An Investigation of Successful and Less Successful Applications for Airport Improvement Funds, 1900z

(0190) An Investigation of Successful and Less Successful Applications for Airport Improvement Funds, 1900z. Transportation, Department of

investgation_successful_apps ofr Airport_improvement_funds_1900z_OCR_.pdf

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Airport development is important to the State of Iowa because it brings certain economic impacts-construction and permanent jobs and consumption of local goods and services, among others. the more funds that can be received and utilized, the more growth will occur in Iowa. Two benefits provided by airports include: travel time saved, and cost avoided by travelers. A study like this is doubly important because any conclusions gathered from it can be applied to other areas-highway, rail, etc., since the funding processes are similar. Additionally, competition for federal funds is becoming increasingly aggressive and anything Iowa can do to increase its chances for funding is important. The general approach taken in the study includes the determination of the have and the have-nits states regarding discretionary funds. the, the indicated state were surveyed to determined if there are many significant differences in the way they apply for the funds.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: commercial air, air service, passenger air service, airport funds
Subjects: Transportation
Transportation > Air transportation
Transportation > Air transportation > Airports
ID Code: 45313
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 25 Jul 2023 14:17
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2024 14:25