897) Biennial Report of the Auditor of the State to the Governor of Iowa, July 1, 1897. Governor's Office

15 October 1897

(1897) Report of the State University of Iowa, October 15, 1897. Governor's Office

1 November 1897

(1897) Biennial Report of the Superintendent of Public Instructions of the State of Iowa, November 1, 1897. Governor's Office

(1897) Third Biennial Report of the Historical Department of Iowa made to the Trustees of the State Library, November 1, 1897. Governor's Office

30 November 1897

(1897) Report of the Adjutant General to the Governor of the State of Iowa for Biennial period ending November 30, 1897. Governor's Office

9 December 1897

(1897) The Twenty Fourth Annual Meeting of the Iowa Improved Stock Breeders' Association held at West Liberty Iowa, December 8 and 9, 1897. Governor's Office


(1898) Annual Report of the Attorney General of the State of Iowa transmitted to the Governor, January, 1898. Governor's Office

(1898) Report of the State Inspector of Oils 1895-1897, 1898. Governor's Office

(1898) Rules and Standing Committees of the Twenty Seventh General Assembly, 1898. Governor's Office

(1898) Twenty Ninth Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance, 1898. Governor's Office

(1898) United States Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau Annual Report of the Iowa Weather and Crop Service for the year 1896, 1898. Governor's Office

(1898) United States Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau Annual Report of the Iowa Weather and Crop Service for the year 1898-1901, 1898. Governor's Office

13 January 1898

(1898) Biennial Message of Francis M. Drake Governor of the State of Iowa to the Twenty Seventh General Assembly, January, 1898. Governor's Office

(1898) Inaugural Address of Leslie M. Shaw Fifteenth Governor of the State of Iowa delivered Thursday, January 13, 1898. Governor's Office

(1898) Report by the Governor of Iowa Pardons, Suspensions of Sentence, Commutations and Remission of Fines from January 16, 1896 to January 13, 1898. Governor's Office

25 March 1898

(1898) Twenty Seventh Annual Report of the Assessed Valuation of Railroad Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State March 25, 1898. Governor's Office

30 June 1898

(1898) Biennial Report of the Treasurer of State Of Iowa for the Biennial period ending, June 30, 1897. Governor's Office

(1898) Fifth Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Clarinda for the fiscal term ending, June 30, 1897. Governor's Office

1 July 1898

(1898) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the Transactions of the Land Department, July 1, 1897. Governor's Office


(1899) Biennial Report: of the Superintendent of the Iowa College for the Blind, 1899. Governor's Office


(1901) Twenty-Third Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending June 30, 1900, 1901. Cultural Affairs, Department of


(1902) Sixteenth Annual Report of the State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1902. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1902) Tenth Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the State of Iowa 1901-1902. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1902) Thirty-Third Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance Volume I, 1902. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1902) Thirty-Third Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance Volume II: Life, 1902. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1902) Twenty Fourth Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending June 30, 1901, 1902. Cultural Affairs, Department of


(1903) Thirty Fourth Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance Life, Volume II, 1903. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1903) Thirty Fourth Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance other than Life, Volume I, 1903. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1903) Twelve Biennial Report of the Commissioners of Pharmacy for the State of Iowa, 1903. Cultural Affairs, Department of

30 June 1903

(1903) Biennial Report of the Treasurer of the State of Iowa for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1903. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1903) Twelfth Biennial Report of the Board of Health of the State of Iowa for the period ending June 30, 1903. Cultural Affairs, Department of


(1904) Eighteen Annual Report of the State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1904, 1904. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1904) First Report of the Iowa Library Commission 1900-1903, 1904. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1904) Thirty Fifth Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance other then Life, Volume I, 1904. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1904) Thirty Five Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance other than Life, Volume I, 1904. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1904) Thirty Five Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Life Insurance, Volume II, 1904. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1904) United States Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau Annual Report of the Iowa Weather and Crop Service for the year 1903-1904, 1904. Governor's Office


(1905) Conditions and Needs of Iowa Rural Schools John F Riggs Superintendent of Pubic Instruction, 1905. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1905) Second Report of the Iowa Library Commission 1903-1905, 1905. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1905) State of Iowa Department of Public Instruction Des Moines Superintendent of Public Instruction John F Riggs, 1905. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1905) Thirteenth Biennial Report of the Commissioners of Pharmacy for the State of Iowa, 1905. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1905) Thirty Sixth Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance Life: Volume II, 1905. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1905) Thirty Sixth Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance other then life: Volume I, 1905. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1905) Twelfth Biennial Report of the State Mine Inspectors for the Two Years ending June 30, 1905 to the Governor of the State of Iowa printed by order of the General Assembly, 1905. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1905) United States Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau Annual Report of the Iowa Weather and Crop Service for the year 1902-1905, 1905. Governor's Office

30 June 1905

(1905) Fourth Biennial Report of the Board of Control of State Institutions of Iowa for the Biennial Period ending June 30, 1905. Cultural Affairs, Department of

30 November 1905

(1905) Biennial Report of the Adjunct General of the State of Iowa for the Biennial Period ending November 30, 1905. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1905) Eleventh Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the State of Iowa for 1903-1904, 1905. Cultural Affairs, Department of


(1906) Annual Report of the Auditor of the State to the Governor of Iowa, July 1, 1906. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1906) Biennial Report of the Treasurer of State of Iowa for the year ending June 30, 1906. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1906) Fifth Biennial Report of the Board of Control of State Institutions of Iowa for the years ending June 30, 1906. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1906) Nineteenth Annual Report of the State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1905, 1906. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1906) Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Iowa for the period ending November 30, 1906. Governor's Office

(1906) Report of the Inspectors of Steamboats to the Governor of Iowa, 1905. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1906) The Robert Lucas Journal of the War of 1812 During the Campaign Under General William Hall,1906. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1906) The Robert Lucas journal of the war of 1812 during the campaign under General William Hall,1906. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1906) Rules and Standing Committees of the Thirty-first General Assembly, 1906. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1906) Thirteenth Report of the State Mine Inspectors for the year ending June 30, 1906 to the Governor of the State of Iowa, 1906. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1906) Thirty Seventh Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance Life: Volume II, 1906. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1906) Thirty Seventh Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance other then Life: Volume I, 1906. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1906) Twenty-Ninth Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending June 30, 1906. Cultural Affairs, Department of

30 June 1906

(1906) Fifth Biennial Report of the Board of Control of State Institutions of Iowa for the year ending June 30, 1906. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1906) Thirteenth Report of the Board of Health of the State of Iowa for the Period Ending June 30, 1906. Cultural Affairs, Department of

31 October 1906

(1906) Eighth Biennial Report of the Historical Department of Iowa made to the Trustees of the State Library and Historical Department October 31, 1906. Cultural Affairs, Department of


(1907) Report by the Governor of Iowa of Pardons Suspension and Commutations of Sentences and Remissions of Fines from January 1,1906 to December 31, 1906, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) Report of Inspectors of Oils 1905-1906 compiled by W.B. Martin Secretary of State, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) Report of the Board of Dental Examiners of the State of Iowa 1906, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) Report of the Secretary of State relating to Criminal Convictions for the year 1906, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the Transactions of the Land Department July 1, 1905 to June 30, 1906, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) Second Annual Report of the Iowa State Highway Commission made to the Governor of Iowa for the year ending July 1, 1906, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) Seventeenth Biennial Report of the State Fish and Game Warden to the Governor of the State of Iowa 1906, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) Sixteen Biennial Report of the Iowa State Normal School at Cedar Falls Iowa School Year 1905-1906, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) State of Iowa Department of Public Instruction Des Moines, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) Third Annual Report of the Iowa Library Commission 1905-1906, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) Thirty-First Biennial Report of the State Librarian to the Governor of the State of Iowa July 1, 1906, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) Twelfth Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the State of Iowa Under Act of the Thirty-first General Assembly for the year 1905, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) Twentieth Annual Report of the State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1906, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) Twenty-Second Report of the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts made to the Governor of Iowa for the Period July 1, 1905 to June 30, 1906, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) U.S. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau in Co-operation with the Iowa Weather and Crop Service Annual Report for 1906, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

January 1907

(1907) Message of Albert B. Cummins Governor of the State of Iowa to the Thirty-Second General Assembly January, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

1 January 1907

(1907) Report of the Custodian of Public Buildings and Property to the Governor of Iowa for the year 1906, January 1, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the Number of Documents and Publications on hand January 1, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) Twenty Sixth Biennial Report of the Board of Curators of the State of Historical Society of Iowa to the Governor of the State 1906, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

17 January 1907

(1907) Inaugural Address of Albert B Cummins Governor of the State of Iowa delivered January 17, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

12 July 1907

(1907) The State University of Iowa: Iowa City Twenty-Fifth Report of the Board of Regents to the Governor and the Thirty-Second General Assembly 1905-1906, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1907) Thirty-Sixth Annual Report of the Assessed Valuation of Railroad Equipment and Express Companies' Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State July 12, 1907. Cultural Affairs, Department of


(1908) Autobiography of John Chambers, 1908. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1908) Biennial Report of Oil Inspectors including Receipts and Expenditures 1906-1908, 1908. Governor's Office

