Hampton Corporate Area Origin and Destination Traffic Survey prepared by Highway Planning Section, Safety and Traffic Department, September 1959

(1959) Hampton Corporate Area Origin and Destination Traffic Survey prepared by Highway Planning Section, Safety and Traffic Department, September 1959. Transportation, Department of


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This report of the Hampton Corporate Area Traffic Survey describes briefly the characteristics of the corporate area pertinent to the local problem of highway transportation and presents and analyzes the data gathered in the survey. All trip data obtained in the survey are presented in terms of the number of trips per day. They are classified by the origins and destinations of these trips and by the areas within the city, to which and from which they were made. The only information obtained was from those trips crossing the city limits, and this was done by maintaining roadside interview stations at the entrances of the principal rural highways into the city. These trips, for which the data were obtained, may be defined as "rural trips." Knowledge of the number of "urban trips" or "intra-city trips" is not available in this external type survey.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: traffic, transportation, vehicles, traffic study, highway planning
Subjects: Transportation
Transportation > Traffic Management
Transportation > Motor vehicles
Transportation > Roads and highways
Transportation > Design and Construction
ID Code: 50446
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 10 Sep 2024 15:16
Last Modified: 10 Sep 2024 15:16
URI: https://publications.iowa.gov/id/eprint/50446