Guidelines for Plugging Abandoned Water Wells, October 1988

(1988) Guidelines for Plugging Abandoned Water Wells, October 1988. Natural Resources, Department of


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Rural areas of Iowa have traditionally relied upon groundwater as a source of water supply for domestic and livestock needs. Early settlers found relatively abundant groundwater resources that could be tapped by shallow "dug wells." At the time there was little need to be concerned about the chemical purity of the water. Demands for water were generally low, and shallow wells, in most cases, provided an ample quantity of water. It was common to have several wells on each farmstead because if was easier to dig wells at points of use rather then develop a central well and distribution system. Improperly abandoned wells are a liability. They can contaminate our drinking water and present safety hazards. Once groundwater is contaminate it is difficult if not impossible to clean up, and the process is always expensive. The logical course of action is to remover the liability by properly plugging and sealing all abandoned wells.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Earth Science, Geology, Iowa, oil, gas, wells, abandoned wells
Subjects: Natural resources and environment
Natural resources and environment > Earth sciences
Natural resources and environment > Water resources
ID Code: 26499
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 02 Feb 2018 17:28
Last Modified: 16 Dec 2020 15:31