(1908) Biennial Report of the Auditor of State to the Governor of Iowa July 1, 1908. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1908) Eighteenth Biennial Report of the State Fish and Game Warden to the Governor of the State of Iowa 1907-1908, 1908. Governor's Office

(1908) Fourteenth Biennial Report of the Commissioners of Pharmacy for the State of Iowa, 1908. Governor's Office

(1908) Fourteenth Biennial Report of the State Board of Health of the State of Iowa for the Fiscal Period ending June 30, 1908. Governor's Office

(1908) Fourteenth Biennial Report of the State Mine Inspectors for the Two years ending June 30, 1908 to the Governor of the State of Iowa, 1908. Governor's Office

(1908) Fourth Report of the Iowa Library Commission made to the Governor of Iowa 1906-1908, 1908. Governor's Office

(1908) Ninth Biennial Report of the Historical Department of Iowa made to the Trustees of the State Library and Historical Department, October 31, 1908. Governor's Office

(1908) Report of the Board of Dental Examiners of the State of Iowa, 1908. Governor's Office

(1908) Report of the Secretary of State relating to Criminal Convictions for the biennial period ending September 30, 1908. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1908) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the Transactions of the Land Department July 1, 1906 to June 30, 1908. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1908) Reports of the Inspectors of Boats to the Governor of Iowa and the Lists of Licenses Granted to engineers and pilots Upon the Inland Waters of Iowa 1907, 1908. Governor's Office

(1908) Seventeenth Biennial Report of the Iowa State Normal School at Cedar Falls Iowa for the School Year 1906-1907 and 1907-1908, 1908. Governor's Office

(1908) The State University of Iowa; Iowa City Twenty Sixth Report of the Board of Regents to the Governor and the Thirty-Third General Assembly, 1908. Governor's Office

(1908) Statement showing the Condition of Banks Incorporated Under the Laws of Iowa for the Biennial period ending June 3, 1908. Governor's Office

(1908) Twenty Seventh Biennial Report of the Board of Curators of the State Historical Society of Iowa to the Governor of the State, 1908. Governor's Office

(1908) Twenty-Third Biennial Report of the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts made to The Governor of Iowa for the Biennial Period July 1, 1906 to June 30, 1908. Governor's Office

(1908) U.S. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau in Co-Operation with the Iowa Weather and Crop Service Annual Report for 1907, 1908. Governor's Office

30 June 1908

(1908) Condition of the Treasury Part I: Amount of Funds in the State Treasury at the close the Fiscal Period, June 30, 1908. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1908) State of Iowa Department of Public Instruction Des Moines, Superintendent of Public Instruction John F. Riggs, June 30, 1908. Governor's Office

1 July 1908

(1908) Thirty-Second Biennial Report of the State Librarian to the Governor of the State of Iowa, July 1, 1908. Governor's Office

16 July 1908

(1908) Thirty Seventh Annual Report of the Assessed Valuation of Railroad, Equipment and Express Companies' Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State, July 16, 1908. Governor's Office


(1909) Fifth Report of the Iowa Library Commission made to the Governor of Iowa 1908-1910, 1909. Governor's Office

(1909) Report by the Governor of Iowa of Pardons Suspensions and Commutations of Sentence and Remissions of Fines for January 1, 1907 to December 3, 1908, 1909. Governor's Office

(1909) Report of the Custodian of Public Buildings and Property to the Governor of Iowa for the Biennial Period of 1907-1908, January 1, 1909. Governor's Office

(1909) Reports of the Inspectors of Boats to the Governor of Iowa and the Lists of Licenses Granted to engineers and pilots Upon the Inland Waters of Iowa 1908, 1909. Governor's Office

(1909) Sixth Biennial Report of the Veterinary Surgeon of the State of Iowa to the Governor of Iowa for the period ending June 30, 1908, 1909. Governor's Office

(1909) Third Annual Report of the Iowa State Highway Commission made to the Governor of Iowa for the years 1907 and 1908, 1909. Governor's Office

(1909) United States Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau Annual Report of the Iowa Weather and Crop Service for the year 1905-1909, 1909. Governor's Office

January 1909

(1909) Message of Warren Garst Governor of the State of Iowa to the Thirty-third General Assembly January, 1909. Cultural Affairs, Department of

1 January 1909

(1909) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the Number of Documents and Publications on hand January 1, 1909. Governor's Office

14 January 1909

(1909) Inaugural Address of Beryl F Carroll Governor of the State of Iowa delivered January 14, 1909. Cultural Affairs, Department of

21 July 1909

(1909) Thirty Eighth Annual Report of the Assessed Valuation of Railroad, Equipment and Express Companies' Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State, July 21, 1909. Governor's Office


(1910) Biennial Report of Adjutant General of the State of Iowa for the Biennial period ending November 30, 1910. Governor's Office

(1910) Biennial Report of Oil Inspections including Receipts and Expenditures 1908-1910, 1910. Governor's Office

(1910) Fifteenth Biennial Report of the State Mine Inspectors for the Two years ending June 30, 1910 to the Governor of the State of Iowa, 1910. Governor's Office

(1910) Nineteen Biennial Report of the State Fish and Game Warden to the Governor of the State of Iowa 1909-1910, 1910. Governor's Office

(1910) Twenty Eighth Biennial Report of the Board of Curators of the State Historical Society of Iowa to the Governor of the State, 1910. Governor's Office

(1910) Twenty Third Annual Report of the State Food And Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1909, 1910. Governor's Office

31 March 1910

(1910) Third Annual Report of the Department of Finance and Municipal Accounts: Auditor of the State Statistics of Cities and Towns of Iowa Fiscal Year ending March 31, 1910. Governor's Office

30 June 1910

(1910) Fifteenth Biennial Report of the State Board of Health of the State of Iowa for the Fiscal Period Ending June 30, 1910. Governor's Office

31 October 1910

(1910) Report of the Board of Dental Examiners of the State of Iowa, 1910. Governor's Office

(1910) Tenth Biennial Report of the Historical Department of Iowa made to the Trustees of the State Library and Historical Department, October 31, 1910. Governor's Office


(1911) U.S. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau in Co-operation with the Iowa Weather and Crop Service Annual Report for 1910, 1911. Governor's Office

January 1911

(1911) Biennial Message of the B.F. Carroll, Governor of Iowa, to the thirty-fourth General Assembly. Governor's Office

12 January 1911

(1911) Inaugural Address of the B.F. Carroll, Governor of Iowa, to the thirty-fourth General Assembly. Governor's Office

30 June 1911

(1911) Thirty Third Biennial Report of the State Librarian to the Governor of the State of Iowa July, 1 1910, 1911. Governor's Office


(1913) Second Annual Report of the State Bee Inspector to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1913, 1913. Governor's Office

(1913) Twenty Seventh Annual Report of the State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1913, 1913. Governor's Office

1 July 1913

(1913) Annual Report of the Treasurer of the State University of Iowa to the Iowa State Board of Education for the year1912-1913, July 1, 1913. Governor's Office

1 December 1913

(1913) Thirty Sixth Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending December 1, 1913. Governor's Office


(1914) Annual Report of the Secretary of the League of Iowa Municipalities for the year beginning September 1, 1912 and Ending August 31, 1913. Governor's Office

(1914) Biennial Report of Oil Inspections Including Receipts and Expenditures 1912-1914, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Biennial Report of the Department of Public Instruction to the Governor of Iowa for Period beginning July 1, 1912 and ending June 30, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) First Biennial Report of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the period ending June 30, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Forty Fifth Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance 1914 Volume I Fire, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Forty Fifth Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance 1914 Volume II Fraternal Beneficiary Societies, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Forty Fifth Annual Report of the Auditor of State of the State of Iowa on Insurance 1914 Volume II Life, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Forty Third Annual Report of the Taxable Valuation of Railroad Equipment and Express Companies' Property in the State of Iowa as fixed by the Executive Council of the State, July 21, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Report of the Board of Dental Examiners of the State of Iowa, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the Transactions of the Land Department July 1, 1912 to June 30, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Seventeenth Biennial Report of the Board of Pharmacy for the State of Iowa, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Seventeenth Biennial Report of the State Mine Inspectors for the Two Years ending June 30, 1914 to the Governor of the State of Iowa, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Sixteenth Biennial Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the State of Iowa for the Biennial Period 1912-1913, 2014. Governor's Office

(1914) Sixth Annual Report Department of Finance and Municipal Accounts Auditor of Iowa Statistics of Cities and Towns of Iowa Fiscal year ending March 31, 1913. Governor's Office

(1914) Tenth Biennial Report of the Attorney General of the State of Iowa December 31, 2014. Governor's Office

(1914) Third Annual Report of State Fire Marshal to the Governor of Iowa, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Third Annual Report of the State Bee Inspector to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1914, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Third Biennial Report of the Iowa Board of Parole relating to its Operations for July 1, 1912 to June 30, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Third Biennial Report of the Iowa State Board of Education to the Governor and the Thirty Sixth General Assembly for the Biennial Period ending June 30, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Thirtieth Biennial Report of the Board of Curators of the State Historical Society of Iowa to the Governor of the State, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Thirty Second Biennial Report of the College for the Blind Vinton Iowa, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Twenty Eighth Annual Report of the State Dairy Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the year 1914, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) U.S. Department of Agricultural Weather Bureau in Co-operation with the Iowa Weather and Crop Service Annual Report for 1913, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Workmen's Compensation Legal Opinions on Various Phases of the Iowa Workmen's Compensation Act, 1915. Governor's Office

