Sixty-Sixth General Assembly Code Revisions submitted by Iowa State Developmental Disabilities Council, 1975

(1975) Sixty-Sixth General Assembly Code Revisions submitted by Iowa State Developmental Disabilities Council, 1975. Public Safety, Department of


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The Iowa Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities approved the following legislative proposals for transmittal to the Governor. These proposals are the product of more than a year of detailed study by the Developmental Disabilities Council, assisted by members of the College of Law at Drake University. The purpose of this study was to consider the special impact of Iowa law upon the hundreds of thousands of our citizens who are developmentally disabled and their families. Consideration of this subject is of some importance and urgency. Recent court decisions are rapidly making some existing statutory laws in many states obsolete. Laws that seemed progressive and humane as little as a decade ago, now are recognized as defective and damaging - and often unconstitutional as well.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Code Revision, 66th General Assembly, Iowa Legislature, Iowa State Developmental Disabilities
Subjects: Social issues and programs
Social issues and programs > Disabilities
State government
State government > Iowa Legislature
State government > Iowa Legislature > Legislative sessions
ID Code: 49645
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 21 Jun 2024 16:25
Last Modified: 21 Jun 2024 16:25