Transportation Services in Iowa, Summary and Assessment, September 1991

(1991) Transportation Services in Iowa, Summary and Assessment, September 1991. Transportation, Department of


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Iowa is a state undergoing a major transition economically, socially, and demographically. The state has much to suggest that its economic future well may be bright: a well-educated population that possesses a good work ethic, a central location within the United States, a reputation for openness and free discussion of m3tters of public interest, and many businesses recognized as innovators and producers of high quality products. The report addresses one major purpose of the project: to present a clear, useful summary and assessment of transportation services in Iowa. Various modes and areas of the state are analyzed for level and cost of service, financing practices, and emerging trends in movements of goods and people. This assessment provides a sound basis for the analysis to follow in later stages of the project.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Traffic, Traffic Flow, City Planning, Transportation
Subjects: Transportation
Transportation > Traffic Management
Transportation > Research
ID Code: 50444
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 10 Sep 2024 14:51
Last Modified: 10 Sep 2024 14:51