13 January 1914

(1914) The History, The Need, The Cost, The Future of the State Capitol Grounds Extension authorized by the Thirty-fifth General Assembly, January 13, 1914. Governor's Office

1 June 1914

(1914) Biennial Report of the Auditor of State to the Governor of Iowa, July 1, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Twentieth Biennial Report of the Iowa State Teachers College Cedar Falls, 1914. Governor's Office

30 June 1914

(1914) Biennial Report of the Treasurer of State of Iowa for the Biennial Period Ending June 30, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Seventeenth Biennial Report of the State Board of Health of the State of Iowa for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2014. Governor's Office

(1914) Statement showing the Condition of Banks Incorporated Under the Law of Iowa for the Biennial Period ending June 30, 1914. Governor's Office

1 July 1914

(1914) Thirty Fifth Biennial Report of the State Librarian to the Governor of the State of Iowa July 1, 1914. Governor's Office

1 December 1914

(1914) Biennial Report of Adjutant General of the State of Iowa for the Biennial period ending December 1, 1914. Governor's Office

7 December 1914

(1914) Thirty Seventh Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the Year ending December 7, 1914. Governor's Office

31 December 1914

(1914) Report of the Iowa Board of Parole of Proceeding Under Provisions of Chapter 187 Acts of the Thirty-fifth General Assembly of Iowa Authorizing Sterilizations of Criminals Insane Idiots etc., December 31, 1914. Governor's Office

(1914) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the number of Documents and Publications on hand December 31, 1914. Governor's Office


(1915) First Annual Report of the Iowa State Highway Commission covering the periods April 9, 1913 to December 1, 1913 and December 1, 1913 to December, 1914, 1915. Governor's Office

(1915) Forty Sixth Annual Report of the Insurance Department of Iowa Volume I Fire Companies, 1915. Governor's Office

(1915) Forty Sixth Annual Report of the Insurance Department of Iowa Volume II Casualty and Miscellaneous, 1915. Governor's Office

(1915) Forty Sixth Annual Report of the Insurance Department of Iowa Volume III Life Including Fraternal Societies, 1915. Governor's Office

(1915) Fourth Annual Report of State Fire Marshal to the Governor of Iowa, 1915. Governor's Office

(1915) State of Iowa 1914 Report of the Veterinary Department for the Biennial Period July 1, 1912 to June 30, 1914, 1915. Governor's Office

(1915) Twelfth Biennial Report of the Historical Department of Iowa made to the Trustees of the State Library and Historical Department, October 31, 1915. Governor's Office

(1915) Twenty First Biennial Report of the State Fish and Game Warden to the Governor of the State of Iowa, 1915. Governor's Office

(1915) U.S. Department of Agricultural Weather Bureau in Co-operation with the Iowa Weather and Crop Service Annual Report for 1914, 1915. Governor's Office

January 1915

(1915) Biennial Message of George W Clarke Governor of Iowa to the Thirty Sixth General Assembly, January, 1915. Governor's Office

14 January 1915

(1915) Inaugural Address of George W Clarke Governor of the State of Iowa delivered January 14, 1915. Governor's Office

(1915) Seventh Report of the Iowa Library Commission made to the Governor of Iowa 1912-1914, 1914. Governor's Office

15 November 1921

(1921) Executive Order, November 15, 1921. Governor's Office

21 July 1925

(1925) Executive Order, July 21, 1925. Governor's Office

(1925) Executive Order, July 21, 1925. Governor's Office

(1925) Executive Order, July 21, 1925. Governor's Office


(1926) Fifty Years at the Teachers College, Historian and Personal Reminiscences by David Sands Wright, 1926. University of Northern Iowa

1 May 1927

(1927) Executive Order, May 1, 1927. Governor's Office

(1927) Executive Order, May 1, 1927. Governor's Office

(1927) Executive Order, May 1, 1927. Governor's Office

15 January 1929

(1929) Executive Order, January 15, 1929. Governor's Office

16 August 1933

(1933) Executive Order, August 16, 1933. Governor's Office

20 December 1934

(1934) Executive Order, December 20, 1934. Governor's Office

31 August 1935

(1935) Executive Order, August 31, 1935. Governor's Office

5 October 1935

(1935) Executive Order, October 5, 1935. Governor's Office

8 October 1935

(1935) Executive Order, October 8, 1935. Governor's Office

(1935) Executive Order, October 8, 1935. Governor's Office

10 January 1937

(1937) 1937 47th GA Inaugural Address by Governor Kraschel, January 10, 1937. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

26 February 1937

(1937) Executive Order, February 26, 1937. Governor's Office

12 January 1939

(1939) 1939 48th GA Inaugural Address by Governor Wilson, January 12, 1939. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

16 January 1941

(1941) 1941 49th GA Inaugural Address by Governor Wilson, January 16, 1941. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

5 March 1942

(1942) Executive Order, March 5, 1942. Governor's Office

14 January 1943

(1943) 1943 50th GA Inaugural Address by Governor Hickenlooper, January 14, 1943. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

11 January 1945

(1945) 1945 51th GA Inaugural Address by Governor Blue, January 11, 1945. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

1 June 1945

(1945) Executive Order, June 1, 1945. Governor's Office

1 July 1945

(1945) Executive Order, July 1, 1945. Governor's Office

23 April 1946

(1946) Executive Order, April 23, 1946. Governor's Office

14 June 1946

(1946) Executive Order, June 14, 1946. Governor's Office

9 August 1946

(1946) Executive Order, August 9, 1946. Governor's Office

16 January 1947

(1947) 1947 52th GA Inaugural Address by Governor Blue, January 16, 1947. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

13 January 1949

(1949) 1949 53rd GA Inaugural Address by Governor Beardsley, January 13, 1947. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

9 January 1951

(1951) Executive Order, January 9, 1951. Governor's Office

11 January 1951

(1951) 1951 54th GA Inaugural Address by Governor Beardsley, January 11, 1951. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

27 June 1952

(1952) Executive Order, June 27, 1952. Governor's Office

15 January 1953

(1953) 1953 55th GA Inaugural Address by Governor Beardsley, January 15, 1951. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

4 July 1953

(1953) Executive Order, July 4, 1953. Governor's Office

15 July 1953

(1953) Executive Order, July 15, 1953. Governor's Office

13 January 1955

(1955) 1955 56th GA Inaugural Address by Governor Hoegh, January 13, 1955. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

17 January 1957

(1957) 1957 57th GA Inaugural Address by Governor Loveless, January 17, 1957. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


(1959) County Salaries in Iowa, 1959. University of Iowa

15 January 1959

(1959) 1959 5th GA Inaugural Address by Governor Loveless, January 15, 1959. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

27 February 1961

(1961) Executive Order No. 1, February 27, 1961. Governor's Office

(1961) Executive Order No. 2, February 27, 1961. Governor's Office

1 March 1961

(1961) Executive Order No. 3, March 1, 1961. Governor's Office

30 March 1961

(1961) Executive Order No. 4, March 30, 1961. Governor's Office

11 April 1961

(1961) Executive Order No. 5, April 11, 1961. Governor's Office

21 February 1962

(1962) Executive Order No. 6, February 21, 1962. Governor's Office

3 April 1962

(1962) Executive Order No. 7, April 3, 1962. Governor's Office

17 January 1963

(1963) 1963 60th GA Inaugural Address by Governor Hughes, January 17, 1963. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


(1964) Executive Order Number One, May 1964. Governor's Office

(1964) Executive Order Number Three, October 1964. Governor's Office

(1964) Executive Order Number Two, October 1964. Governor's Office


(1966) Executive Order Number Five, June 1966. Governor's Office

(1966) Executive Order Number Four, June 1966. Governor's Office

(1966) Executive Order Number Six, November 1966. Governor's Office


(1967) Executive Order Number Eight, August 1967. Governor's Office

(1967) Executive Order Number Nine, October 1967. Governor's Office

(1967) Executive Order Number Seven, January 1967. Governor's Office


(1968) Executive Order Number Eleven, February 1968. Governor's Office

(1968) Executive Order Number Ten, February 1968. Governor's Office

(1968) Office Practice Manual: Office of the Governor, 1968. Governor's Office


(1969) Executive Order Number One, August 1969. Governor's Office


(1970) Executive Order Number Two, November 1970. Governor's Office


(1971) Executive Order Number Five, March 1971. Governor's Office

(1971) Executive Order Number Four, February 1971. Governor's Office

(1971) Executive Order Number Seven, March 1971. Governor's Office

(1971) Executive Order Number SixA, September 1971. Governor's Office

(1971) Executive Order Number Three, February 1971. Governor's Office


(1972) Executive Order Number Eight, April 1972. Governor's Office

(1972) Executive Order Number Eleven, September 1972. Governor's Office

(1972) Executive Order Number Fourteen, December 1972. Governor's Office

(1972) Executive Order Number Nine, April 1972. Governor's Office

(1972) Executive Order Number Six, January 1972. Governor's Office

(1972) Executive Order Number Ten, June 1972. Governor's Office

(1972) Executive Order Number Thirteen, October 1972. Governor's Office

(1972) Executive Order Number Thirteen, October 1972. Governor's Office

(1972) Executive Order Number Twelve, September 1972. Governor's Office

(1972) Thirtieth Biennial Report of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the period ending June 30, 1972. Inspections and Appeals, Department of


