The Iowa Comprehensive Petroleum UST Fund Program, Program Overview and Status, 2014

(2014) The Iowa Comprehensive Petroleum UST Fund Program, Program Overview and Status, 2014. Transportation, Department of


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The Iowa Comprehensive Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Fund was created in 1989 to assist owners and operators of USTs to comply with state and federal environmental regulations. The program, which was created in HF 447, was codified under Iowa Code 455G. Iowa's legislature established a Board to oversee three (3) separate programs under the state fund - a remedial program, loan guarantee program, and an insurance program.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Transportation, petroleum, underground storage tank fund
Subjects: Transportation
Natural Disasters
ID Code: 49160
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 17 May 2024 20:54
Last Modified: 17 May 2024 20:54