Recommendations to Create a Systemic Approach to Improving the Teaching and Learning of Iowa History in Iowa’s K-12 Schools / Iowa History Advisory Council (2016)

(2016) Recommendations to Create a Systemic Approach to Improving the Teaching and Learning of Iowa History in Iowa’s K-12 Schools / Iowa History Advisory Council (2016). Education, Department of


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Report from the Iowa History Advisory Council on the following goals related to the teaching of Iowa history: Identify the current status of the teaching of Iowa history and the resources available regarding K-12 Iowa history instruction. Identify current materials that are dedicated to the teaching of Iowa history at the K-12 level. Study how other states and organizations implement state and local history. Study best practices for the teaching and learning of state and local history. Develop appropriate academic standards related to Iowa history. Provide recommendations to advance the study of Iowa history at the K-12 level.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Iowa history, education
Subjects: Education > Education programs
History and culture > History of Iowa
ID Code: 22725
Deposited By: Users 1063 not found.
Deposited On: 27 Sep 2016 21:52
Last Modified: 27 Sep 2016 21:52