(1973) Executive Order Number Eighteen, December 1973. Governor's Office

(1973) Executive Order Number Fitteen, April 1973. Governor's Office

(1973) Executive Order Number Seventeen, november 1973. Governor's Office

(1973) Executive Order Number Sixteen, November 1973. Governor's Office

January 1973

(1973) Commission on Compensation, Expenses and Salaries of Elected State Officials: Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, January 1973. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


(1974) Executive Order Number Nineteen, February 1974. Governor's Office

(1974) Thirty-First Biennial Report of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the period ending June 30, 1974. Inspections and Appeals, Department of


(1975) Conoceme en Iowa: The Official Report of the Governor's Spanish Speaking Task Force, 1975. Governor's Office

(1975) Executive Order Number Twenty, December 1975. Governor's Office

May 1975

(1975) Report:Ansel Briggs Project, May 1975. Cultural Affairs, Department of


(1976) Executive Order Number Twenty One, April 1976. Governor's Office

(1976) Executive Order Number Twenty Two, December 1976. Governor's Office

(1976) Thirty-Second Biennial Report of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the period ending June 30, 1976. Inspections and Appeals, Department of


(1977) Executive Order Number Thirty, December 1977. Governor's Office

(1977) Executive Order Number Twenty Eight, November 1977. Governor's Office

(1977) Executive Order Number Twenty Five, July 1977. Governor's Office

(1977) Executive Order Number Twenty Four, June 1977. Governor's Office

(1977) Executive Order Number Twenty Nine, December 1977. Governor's Office

(1977) Executive Order Number Twenty Seven, September 1977. Governor's Office

(1977) Executive Order Number Twenty Six, July 1977. Governor's Office

(1977) Executive Order Number Twenty Three, April 1977. Governor's Office


(1978) Executive Order Number Thirty Four, November 1978. Governor's Office

(1978) Executive Order Number Thirty Four, November 1978. Governor's Office

(1978) Executive Order Number Thirty One, June 1978. Governor's Office

(1978) Executive Order Number Thirty Three, November 1978. Governor's Office

(1978) Executive Order Number Thirty Two, July 1978. Governor's Office

(1978) Thirty-Third Biennial Report of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the period ending June 30, 1978. Inspections and Appeals, Department of


(1979) Executive Order Number Thirty Five, June 1979. Governor's Office


(1980) Executive Order Number Thirty Eight, August 1980. Governor's Office

(1980) Executive Order Number Thirty Nine, August 1980. Governor's Office

(1980) Executive Order Number Thirty Seven, July 1980. Governor's Office

(1980) Executive Order Number Thirty Six, July 1980. Governor's Office

(1980) A Handbook for Iowa board and Commission Members prepared by the Volunteer Advisory Council, 1980. Governor's Office

(1980) Third Biennial Report of the Iowa State Historical Department, 1979-1980, 1980. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1980) Thirty-Fourth Biennial Report of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner to the Governor of the State of Iowa for the period ending June 30, 1980. Inspections and Appeals, Department of


(1981) Executive Order Number Forty One, July 1981. Governor's Office

(1981) Executive Order Number Forty, December 1981. Governor's Office

(1981) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Report, Decisions on Selected Cases, Volume 1, July 1, 1980-June 30, 1981. Inspections and Appeals, Department of

(1981) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Report, Decisions on Selected Cases, Volume II, July 1, 1981-June 30, 1982. Inspections and Appeals, Department of


(1982) Executive Order Number Forty Five, August 1982. Governor's Office

(1982) Executive Order Number Forty Four, July 1982. Governor's Office

(1982) Executive Order Number Forty Seven, December 1982. Governor's Office

(1982) Executive Order Number Forty Six, December 1982. Governor's Office

(1982) Executive Order Number Forty Three, July 1982. Governor's Office

(1982) Executive Order Number Forty Two, March 1982. Governor's Office


(1983) Executive Order Number Fifty One, January 1983. Governor's Office

(1983) Executive Order Number Fifty, January 1983. Governor's Office

(1983) Executive Order Number Five, October 25, 1983. Governor's Office

(1983) Executive Order Number Forty Eight, January 1983. Governor's Office

(1983) Executive Order Number Forty Nine, January 1983. Governor's Office

(1983) Executive Order Number Four, September 3, 1983. Governor's Office

(1983) Executive Order Number One, May 8, 1983. Governor's Office

(1983) Executive Order Number Seven, December 16, 1983. Governor's Office

(1983) Executive Order Number Six, November 23, 1983. Governor's Office

(1983) Executive Order Number Three, July 1, 1983. Governor's Office

(1983) Executive Order Number Two, July 1, 1983. Governor's Office

(1983) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Report, Decisions on Selected Cases, Volume III, July 1, 1982-June 30, 1983. Inspections and Appeals, Department of

(1983) Terrace Hill, the Home of Iowa's Governor, 1983. Cultural Affairs, Department of


(1984) Executive Order Number Eight, January 27, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Executive Order Number Eleven, March 30, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Executive Order Number Fifteen, January 29, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Executive Order Number Fourteen, September 21, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Executive Order Number Nine, February 8, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Executive Order Number Ten, March 22, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Executive Order Number Thirteen, September 21, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Executive Order Number Twelve, September 6, 1984. Governor's Office

(1984) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Report, Decisions on Selected Cases, Volume IV, July 1, 1983-June 30, 1984. Inspections and Appeals, Department of

January 1984

(1984) Report of the Governor's Committee on the Iowa Public Records Law, 1984. Governor's Office

February 1984

(1984) Iowa "50 States Project": A Review of the 1983 Code for Sexuality Discrimination, February 1984. Governor's Office


(1985) Eleventh Biennial Report of the Visiting Committee to the Hospitals for the Insane, 1985. Governor's Office

(1985) Executive Order Number Eighteen, July 9, 1985. Governor's Office

(1985) Executive Order Number Nineteen, September 18, 1985. Governor's Office

(1985) Executive Order Number Seventeen, May 10, 1985. Governor's Office

(1985) Executive Order Number Sixteen, May 10, 1985. Governor's Office

(1985) Executive Order Number Twenty One, December 24, 1985. Governor's Office

(1985) Executive Order Number Twenty, October 1, 1985. Governor's Office

(1985) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Decisions, Volume 1 no. 3, July 1, 1984-June 30, 1985. Inspections and Appeals, Department of

(1985) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Report, Decisions on Selected Cases, Volume I no. 1, July 1, 1984-June 30, 1985. Inspections and Appeals, Department of

21 December 1985

(1985) First Report of the Commissioners of the Iowa Hospital for the Insane at Cherokee Iowa for the period ending, December 21, 1985. Governor's Office


(1986) Executive Order Number Twenty Five, November 17, 1986. Governor's Office

(1986) Executive Order Number Twenty Four, July 11, 1986. Governor's Office

(1986) Executive Order Number Twenty Six, December 31, 1986. Governor's Office

(1986) Executive Order Number Twenty Three, June 9, 1986. Governor's Office

(1986) Executive Order Number Twenty Two, February 19, 1986. Governor's Office

(1986) Governor Branstad's Legislative Priorities, 1986. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(1986) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Decisions, Volume 2 no. 1, July 1, 1985-June 30, 1986. Inspections and Appeals, Department of


(1987) Executive Order Number Thirty One, June 29, 1987. Governor's Office

(1987) Executive Order Number Thirty Three, August 21, 1987. Governor's Office

(1987) Executive Order Number Thirty Two, July 7, 1987. Governor's Office

(1987) Executive Order Number Thirty, April 15, 1987. Governor's Office

(1987) Executive Order Number Twenty Eight, March 4, 1987. Governor's Office

(1987) Executive Order Number Twenty Nine, April 1, 1987. Governor's Office

(1987) Executive Order Number Twenty Seven, March 3, 1987. Governor's Office

(1987) Inaugural Program: State of Iowa, 1987. Governor's Office

(1987) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Decisions, Volume 3, 1987. Inspections and Appeals, Department of

(1987) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Decisions, Volume 4, 1987. Inspections and Appeals, Department of

(1987) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Report, Decisions of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner, 1987, Volume 1. Inspections and Appeals, Department of

(1987) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Report, Decisions of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner, 1987, Volume 2. Inspections and Appeals, Department of


(1988) Executive Order Number Thirty Five, September 27, 1988. Governor's Office

(1988) Executive Order Number Thirty Four, July 22, 1988. Governor's Office

(1988) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Decisions, Volume 1, July 1, 1987-June 30, 1988. Inspections and Appeals, Department of

January 1988

(1988) Overall Review of the Governor's FY 1989 Budget Recommendations, January 1988. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

June 1988

(1988) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Decisions, Volume 2, January-June, 1988. Inspections and Appeals, Department of

