Social Cost Internalization and Environmental Planning, "Steady state" and "Optimal" Economic Assumptions, August 1973

(1973) Social Cost Internalization and Environmental Planning, "Steady state" and "Optimal" Economic Assumptions, August 1973. University of Iowa


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The current and growing interest in the quality of the physical environment by urban and regional planning agencies is fundamentally the convergence of two related public is sues. The first is the very real concern for the quality of the natural environment; attention is directed to the quality of air and water, the rate and form of land development and utilization, the preservation of existing wilderness areas, the retention of architectural and historic area s, and the depletion of finite resources fossil fuels, rare plant and animal species, and raw materials of all types. The second public issue under study and analysis by planners is the process of continued development; it is with development and developmental processes in an economic context that planners have more recently come to examine the extremely complex interface between the sensitivities and needs of both the natural and human-made environments.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: social cost, environmental planning, economics
Subjects: Business and industry
Business and industry > Economic development
ID Code: 49580
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 14 Jun 2024 19:12
Last Modified: 14 Jun 2024 19:12