An Investigation of Signing Needs at Uncontrolled Local Road Intersections, HR-230, 1982

(1982) An Investigation of Signing Needs at Uncontrolled Local Road Intersections, HR-230, 1982. Transportation, Department of


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Iowa Counties have been experiencing significant tort claim liability due to the signing of local roads. One such problem is relative to the real or alleged need for signing at uncontrolled intersections of local roads. It has been assumed that the standard CROSS ROAD sign, which calls for a yellow diamond with a black cross, was sufficient to provide the necessary warning that a driver may be approaching an intersection which requires special precautionary driving attention. However, it is possible that this sign on a through highway might conflict with the legal status of the local county road. In light of this situation, it seemed worthwhile to know the extent to which uncontrolled local road intersections were perceived as a potential liability problem; the degree to which the standard CROSS ROAD sign communicated to the driver the message a county engineer wanted at these local road intersections; and whether there were any better signing alternatives available to communicate this hazard to the driver in this situation.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Highway traffic control, Legal status, Tort liability, Traffic signs, Unsignalized intersections, Warning signs, Local roads
Subjects: Transportation
Transportation > Roads and highways
Transportation > Traffic safety
ID Code: 16243
Deposited By: Iowa DOT Library
Deposited On: 05 Mar 2014 13:49
Last Modified: 03 Oct 2014 12:29