(1988) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Decisions, Volume 3, January-June, 1988. Inspections and Appeals, Department of


(1989) Executive Order Number Thirty Eight, March 17, 1989. Governor's Office

(1989) Executive Order Number Thirty Nine, September 12, 1989. Governor's Office

(1989) Executive Order Number Thirty Seven, Febraury 13, 1989. Governor's Office

(1989) Executive Order Number Thirty Six, Febraury 13, 1989. Governor's Office

(1989) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Decisions,, July 1, 1988-June 30, 1989. Inspections and Appeals, Department of

January 1989

(1989) Overall Review of the Governor's FY 1990 Budget Recommendations, January 1989. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

1 December 1989

(1989) Report of the Legislative Committee of the Iowa State Teachers' Association, December 1898. Governor's Office


(1990) Executive Order Number Forty One, November 6, 1990. Governor's Office

(1990) Executive Order Number Forty, November 1, 1990. Governor's Office

January 1990

(1990) State of Iowa FY 1991 Governor's Recommendations Summary, January 1990. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

30 June 1990

(1990) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Report, Decisions of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner, July 1, 1989 through June 30, 1990. Inspections and Appeals, Department of


(1991) Executive Order Number Forty Two, July 1991. Governor's Office

January 1991

(1991) State of Iowa FY 1992 Governor's Recommendations Summary, January 1991. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

May 1991

(1991) Commission on Compensation, Expenses and Salaries of Elected State Officials: Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, May 1991. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

30 June 1991

(1991) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Report, Decisions of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner, July 1, 1990 through June 30, 1991. Inspections and Appeals, Department of


(1992) Executive Order Number Forty Five, August 27, 1992. Governor's Office

(1992) Executive Order Number Forty Four, April 30, 1992. Governor's Office

(1992) Executive Order Number Forty Three, April 30, 1992. Governor's Office

January 1992

(1992) State of Iowa FY 1993 Governor's Recommendations Summary, January 1992. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

15 January 1992

(1992) Long Term Care Coordinating Unit Report to the Honorable Terry E. Branstad and the 74th General Assembly (2nd Session). January 1992. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)

30 June 1992

(1992) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Report, Decisions of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner, July 1, 1991 through June 30, 1992. Inspections and Appeals, Department of


(1993) Executive Order Number Forty Seven, March 29, 1993. Governor's Office

(1993) Executive Order Number Forty Six, January 5, 1993. Governor's Office

January 1993

(1993) State of Iowa FY 1994 Governor's Recommendations Summary, January 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

February 1993

(1993) Commission on Compensation, Expenses and Salaries of Elected State Officials: Final Report prepared by the Legislative Service Bureau, February 1993. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


(1994) Executive Order Number Fifty Four, December 23, 1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Executive Order Number Fifty One, May 19, 1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Executive Order Number Fifty Three, July 29, 1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Executive Order Number Fifty Two, July 1, 1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Executive Order Number Fifty, May 2, 1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Executive Order Number Forty Eight, February 1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Executive Order Number Forty Nine, March 4, 1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Iowa Program Initiatives, 1993-1994. Governor's Office

(1994) Montauk Historic Governor's Home: Built in 1874, 1994. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1994) Plum Grove Historic Home : Built in 1844, 1994. Cultural Affairs, Department of

January 1994

(1994) Summary of FY 1995 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 1994. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


(1995) Executive Order Number Fifty Eight, July 1, 1995. Governor's Office

(1995) Executive Order Number Fifty Five, June 22, 1995. Governor's Office

(1995) Executive Order Number Fifty Seven, June 28, 1995. Governor's Office

(1995) Executive Order Number Fifty Six, December 18, 1995. Governor's Office

January 1995

(1995) Summary of FY 1996 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 1995. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

February 1995

(1995) Plum Grove Historic Home : Built in 1844, 1995. Cultural Affairs, Department of


(1996) Executive Order Number Fifty Nine, September 30, 1996. Governor's Office

(1996) Executive Order Number Sixty One, 1997. Governor's Office

(1996) Executive Order Number Sixty, May 19, 1997. Governor's Office

January 1996

(1996) Summary of FY 1997 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 1996. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


(1997) Plum Grove Historic Home: Built in 1844, 1997. Cultural Affairs, Department of

January 1997

(1997) Summary of FY 1998 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 1997. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

15 January 1997

(1997) Long Term Care Coordinating Unit Report to the Honorable Terry E. Branstad and the 77th General Assembly (1st Session). January 15, 1997. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)


(1998) Commission News, Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service, Vol. 7, no. 7, 1998. Governor's Office

(1998) Executive Order Number Sixty Eight, November 23, 1998. Governor's Office

(1998) Executive Order Number Sixty Five, May 20, 1988. Governor's Office

(1998) Executive Order Number Sixty Four, May 18, 1998. Governor's Office

(1998) Executive Order Number Sixty Seven, August 21, 1998. Governor's Office

(1998) Executive Order Number Sixty Six, May 20, 1988. Governor's Office

(1998) Executive Order Number Sixty Three, Februray 10, 1998. Governor's Office

(1998) Executive Order Number Sixty Two, January 9, 1998. Governor's Office

January 1998

(1998) Summary of FY 1999 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 1998. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


(1999) Executive Order Number Eight, September 1999. Governor's Office

(1999) Executive Order Number Eleven, September 1999. Governor's Office

(1999) Executive Order Number Five, March 1999. Governor's Office

(1999) Executive Order Number Four, February 1999. Governor's Office

(1999) Executive Order Number Nine, September 1999. Governor's Office

(1999) Executive Order Number One, January 1999. Governor's Office

(1999) Executive Order Number Seven, September 1999. Governor's Office

(1999) Executive Order Number Six, April 1999. Governor's Office

(1999) Executive Order Number Ten, September 1999. Governor's Office

(1999) Executive Order Number Thirteen, December 1999. Governor's Office

(1999) Executive Order Number Three, February 1999. Governor's Office

(1999) Executive Order Number Twelve, September 1999. Governor's Office

(1999) Executive Order Number Two, February 1999. Governor's Office

(1999) Montauk Historic Governor's Home: Built in 1874, 1999. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1999) Plum Grove: Home of Iowa's First Territorial Governor, 1999. Cultural Affairs, Department of

January 1999

(1999) Summary of FY 2000 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 1999. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

15 January 1999

(1999) Long Term Care Coordinating Unit Report to the Honorable Thomas J. Vilsack and the 78th General Assembly (1st Session). January 15, 1999. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)


(2000) Executive Order Number Fifteen, March 2000. Governor's Office

(2000) Executive Order Number Fourteen, February 2000. Governor's Office

(2000) Executive Order Number Sixteen, March 2000. Governor's Office

(2000) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, Octber 2000. Governor's Office

January 2000

(2000) Summary of FY 2001 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 2000. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


(2001) Executive Order Number Eighteen, March 2001. Governor's Office

(2001) Executive Order Number Nineteen, May 2001. Governor's Office

(2001) Executive Order Number Seventeen, February 2001. Governor's Office

(2001) Executive Order Number Twenty, May 2001. Governor's Office

(2001) Executive Order Number Twenty-Four, November 2001. Governor's Office

(2001) Executive Order Number Twenty-One, July 2001. Governor's Office

(2001) Executive Order Number Twenty-Three, October 2001. Governor's Office

(2001) Executive Order Number Twenty-Two, October 2001. Governor's Office

(2001) Montauk Historic Governor's Home: Built in 1874, 2001. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(2001) Terrace Hill: Built in 1869, 2001. Cultural Affairs, Department of

January 2001

(2001) Summary of FY 2002 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 2001. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

15 January 2001

(2001) Senior Living Coordinating Unit Report to the Honorable Thomas J. Vilsack and the 80th General Assembly (1st Session). January 15, 2001. Aging, Department of (Elder Affairs, Department of)

February 2001

(2001) Plum Grove Historic Home : Built in 1844, 2001. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(2001) Plum Grove Historic Home : Built in 1844, February 2001. Cultural Affairs, Department of

14 March 2001

(2001) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report, March 14, 2001. Management, Department of

30 July 2001

(2001) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report, July 30, 2001. Management, Department of

(2001) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report. 2001. Management, Department of

7 December 2001

(2001) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report December 7, 2001. Management, Department of


(2002) Executive Order Number Twenty-Five, June 2002. Governor's Office

(2002) Executive Order Number Twenty-Six, June 2002. Governor's Office

January 2002

(2002) Summary of FY 2003 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 2002. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

21 February 2002

(2002) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report, February 21, 2002. Management, Department of

7 May 2002

(2002) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report, May 7, 2002. Management, Department of

6 September 2002

(2002) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report, September 6, 2002. Management, Department of


(2003) 2003 Proposals to the Governor and 80th General Assembly, January 2003. Human Rights, Department of

(2003) Executive Order Number Thirty, September 2003. Governor's Office

(2003) Executive Order Number Thirty-Four, December 2003. Governor's Office

(2003) Executive Order Number Thirty-One, October 2003. Governor's Office

(2003) Executive Order Number Thirty-Three, November 2003. Governor's Office

(2003) Executive Order Number Thirty-Two, November 2003. Governor's Office

(2003) Executive Order Number Twenty-Eight, July 2003. Governor's Office

(2003) Executive Order Number Twenty-Nine, August 2003. Governor's Office

(2003) Executive Order Number Twenty-Seven, February 2003. Governor's Office

January 2003

(2003) Summary of FY 2004 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 2003. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

