Surface Water Resources of Iowa for the Period Octobe r1, 1940 to September 30, 1942; Water Supply Bulletin No. 2, 1944

(1961) Surface Water Resources of Iowa for the Period Octobe r1, 1940 to September 30, 1942; Water Supply Bulletin No. 2, 1944. Natural Resources, Department of


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Through cooperative agreements with the water-resources branch of the United States Geological Survey, the Iowa Geological Survey in association with other interested Federal and State departments, institutions, groups, and individuals, has been gathering considerable quantities of basic data regarding the surface and underground water supplies of this State. In order that such data may be made useful as they accumulate, a new series of water-supply bulletins was started in 1942 with the publication of No. 1 entitled "Summaries of Yearly and Flood Flow Relating to Iowa Streams" prepared under the direction of Lawrence C. Crawford, district engineer in charge of stream and lake gaging in "Iowa. Carrying out the original policy of publishing one or more such bulletins a year, a second paper, also prepared under the direction of Mr. Crawford, is published herein as Water-Supply Bulletin No. 2. Specific acknowledgment is given in the body of the bulletin for the cooperation of others outside the Federal and State Geological Survey.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Geology, Hydrology, Map, Lakes, Iowa, Streams
Subjects: Natural resources and environment
Natural resources and environment > Earth sciences
Natural resources and environment > Environmental assessments
Natural resources and environment > Water resources
ID Code: 25801
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 04 Dec 2017 20:31
Last Modified: 04 Dec 2017 20:31