Iowans Working Together...Doing what Works, 2000

(2000) Iowans Working Together...Doing what Works, 2000. Health and Human Services, Department of


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The Department of Human Services (DHS) believes in working with Iowans: those people who receive services, the taxpayers who fund the services and the people who provide services. DHS believes in working with others to meet the unique needs of individuals and help all Iowans become healthy, safe, stable, and self sufficient. The department's primary responsibilities are to help and empower individuals and families to become increasingly self-sufficient and productive. The department provides these services to approximately 650,000 Iowans through our partnership with the federal government and our state and local governments. The department is collaborating and providing leadership to build a comprehensive system of basic services and supports to serve all Iowans into the future.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Iowans, Life Skills, State Schools, Healthy Iowans
Subjects: Health and medicine
Health and medicine > Public health
State government
ID Code: 50500
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 17 Sep 2024 15:35
Last Modified: 17 Sep 2024 15:35