17 January 2003

(2003) 2003 80th GA Inaugural Address by Governor Vilsack, January 17, 2003. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


(2004) Executive Order Number Thirty-Eight, October 2004. Governor's Office

(2004) Executive Order Number Thirty-Five, January 2004. Governor's Office

(2004) Executive Order Number Thirty-Seven, October 2004. Governor's Office

(2004) Executive Order Number Thirty-Six, June 2004. Governor's Office

(2004) Iowa Communications Interoperability Strategy, October 1, 2004. Governor's Office

January 2004

(2004) Summary of FY 2005 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 2004. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


(2005) Executive Order Number Forty, March 2005. Governor's Office

(2005) Executive Order Number Forty-Four, September 2005. Governor's Office

(2005) Executive Order Number Forty-One, April 2005. Governor's Office

(2005) Executive Order Number Forty-Three, July 2005. Governor's Office

(2005) Executive Order Number Forty-Two, July 2005. Governor's Office

(2005) Executive Order Number Thirty Nine, January 2005. Governor's Office

January 2005

(2005) Summary of FY 2006 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 2005. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


(2006) Executive Order Number Fifty, December 1, 2006. Governor's Office

(2006) Executive Order Number Fifty-One, December 8, 2006. Governor's Office

(2006) Executive Order Number Forty-Eight, June 2006. Governor's Office

(2006) Executive Order Number Forty-Five, January 2006. Governor's Office

(2006) Executive Order Number Forty-Nine, August 4, 2006. Governor's Office

(2006) Executive Order Number Forty-Seven, February 2006. Governor's Office

(2006) Executive Order Number Forty-Six, January 2006. Governor's Office

January 2006

(2006) Summary of FY 2007 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 2006. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


(2007) Executive Order Number Five, October 30, 2007. Governor's Office

(2007) Executive Order Number Four, October 26, 2007. Governor's Office

(2007) Executive Order Number One, January 27, 2007. Governor's Office

(2007) Executive Order Number Three, June 21, 2007. Governor's Office

(2007) Executive Order Number Two, February 28, 2007. Governor's Office

January 2007

(2007) Summary of FY 2008 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 2007. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

12 January 2007

(2007) 2007 82nd GA Inaugural Address by Governor Culver, January 12, 2007. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(2007) Governor Culver's Innaugural Speech, January 12, 2007. Governor's Office

30 January 2007

(2007) Governor Culver's Budget Address, January 30, 2007. Governor's Office

29 March 2007

(2007) Power Fund Rollout Address, March 29, 2007. Governor's Office

April 2007

(2007) One Iowa Report, April/May 2007. Governor's Office

June 2007

(2007) One Iowa Report, June/July 2007. Governor's Office

30 June 2007

(2007) Iowa Two-Year Strategic Plan for Wagner-Peyser and Workforce Investment Act Programs, July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2009. Iowa Workforce Development

27 August 2007

(2007) Livestrong Democratic Presidental Candidate Cancer Forum, August 27, 2007. Governor's Office

September 2007

(2007) One Iowa Report, September/October 2007. Governor's Office

November 2007

(2007) One Iowa Report, November/October 2007. Governor's Office


(2008) Iowa Budget Report, Building on our Progress: Protecting our Priorities, 2009. Management, Department of

January 2008

(2008) 2008 Condition of the State Address as Delivered, 2008. Governor's Office

(2008) Summary of FY 2009 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 2008. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

15 January 2008

(2008) 2008 Condition of the State Address as Delivered, January 15, 2008. Governor's Office

(2008) Governor Culver's Budget Address, January 15, 2008. Governor's Office

(2008) Governor Culver’s 2008 Condition of the State Address, January 15, 2008. Governor's Office

25 January 2008

(2008) Infonet, January 25, 2008, Issue 1. Governor's Office

3 February 2008

(2008) Infonet, February 22, 2008, Issue 3. Governor's Office

8 February 2008

(2008) Infonet, February 8, 2008, Issue 2. Governor's Office

21 February 2008

(2008) Executive Order Number Six, February 21, 2008. Governor's Office

7 March 2008

(2008) Infonet, March 7, 2008, Issue 4. Governor's Office

21 March 2008

(2008) Infonet, March 21, 2008, Issue 5. Governor's Office

4 April 2008

(2008) Infonet, April 4, 2008, Issue 6. Governor's Office

1 May 2008

(2008) Infonet, May 1, 2008, Issue 7. Governor's Office

15 June 2008

(2008) Infonet, June 15, 2008, Issue 8. Governor's Office

28 June 2008

(2008) Executive Order Number Seven, June 27, 2008. Governor's Office

16 July 2008

(2008) Executive Order Number Eight, July 16, 2008. Governor's Office

29 July 2008

(2008) Infonet, July 29, 2008, Issue 9. Governor's Office

15 September 2008

(2008) Infonet, September 15, 2008, Issue 10. Governor's Office

7 November 2008

(2008) Executive Order Number Nine, November 7, 2008. Governor's Office

23 November 2008

(2008) Infonet, November 23, 2008, Issue 11. Governor's Office

22 December 2008

(2008) Executive Order Number Ten, December 22, 2008. Governor's Office

31 December 2008

(2008) Infonet, December 31, 2008, Issue 12. Governor's Office

January 2009

(2009) Summary of FY 2010 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 2009. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

2 January 2009

(2009) Infonet, January 2, 2009, Issue 12. Governor's Office

13 January 2009

(2009) Governor Culver’s 2009 Condition of the State Address, January 13, 2009. Governor's Office

16 January 2009

(2009) Infonet, January 16, 2009, Issue. Governor's Office

31 January 2009

(2009) Infonet, January 31, 2009, Issue 2. Governor's Office

(2009) Infonet, January 31, 2009, Issue 2. Governor's Office

13 February 2009

(2009) Infonet, February 13, 2009, Issue 3. Governor's Office

17 February 2009

(2009) Executive Order Number Eleven, February 17, 2009. Governor's Office

27 February 2009

(2009) Infonet, February 27, 2009, Issue 4. Governor's Office

13 March 2009

(2009) Infonet, March 13, 2009, Issue 5. Governor's Office

20 March 2009

(2009) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report March 20, 2009. Management, Department of

14 April 2009

(2009) Executive Order Number Twelve, April 14, 2009. Governor's Office

1 May 2009

(2009) Infonet, May 1, 2009, Issue 7. Governor's Office

26 May 2009

(2009) Executive Order Number Thirteen, May 26, 2009. Governor's Office

2 June 2009

(2009) Infonet, June 2, 2009, Issue 8. Governor's Office

22 June 2009

(2009) Executive Order Number Fourteen, June 22, 2009. Governor's Office

15 July 2009

(2009) Executive Order Number Fifteen, July 15, 2009. Governor's Office

6 August 2009

(2009) Infonet, August 6, 2009, Issue 9. Governor's Office

20 August 2009

(2009) Executive Order Number Sixteen, August 20, 2009. Governor's Office

25 September 2009

(2009) Executive Order Number Eighteen, September 25, 2009. Governor's Office

(2009) Executive Order Number Seventeen, September 25, 2009. Governor's Office

30 September 2009

(2009) Infonet, September 30, 2009, Issue 10. Governor's Office

7 October 2009

(2009) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report October 7, 2009. Management, Department of

8 October 2009

(2009) Executive Order Number Nineteen, October 8, 2009. Governor's Office

23 November 2009

(2009) Infonet, November 23, 2009, Issue 11. Governor's Office

11 December 2009

(2009) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report December 11, 2009. Management, Department of

16 December 2009

(2009) Executive Order Number Twenty, December 16, 2009. Governor's Office

31 December 2009

(2009) Infonet, December 31, 2009, Issue 12. Governor's Office

12 January 2010

(2010) Governor Culver’s 2010 Condition of the State Address, January 12, 2010. Governor's Office

22 January 2010

(2010) Infonet, January 22, 2010, Issue 1. Governor's Office

27 January 2010

(2010) Iowa Budget Recommendations, FY 2011, January 27, 2010. Governor's Office

(2010) Iowa Program Budget and Summary, Fiscal Years 2012-2013, January 27, 2011. Governor's Office

1 February 2010

(2010) Executive Order Number Twenty-One, February 1, 2010. Governor's Office

(2010) Summary of FY 2011 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, February 1, 2010. Fiscal Services Division (Legislative Fiscal Bureau)

3 February 2010

(2010) Executive Order Number Twenty-Two, February 3, 2010. Governor's Office

5 February 2010

(2010) Infonet, February 5, 2010, Issue 2. Governor's Office

20 February 2010

(2010) Infonet, February 20, 2010, Issue 3. Governor's Office

8 March 2010

(2010) Infonet, March 8, 2010, Issue 4. Governor's Office

11 March 2010

(2010) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report March 11, 2010. Management, Department of

