Iowa 2021 Statewide Survey Of Safety & Violence, 2021

(2021) Iowa 2021 Statewide Survey Of Safety & Violence, 2021. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)

2021 Iowa Survey of Safety & Violence.pdf

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In order to understand the beliefs, attitudes, and experiences of Iowans on the issue of violence, a statewide survey was completed. A survey was facilitated to Iowa adults via a phone or online survey, and results are detailed in the following report. Adult Iowans expressed that, as a whole, violence is a minimal problem within the state. However, their perspective on the severity and experience of distinctive types of violence vary. The largest reported concern of violence among Iowa communities is youth bullying. When addressing personal readiness, adults overwhelmingly responded that they would express concern if harm was committed to someone they knew. They were more likely to intervene if they saw physical harm committed than if there was verbal harm or harassment.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Violence prevention, sexual violence, intimate partner violence, dating violence, bullying, youth violence, child abuse/neglect, abuse in later life, suicide, statewide survey
Subjects: Health and medicine > Public health > Violence prevention
ID Code: 49738
Deposited By: Monica Goedken
Deposited On: 01 Jul 2024 17:08
Last Modified: 01 Jul 2024 17:08