Research In Progress: Roller Compacted Concrete Shoulders, TR-829, 2024

(2024) Research In Progress: Roller Compacted Concrete Shoulders, TR-829, 2024. Transportation, Department of


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The use of Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) for the paving of granular shoulders. While there is nothing new about RCC, its use as a material for paved shoulders would be new here in Iowa. This project proposes to pave 8.5 miles of shoulders, both sides of the road, 5 foot wide and 7" thick with RCC. The project would be in Washington County on G36 from the intersection of Hwy1/92 east to the intersection with Hwy 218. Not only would it demonstrate another material for paving of our shoulders, it would improve roadside safety by eliminating the edge rut develops along the edge of a pavement with granular shoulders.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Paving; Road shoulders; Roller compacted concrete
Subjects: Transportation > Pavements
Transportation > Materials
Transportation > Traffic safety
Transportation > Research
Transportation > Research > Concrete
Transportation > Design and Construction
ID Code: 50349
Deposited By: Iowa DOT Research
Deposited On: 27 Aug 2024 18:41
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2024 18:41