6 April 2010

(2010) Infonet, April 6, 2010, Issue 6. Governor's Office

(2010) Infonet, March 20, 2010, Issue 5. Governor's Office

9 April 2010

(2010) Executive Order Number Twenty-Three, April 9, 2010. Governor's Office

3 May 2010

(2010) Infonet, May 3, 2010, Issue 7. Governor's Office

28 May 2010

(2010) Executive Order Number Twenty-Four, May 28, 2010. Governor's Office

21 June 2010

(2010) Infonet, June 21, 2010, Issue 8. Governor's Office

(2010) Infonet, June 21, 2010, Issue 8. Governor's Office

6 August 2010

(2010) Executive Order Number Twenty-Five, August 6, 2010. Governor's Office

(2010) Executive Order Number Twenty-Six, October 14, 2010. Governor's Office

11 October 2010

(2010) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report October 11, 2010. Management, Department of

29 November 2010

(2010) Executive Order Number Twenty-Seven, November 29, 2010. Governor's Office

6 December 2010

(2010) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report December 6, 2010. Management, Department of


(2011) Executive Order Number Seventy Five, 2011. Governor's Office

11 January 2011

(2011) Governor Culver’s 2011 Condition of the State Address, January 11, 2011. Governor's Office

14 January 2011

(2011) 2011 84th GA Inaugural Address by Governor Branstad, January 14, 2011. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

(2011) Branstad Inaugural speech, January 14, 2011. Governor's Office

(2011) Executive Order Number Seventy, January 14, 2011. Governor's Office

(2011) Executive Order Number Sixty Nine, January 14, 2011. Governor's Office

27 January 2011

(2011) Program and Summary of Budget Fiscal Years 2012-2013, January 27, 2011. Governor's Office

31 January 2011

(2011) Summary of FY 2012 and FY 2013 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 31,2011. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

March 2011

(2011) Executive Order Number Seventy One, March, 2011. Governor's Office

25 March 2011

(2011) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report March 25, 2011. Management, Department of

4 April 2011

(2011) Executive Order Number Seventy Two, April 4, 2011. Governor's Office

May 2011

(2011) Executive Order Number Seventy Three, May, 2011. Governor's Office

26 June 2011

(2011) Executive Order Number Seventy Four, June 26, 2011. Governor's Office

24 October 2011

(2011) Executive Order Number Seventy Five, October 24, 2011. Governor's Office

December 2011

(2011) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report December 2011. Management, Department of

12 January 2012

(2012) Summary of FY 2013 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 12, 2012. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

March 2012

(2012) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report, March 2012. Management, Department of

26 March 2012

(2012) Executive Order Number Seventy Six, March 30, 2012. Governor's Office

11 May 2012

(2012) Executive Order Number Seventy Seven, May 11, 2012. Governor's Office

2 July 2012

(2012) Executive Order Number Seventy Eight, July 2, 2012. Governor's Office

20 August 2012

(2012) Executive Order Number Eighty August 20, 2012. Governor's Office

(2012) Executive Order Number Seventy Nine August 20, 2012. Governor's Office

11 October 2012

(2012) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report, October 11, 2012. Management, Department of

December 2012

(2012) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report December 2012. Management, Department of

17 January 2013

(2013) Summary of FY 2014 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 17, 2013. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

March 2013

(2013) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report, March 2013. Management, Department of

15 May 2013

(2013) Executive Order Number Eighty-One May 15, 2013. Governor's Office

20 August 2013

(2013) Executive Order Number Eighty-Two August 20, 2013. Governor's Office

10 October 2013

(2013) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report, October 10, 2013. Management, Department of

16 October 2013

(2013) Executive Order Number Eighty-Three October 16, 2013. Governor's Office

3 January 2014

(2014) The Revenue Estimating Conference (GFR) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report December 2013. Management, Department of

16 January 2014

(2014) Summary of FY 2015 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 16, 2014. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

17 February 2014

(2014) Executive Order Number Eighty-Four February, 2014. Governor's Office

20 March 2014

(2014) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report, March 20, 2014. Management, Department of

24 March 2014

(2014) Executive Order Number Eighty-Five March, 2014. Governor's Office

7 July 2014

(2014) National Service or Urban Service? The Decline of National Service in Non-Urban America White: Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service, July 7, 2014. Governor's Office

September 2014

(2014) Executive Order Number Eighty-Six September, 2014. Governor's Office

9 October 2014

(2014) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report, October 9, 2014. Management, Department of

14 October 2014

(2014) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report, October 14, 2014. Management, Department of

12 December 2014

(2014) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report December 12, 2014. Management, Department of

13 January 2015

(2015) Governor Branstad's 2015 Condition of the State Address, January 13, 2015. Governor's Office

15 January 2015

(2015) Summary of FY 2016 Budget and Governor's Recommendations, January 15, 2015. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

19 March 2015

(2015) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report, March 19, 2015. Management, Department of

9 November 2015

(2015) Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service: Safer Practices, November 9, 2015. Governor's Office

28 November 2015

(2015) Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service: Governor’s Council on National Service in Iowa FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS, November 28, 2015. Governor's Office

21 December 2015

(2015) Executive Order Number Eighty-Seven, August, 2016. Governor's Office

29 August 2016

(2016) Executive Order Number Eighty-Eight, August, 2016. Governor's Office

2 March 2017

(2017) Proclamation for brain injury awareness, March 2, 2017. Governor's Office

15 March 2017

(2017) The Revenue Estimating Conference (REC) Estimate of General Fund Receipts Report, March 15, 2017. Management, Department of

28 March 2017

(2017) Governor's Revised Budget Recommendations, FY2017, FY2018, FY2019, March 28, 2017. Management, Department of

24 May 2017

(2017) Oath of Office Speech of Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds, 2017. Governor's Office

20 September 2017

(2017) Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service: Days of Service Project Planning Kit, September 20, 2017. Governor's Office

29 January 2018

(2018) Executive Order Number One, January, 2018. Governor's Office

23 April 2018

(2018) Executive Order Number Two, April 23, 2018. Governor's Office

18 July 2018

(2018) Executive Order Number Three, July 18, 2018. Governor's Office

28 December 2018

(2018) Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service: Resource Guide for Communitites and Nonprofits, December 28,2018. Governor's Office

15 April 2019

(2019) Executive Order Number Four, April 15, 2019. Governor's Office

3 December 2019

(2019) Executive Order Number Five, December 3, 2019. Governor's Office

12 December 2019

(2019) Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service State Service Plan 2019-2022, December 12, 2019. Governor's Office

6 February 2020

(2020) Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service: Future Ready Iowa, February 6, 2020. Governor's Office

10 March 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, March 10, 2020. Governor's Office

13 March 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, March 13, 2020. Governor's Office

17 March 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, March 17, 2020. Governor's Office

19 March 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, March 19, 2020. Governor's Office

22 March 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, March 22, 2020. Governor's Office

24 March 2020

(2020) Guidelines for Volunteers and Volunteer Organizations During COVID-19 Outbreak in Iowa, March 24, 2020. Governor's Office

26 March 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, March 26, 2020. Governor's Office

31 March 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, March 31, 2020. Governor's Office

April 2020

(2020) Legal background briefing on: Proclamation of a State of Disaster Emergency. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

2 April 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, April 2, 2020. Governor's Office

6 April 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, April 6, 2020. Governor's Office

10 April 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, April 10, 2020. Governor's Office

16 April 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, April 16, 2020. Governor's Office

24 April 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, April 24, 2020. Governor's Office

27 April 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency:Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3, April 27, 2020. Governor's Office

6 May 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, May 6, 2020. Governor's Office

13 May 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, May 13, 2020. Governor's Office

20 May 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, May 20, 2020. Governor's Office

26 May 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, May 26, 2020. Governor's Office

10 June 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, June 10 2020. Governor's Office

12 June 2020

(2020) Updated FY2021 Governor's Budget Recommendations, June 12, 2020. Management, Department of

18 June 2020

(2020) Executive Order Number Six, June 18, 2020. Governor's Office

25 June 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, June 25, 2020. Governor's Office

17 July 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, July 17, 2020. Governor's Office

24 July 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, July 24, 2020. Governor's Office

5 August 2020

(2020) Executive Order Number Seven, August 5, 2020. Governor's Office

21 August 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, August 21, 2020. Governor's Office

27 August 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, August 27, 2020. Governor's Office

15 September 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, September 15, 2020. Governor's Office

19 September 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, September 19, 2020. Governor's Office

25 September 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, September 25, 2020. Governor's Office

2 October 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, October 2, 2020. Governor's Office

16 October 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, October 16, 2020. Governor's Office

10 November 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, November 10, 2020. Governor's Office

16 November 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, November 16, 2020. Governor's Office

18 November 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, November 18, 2020. Governor's Office

9 December 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, December 9, 2020. Governor's Office

14 December 2020

(2020) Proclamation of City of Des Moines: Proclamation Amendment, December 14, 2020. Governor's Office

16 December 2020

(2020) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, December 16, 2020. Governor's Office

7 January 2021

(2021) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, January 7, 2021. Governor's Office

5 February 2021

(2021) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, February 5, 2021. Governor's Office

17 February 2021

(2021) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, February 17, 2021. Governor's Office

