Paul James To Lead UI Family Medicine, Family Care Center
Dr. Paul James has been named the new head of the Department of Family
Medicine in the University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College
of Medicine and head of the UI Family Care Center at UI Hospitals and
Clinics. The appointments will be effective April 1, 2005.
James, who currently is a UI associate professor of family medicine,
also will serve as chair of the board of directors of the UI Community
Medical Services and director of UI Family Care Clinics in Johnson
County. James will remain the Iowa Academy of Family Physicians Endowed
Chair in Rural Medicine, a position to which he was appointed when he
joined the UI faculty in 2001. He also is an associate professor of
occupational and environmental health...
Continued ]

Steering committee reports progress in College's strategic planning effort
The UI Carver College of Medicine Strategic Planning Steering Committee
met Feb. 1 to wrap up phase one of the planning process. Members heard
reports from Diana Carmichael of AMC Strategies, LLC, the College’s
external planning consultant, and began crafting the collegiate mission
statement, strategic goals, and the College’s first-ever vision
At the meeting, Carmichael reported on interviews conducted in November
with 34 individual faculty and staff members and 38 faculty and staff
members in small focus groups. Her report addressed faculty and
staff members’ perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats to the College in each area of the College’s tripartite
Continued ]

College wins renewed funding from Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
The University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine
has received renewed funding for a program designed to foster the next
generation of physician-scientists .
The Doris Duke Clinical Research Fellowship Program is open to medical
students from the UI and other schools across the country. It began in
2001 with a $625,000 grant from the Doris Duke Charitable
Foundation, one of only 10 such grants awarded to top medical schools.
The new funds, totaling $500,000, will support the UI program for the
next three years.
"Physicians who do clinical research are growing few in number, and the
best way to ensure progress is to show students the potential for
careers in academics and researc...
Continued ]

Robillard outlines strategic planning issues
Note: The following comments by Dean Jean Robillard to the CCOM Strategic Planning Steering Committee have and are continuing to serve as a guide for the committee as it creates the College’s strategic plan. This outline addresses the education and research missions of the College. Comments on clinical services will be deferred until later in the process in order to facilitate coordination with UI Hospitals and Clinics’ strategic plan.
Strategic Planning
Carver College of Medicine
Outline of Comments to Steering Committee
Dean Robillard
November 17, 2004
I. Important Past Accomplishments
A. Installed a new medical curriculum
B. Pla...
Continued ]

CCOM to continue strategic planning process Jan. 6
The Carver College of Medicine’s strategic planning process will
continue with a meeting of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee on
Jan. 6.
At the January meeting, the committee will discuss the results of
confidential interviews conducted by the College’s external consultant
in November. Diana Carmichael of AMC Strategies, LLC, will report
interview results and then discuss initial results of the College’s
environmental assessment, which is currently underway.
On February 1, the steering committee will meet again for a half-day
planning session where members will discuss the completed environmental
assessment, refine the collegiate mission statement, develop a vision
statement ...
Continued ]

Be alert about lab security
The recent break-in at Seashore Hall and Spence Labs is a reminder of
the need to be vigilant about security at University research
Allyn Mark, senior associate dean and dean of research and graduate
programs, noted that this sort of vandalism has the potential to affect
all researchers on the UI campus, “It is up to all of us to pay
attention to our surroundings to be attentive to guidelines for
laboratory security.”
The University has increased security across the campus, especially in
and around laboratory buildings. In addition, Interim VP for Research
William Decker has appointed a task force to look at access to
University buildings and ways to protect research.
Continued ]

College begins strategic planning process
The Carver College of Medicine (CCOM) strategic planning process has
begun with the official appointment of a steering committee and
launching of Phase I that will include confidential interviews with
selected faculty members and groups of faculty as well as a detailed
assessment of internal and external trends in the tripartite mission
areas of the College. The strategic plan will be led by Diana
Carmichael, president of AMC Strategies, with Roger Tracy, statewide
clinical education programs, and Dr. Susan Johnson, obstetrics and
gynecology and former associate dean, as the lead CCOM staff.
Carmichael has 17 years experience in strategic...
Continued ]

Damasios Receive Prestigious International Prize
Drs. Antonio and Hanna Damasio,
neurology, will receive the Jean-Louis Signoret Prize in Cognitive
Neuroscience sponsored by La Fondation Ipsen at a ceremony Nov. 15 in
the Salpetrière Hospital in Paris, France.
The international jury cited the Damasios’ many contributions to the
neurobiological understanding of social cognition. This marks the first
time that two investigators will share the prize. Previous recipients
of the prestigious honor include neuroscientists Eric Kandel of
Columbia University and Jean-Pierre Changeux of Institut Pasteur.
Antonio Damasio is a member of the American Academy of Arts and
Continued ]

Stinski receives UI's First Distinguished Inventor Award
Dr. Mark Stinski, microbiology, was honored in
October as the first recipient of the University of Iowa Distinguished
Inventor Award. Stinski, a professor in the UI Department of
Microbiology, received the award for his work in discovering the
cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter, a tool to "promote" the expression of
proteins that are important in the production of various protein-based
drugs now on the market.
Stinski's UI laboratory was the first to clone the human
cytomegalovirus genome into noninfectious DNA segments. The discovery
facilitated the characterization of individual viral glycoproteins and
viral regulatory proteins, which eventually led Stinski to his
award-winning discovery.
The UI ...
Continued ]

Buckwalter Elected To Institute Of Medicine
Dr. Joseph A. Buckwalter, orthopaedics and
rehabilitation, has been elected to membership in the Institute of
Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences. He joins 14 other UI
faculty and administrators as a member of this prestigious
He is well known for his research on osteoarthritis, joint injuries,
the effects of aging on cartilage and tumors of the skeleton and soft
tissue. His clinical interests include musculoskeletal oncology and
sports medicine.
Buckwalter has been active in many scientific and professional
organizations, including serving as president of the Orthopaedic
Research Societiy, the American Orthopaedic Association, and the
American Board of Orthopaedic Surg...
Continued ]
