IPTA Transit Plan for the 80's prepared and adopted by the Iowa Public Transportation Association, 1981

(1981) IPTA Transit Plan for the 80's prepared and adopted by the Iowa Public Transportation Association, 1981. Transportation, Department of


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The situation of a highly mobile and transient society became critical in the early 70's with the onslaught of OPEC pricing impact on this nation. This influence on our mobility was again felt in the late 70's and continued in the 80's. It doesn't appear to be resolvable and continued disruptions with our mobility and defense of our freedom, still remaining question. Predictions by energy experts now are forecasting $3.00 per gallon fuel prices by FY84. It was previously apparent that private enterprise could not provide for the transportation needs of society, even with raising fares and cutting service, because it simply was not profitable and meaningful service to the communities was questionable. Therefore, when the State and Federal government made the commitment to provide public transit, preserve mobility equally to all citizens, and become less dependent on foreign influences, it was fully realized that public transit services would cost more money than it generated.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: statewide transit plan, Public Transit, Transportation, Iowa public Transportation Systems
Subjects: Transportation
Transportation > Mass transit
Transportation > Motor vehicles
ID Code: 45287
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 18 Jul 2023 19:13
Last Modified: 18 Jul 2023 19:13
URI: https://publications.iowa.gov/id/eprint/45287