Research In Progress: Developing an Analytical Tool to Measure Work Zone Performance, TPF-5(438), 2024

(2024) Research In Progress: Developing an Analytical Tool to Measure Work Zone Performance, TPF-5(438), 2024. Transportation, Department of


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The research team will engage in the development of an analytical tool for work zones to effectively visualize crucial performance indicators and measurements. To this end, an extensive review of existing literature will be conducted, as well as state-level initiatives relating to work zone performance. Based on the findings, the team will then compile a comprehensive list of performance metrics, which will be summarized, including the data needed to support the metrics, the applicability of the metric to work zone performance measure, and potential work zone scenarios where the information can be utilized. With the identification of key measurements and performance indicators, the team will create an easy-to-use analytical tool for work zones. The tool will allow for uploading data in a standard format and provide an output that provides a detailed summary of the performance measures for the work zone. The goal of the team is to develop a data process that work zone practitioners can easily use based on all data available for a given work zone. Using the tool, work zone practitioners will be able to upload or link their data sources to generate performance analyses based on the data available for a given work zone. The system will also be designed to work across multiple agencies by providing a standard data format for use within the analytical tool. This will allow for easier use by various SWZDI states and others to report performance measures in work zones without the need for advanced skills in data analytics. Analytical outputs will be designed with various types of stakeholders considered and the type of work zone analyzed.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Driving behavior; Work zone safety; analytical tool; data analysis; performance metrics
Subjects: Transportation
Transportation > Roads and highways
Transportation > Traffic safety
Transportation > Research
Transportation > Design and Construction
Transportation > Data and Information Technology
ID Code: 50210
Deposited By: Iowa DOT Research
Deposited On: 20 Aug 2024 16:39
Last Modified: 20 Aug 2024 16:39