School Finance Formula Review Committee, Final Report, January 2005

(2005) School Finance Formula Review Committee, Final Report, January 2005. Legislative Services Agency (Legislative Service Bureau)


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The Legislative Council established the School Finance Formula Review Committee and authorized three meeting days. The Committee was charged to prepare a school finance formula status report and provide recommendations in accordance with the requirements of Iowa Code section 25 7.1 (4), including receiving assistance from the departments of Education, Management, and Revenue; providing recommendations for school finance formula changes or revisions based upon demographic changes, enrollment trends, and property tax valuation fluctuations observed during the preceding five-year interval; providing an analysis of the operation of the school finance formula during the preceding five-year interval; and incorporating a summary of issues that have arisen since the previous review and potential approaches for their resolution.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: progress report, legislative council, school finance formula review committee, school finance, education
Subjects: Education
State government > Iowa General Assembly > Legislative sessions
State government > State employees
State government > Iowa Legislature
ID Code: 50581
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 24 Sep 2024 15:38
Last Modified: 24 Sep 2024 15:38