5 March 2021

(2021) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, March 5, 2021. Governor's Office

10 March 2021

(2021) Executive Order Number Eight, March 10, 2021. Governor's Office

2 April 2021

(2021) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, April 2, 2021. Governor's Office

30 April 2021

(2021) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, April 30, 2021. Governor's Office

27 May 2021

(2021) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, May 27, 2021. Governor's Office

22 June 2021

(2021) Executive Order Number Nine, June 22, 2021. Governor's Office

23 July 2021

(2021) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, July 23, 2021. Governor's Office

27 July 2021

(2021) Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service: Gov. Reynolds Announces the 2021 Future Ready Iowa Summit: Transforming Education for the Workforce, July 27, 2021. Governor's Office

12 August 2021

(2021) Iowa Commission on Volunteer Service: Iowa Workforce Development Takes to the State Fair to Meet with Iowans, Highlight Tools to Enhance Iowa’s Workforce, August 12, 2021. Governor's Office

19 August 2021

(2021) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, August 19, 2021. Governor's Office

20 August 2021

(2021) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Increases to 4.1 Percent in July, Labor Participation Continues to Rise, August 20, 2021. Governor's Office

1 September 2021

(2021) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Falls to 4.0 percent in September, October 22, 2021. Iowa Workforce Development

(2021) Iowa Workforce Development: Unemployment Insurance Tax Rate Table Remains the Same for 2022, September 1, 2021. Governor's Office

14 September 2021

(2021) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa Workforce Development Announces Workforce Roundtables Roundtables with business and community leaders to be hosted at IowaWORKS offices and local community colleges, September 14, 2021. Governor's Office

17 September 2021

(2021) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Remains at 4.1 percent in August, September 17, 2021. Governor's Office

(2021) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, September 17, 2021. Governor's Office

15 October 2021

(2021) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, October 15, 2021. Governor's Office

12 November 2021

(2021) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, November 12, 2021. Governor's Office

15 November 2021

(2021) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa Recognizes National Apprenticeship Week, Emphasizes Workforce Solutions After Record Year of Growth with Apprenticeships, November 15, 2021. Iowa Workforce Development

19 November 2021

(2021) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa Opens Applications for Employer Innovation Grants, November 19, 2021. Iowa Workforce Development

(2021) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Drops to 3.9 percent in October, November 19, 2021. Iowa Workforce Development

21 November 2021

(2021) Iowa Workforce Development: Home Base Iowa Businesses Applauded by U.S. Department of Labor for Efforts to Hire Veterans, November 12, 2021. Iowa Workforce Development

December 2021

(2021) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa Workforce Development to Launch Reemployment Case Management in January, December 2021. Iowa Workforce Development

(2021) Iowa Workforce Development: The Workforce Wire, News, Events, and Success Stories about Workforce Programs in Iowa, December 2021. Iowa Workforce Development

10 December 2021

(2021) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, December 10, 2021. Governor's Office

16 December 2021

(2021) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, December 16, 2021. Governor's Office

17 December 2021

(2021) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Falls to 3.7 percent in November, December 17, 2021. Iowa Workforce Development


(2022) Iowa Budget Report FY2023, 2022. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

7 January 2022

(2022) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, January 7, 2022. Governor's Office

12 January 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: Governor Reynolds Awards $36.6 million in Child Care Grants Projects Will Create 5,191 New Child Care Slots Across the State, Removing Obstacles to Work, January 12, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

14 January 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development, January 14, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

25 January 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: Grant Opportunities Now Open for Summer Youth Internship Projects, February 1, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa Awards $1.4 million in Employer Innovation Fund Awards, January 27, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Decreases to 3.5 Percent in December, January 25, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

3 February 2022

(2022) Proclamation of Disaster Emergency, February 3, 2022. Governor's Office

16 February 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development, February 16, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

25 March 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Declines to 3.5 Percent in February, March 25, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

5 April 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: Governor Reynolds Awards $2.26 Million in Summer Youth Internship Grants, April 5, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

6 April 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: IowaWORKS Now Offering New Tech Training Opportunity for Dislocated Workers, April 6, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

7 April 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa Care Center Uses Grant-Built Lab to Train Certified Nursing Assistants, April 7, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

15 April 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa Workforce Development Receives SIDES Award for Integrity and Efficiency in Unemployment Insurance System, April 27, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Drops to 3.3 Percent in March Labor Force Participation Rises to 67.2 Percent, April 15, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

13 May 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Developments: IowaWORKS Helping Refugees Find Life-Long Careers in Cedar Rapids, May 13, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

20 May 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Developments: Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Falls to 3.0 Percent in April UI Claims at Their Lowest Level Since 1973, May 20, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

16 June 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Developments: Virtual Job Club: Expert Online Advice about Resumes, Interviews, Etc., June 16 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

27 June 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Developments: Website Remains Down Due to External, Vendor-Related Outage IWD Develops Temporary Solution to Avoid Delays in Unemployment Payments, June 27, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

July 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: The Workforce Wire, News, Events, and Success Stories about Workforce Programs in Iowa, July 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

13 July 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Developments: Iowa Workforce Development Awards Over $3.6 Million to Grow and Expand Registered Apprenticeship Programs Across Iowa, July 13, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

18 July 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Developments: Website Restored, Job and Work Search Services Resume, July 18, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

21 July 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Developments: Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Drops to Pre-Pandemic Rate of 2.6 Percent in June, July 21, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

August 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: IWD Receives $2.9M Federal Grant to Enhance Key Unemployment Services, August 31, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: IWD Veterans Honor Others' Service Through March in State Fair Parade, August 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

September 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: The Workforce Wire, News, Events, and Success Stories about Workforce Programs in Iowa, September 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

12 September 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: IWD Launching Business Engagement Division, Reaching Out to Build Business Relationships New Structure Will Focus on Helping Employers Find the Workforce Tools They Need, September 12, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Increases Slightly from 2.5 to 2.6 Percent in August, while U.S. Rate Jumped to 3.7, September 15, 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

20 September 2022

(2022) Fiscal Year 2021 and 2022 Report and Recommendations, Environmental Protection Commission, September 20, 2022. Governor's Office

October 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: The Workforce Wire, News, Events, and Success Stories about Workforce Programs in Iowa, October 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

21 October 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Increases Slightly, Labor Force Participation Holds Steady in September, October 21 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

November 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: The Workforce Wire, News, Events, and Success Stories about Workforce Programs in Iowa, November 2022. Iowa Workforce Development

December 2022

(2022) Iowa Workforce Development: Season's Greetings for IWD, December 2022. Iowa Workforce Development


(2023) Iowa Budget Report FY2024, 2023. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

10 January 2023

(2023) Executive Order Number Ten, January 10, 2023. Governor's Office

February 2023

(2023) Iowa Workforce Development: The Workforce Wire, News, Events, and Success Stories about Workforce Programs in Iowa, February 2023. Iowa Workforce Development

March 2023

(2023) Iowa Workforce Development: The Workforce Wire, News, Events, and Success Stories about Workforce Programs in Iowa, March 2023. Iowa Workforce Development

April 2023

(2023) Iowa Workforce Development: The Workforce Wire, News, Events, and Success Stories about Workforce Programs in Iowa, April 2023. Iowa Workforce Development

May 2023

(2023) Iowa Workforce Development: The Workforce Wire, News, Events, and Success Stories about Workforce Programs in Iowa, May 2023. Iowa Workforce Development

July 2023

(2023) Iowa Workforce Development: The Workforce Wire, News, Events, and Success Stories about Workforce Programs in Iowa, July 2023. Iowa Workforce Development

August 2023

(2023) Iowa Workforce Development: The Workforce Wire, News, Events, and Success Stories about Workforce Programs in Iowa, August 2023. Iowa Workforce Development

17 August 2023

(2023) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa’s Labor Force Participation Rate Returns to Pre-Pandemic Level Unemployment Rate Unchanged in July, August 17, 2023. Iowa Workforce Development

28 August 2023

(2023) Iowa Workforce Development: Unemployment Insurance Rates for Iowa Employers to Remain at Lowest-Possible Level in 2024, August 28, 2023. Iowa Workforce Development

31 August 2023

(2023) Iowa Workforce Development: Endowment focused on bringing people into rewarding careers in commercial construction, August 31, 2023. Iowa Workforce Development

September 2023

(2023) Iowa Workforce Development: The Workforce Wire, News, Events, and Success Stories about Workforce Programs in Iowa, September 2023. Iowa Workforce Development

15 September 2023

(2023) Iowa Workforce Development: Iowa’s Unemployment Rate Rises to 2.9 Percent in August Iowa Adds New Workers and 2,400 Jobs, September 15, 2023. Iowa Workforce Development

December 2023

(2023) Iowa Workforce Development: The Workforce Wire, News, Events, and Success Stories about Workforce Programs in Iowa, December 2023. Iowa Workforce Development


(2024) Iowa Budget Report FY2025, 2024. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)

8 January 2024

(2024) Preliminary Analysis of the Governor’s Budget and Recommendations FY2025, January 8, 2024. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


(2025) Volunteer Iowa, State Service Plan 2023-2025. Governor's Office

This list was generated on Tue Mar 25 06:04:45 2025 CDT.