Iowa Industrial Commissioner Report, Decisions of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner, July 1, 1989 through June 30, 1990

(1990) Iowa Industrial Commissioner Report, Decisions of the Iowa Industrial Commissioner, July 1, 1989 through June 30, 1990. Inspections and Appeals, Department of


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This report contains information on the Iowa Industrial Commissioner Report, Decisions on Selected Cases for the period ending June 30, 1990.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Legislative documents, Decisions, Iowa Industrial Commissioner, Division of Labor, Workers Compensation
Subjects: Business and industry > Employment > Workers compensation
Public Safety and consumer protection > Public safety
Public Safety and consumer protection > Public safety > Occupational and industrial safety
State government > Elected state officials > Iowa Governor
ID Code: 50441
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 10 Sep 2024 14:05
Last Modified: 10 Sep 2024 14:05