Computer Instruction in Iowa Schools, March 1971

(1971) Computer Instruction in Iowa Schools, March 1971. Education, Department of


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One of the greatest problems facing educators today is how, within the budget allowed for education, to adequately prepare young men and women to live in a world of advanced technology. One of the areas in which costs are high is the area of computer science education. The following information has been gleaned from many sources and compiled in an effort to help administrators make decisions at the local level.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Public Instruction, Computer, Schools, education, computers in schools, Technology
Subjects: Information management and resources
Information management and resources > Educational technology
ID Code: 24769
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 03 Aug 2017 15:41
Last Modified: 03 Aug 2017 15:41