Transportation of Grain and Mixed Feeds from Iowa: Special Report No 50, February 1967

(1967) Transportation of Grain and Mixed Feeds from Iowa: Special Report No 50, February 1967. Transportation, Department of


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Marketing farm products is increasingly important in our expanding national economy; marketing costs often influence consumer food prices more than does the price of the commodity on the farm. As the marketing functions expand, these costs become a primary force in the distribution of farm commodities. Basic to the marketing function is transportation, and agricultural interests are concerned about moving and the costs of moving farm commodities into both domestic and foreign markets. Iowa's shippers are especially concerned because of the state's geographical location relative to the high density populated markets of the nation. Iowa's farm products in the raw and processed stages move long distances to consumers throughout the United States and commodities to foreign markets are shipped thousands of miles through the Great Lakes gateways to the St. Lawrence Seaway or through export ports on the East and West Coasts and Gulf of Mexico.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Fuel consumption, Grain, Highway transportation, Grain and mixed feeds
Subjects: Agriculture and food production > Crops
Transportation > Trucking and freight
Transportation > Water transportation
Transportation > Research
Transportation > Energy and fuel
ID Code: 45325
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 25 Jul 2023 16:56
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2024 21:33