Report of the Examining Committee appointed under joint resolution of the General Assembly, approved February 13, 1873.

(1874) Report of the Examining Committee appointed under joint resolution of the General Assembly, approved February 13, 1873. Health and Human Services, Department of


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Report of the Examining Committee appointed under joint resolution of the General Assembly, approved February 13, 1873. To examine the work upon the additional penitentiary, and also into the condition, capacity, and wants of the penitentiary of the state. Made to the fifteenth General Assembly.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Penitentiary, Prison, Asylum
Subjects: Law enforcement and courts > Corrections > Prisons
Social issues and programs
ID Code: 50186
Deposited By: Amy Rollinger
Deposited On: 16 Aug 2024 19:41
Last Modified: 16 Aug 2024 19:41