State Government in Iowa by Brian Carter, 1985

(1985) State Government in Iowa by Brian Carter, 1985. Governor's Office


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The Institute of Public Affairs is pleased to join with Brian Carter in presenting the fourth edition of Government in Iowa, When this publication was first printed in 1974, there was no single source to which a person could turn for an up-to-date description of state government in Iowa, State Government filled that void and has contributed to the education of thousands of Iowa high school students, Now, the many significant changes that have taken place in Iowa government have brought about the necessity for a fourth edition of this publication. In publishing this updated volume, an effort has been made to maintain our original objective for this book to provide a comprehensive reference work on the structure and operation of Iowa state government, and to do so at a minimum cost. Although this book was written primarily for Iowa's high school students, others will also find it a valuable resource,

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: state government, Iowa
Subjects: Government finance and taxes
State government
State government > State agencies
ID Code: 49638
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 21 Jun 2024 14:25
Last Modified: 21 Jun 2024 14:25