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(1958) Industrial Development in Iowa January 1, 1958-December 31, 1958. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1958) Thirty-Second Biennial Report of the Attorney General for the Biennial period ending December 31, 1958. Governor's Office
(1958) Columbus Junction, Basic Plan prepared by the Iowa Survival Plan Project, December 1958. Transportation, Department of
(1958) Davenport Target Area, Basic Plan prepared by the Iowa Survival Plan Project, December 1958. Transportation, Department of
(1958) Iowa Conservationist, December 1958, Vol. 17, no.12. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) Louisa County, December 1958. Public Defense, Department of
(1958) Report of Citizens Bus Study Committee, December 1958. Commerce, Department of
(1958) Support Area#3:Basic Plan/ Prepared by the Iowa Survival Plan project, December 1958. Public Defense, Department of
(1958) Voluntary quit disqualification in unemployment insurance-the Iowa experience, 1958. University of Iowa
(1958) Report of the Register of State Land Office to the Governor of Iowa, November 7, 1859. Governor's Office
(1958) Iowa Conservationist, November 1958, Vol. 17, no.11. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) Relative Efficiencies of Farm Tenure Classes in Intrafirm Resource Allocation, November 1958. Iowa State University
(1958) Fertilizer Production Functions for Corn and Oats: Including an Analysis of Irrigated and Residual Response: Research Bulletin No. 463, October 1958. Iowa State University
(1958) Final Report of the Sub-Committee on Agriculture : Governor's Commission on Economic and Social Trends in Iowa, 1958. General Services, Department of
(1958) Final Report of the Sub-Committee on Community Development : Governor's Commission on Economic and Social Trends in Iowa, 1958. General Services, Department of
(1958) Final Report of the Sub-Committee on Education : Governor's Commission on Economic and Social Trends in Iowa, 1958. General Services, Department of
(1958) Final Report of the Sub-Committee on Governmental Organization : Governor's Commission on Economic and Social Trends in Iowa, 1958. General Services, Department of
(1958) Final Report of the Sub-Committee on Human Resources : Governor's Commission on Economic and Social Trends in Iowa, 1958. General Services, Department of
(1958) Final Report of the Sub-Committee on Industry : Governor's Commission on Economic and Social Trends in Iowa, 1958. General Services, Department of
(1958) Final Report of the Sub-Committee on Labor : Governor's Commission on Economic and Social Trends in Iowa, 1958. General Services, Department of
(1958) Final Report of the Sub-Committee on Power : Governor's Commission on Economic and Social Trends in Iowa, 1958. General Services, Department of
(1958) Final Report of the Sub-Committee on State Promotion & Public Information : Governor's Commission on Economic and Social Trends in Iowa, 1958. General Services, Department of
(1958) Final Report of the Sub-Committee on Transportation : Governor's Commission on Economic and Social Trends in Iowa, 1958. General Services, Department of
(1958) Final Report of the Sub-Committee on Water : Governor's Commission on Economic and Social Trends in Iowa, 1958. General Services, Department of
(1958) Iowa Conservationist, October 1958, Vol. 17, no.10. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) Opportunities for the People of Iowa : Governor's Commission on Economic and Social Trends in Iowa, 1958. General Services, Department of
(1958) Parking Facilities: Central Business District: Revision of Major Streets Report, October 1958. Transportation, Department of
(1958) Iowa Conservationist, September 1958, Vol. 17, no.9. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) Effects of the Federal Programs for Corn and other Grains on Corn Prices, Feed Grains Production and Livestock Production by Geoffrey Shepherd and Allen Richards: Research Bulletin No. 459, August 1958. Iowa State University
(1958) Electrical Power Transmission and Load Analysis For a Combine: Special Report No. 23, August 1958. Iowa State University
(1958) Iowa Conservationist, August 1958, Vol. 17, no.8. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) Soil Erosion Control in Process in Western Iowa by R. Burnell Held and John F. Timmons, August 1958. Iowa State University
(1958) A Standard for Road Roughness Measurement, August 1958. Transportation, Department of
(1958) Iowa Conservationist, July 1958, Vol. 17, no.7. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) Waterloo Skills of the Workforce Study, Waterloo Iowa, July, 1958. Iowa Workforce Development
(1958) Appendix C: Iowa Preliminary Operational Survival Plan, Continuity of Government, June 1958. Governor's Office
(1958) Iowa Conservationist, June 1958, Vol. 17, no.6. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) Report on the Water Pollution investigation of Spring Creek below Strawberry Point Iowa by the Division of Public Health Engineering, June 1958. Human Services, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1958) Report on the water pollution investigation of Spring Creek below Strawberry Point, Iowa, 1958. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1958) Shelter study for the state of Iowa, 1958. Governor's Office
(1958) Staff officers manual, 1958. Governor's Office
(1958) Iowa Conservationist, May 1958, Vol. 17, no.5. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) Iowa Conservationist, April 1958, Vol. 17, no.4. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) Iowa preliminary operational survival plan, planning directive, April 1958. Governor's Office
(1958) Scour at Bridge Crossings by Emmett M. Laursen, August 1958. Transportation, Department of
(1958) Iowa Conservationist, February 1958, Vol. 17, no.2. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) Iowa Conservationist, March 1958, Vol. 17, no.3. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) Research on Irrigation of Corn and Soybeans at Conesville and Ankeny, Iowa, 1951-1955 by G.O. Schwab, March 1958. Iowa State University
(1958) Seasonal Changes in Soil Moisture as related to Rainfall, Soil Type and Crop Growth by R.H. Shaw, J.R. Runkles and G.L. Barger, February 1958. Iowa State University
(1958) Special Roughometer Tests 1957, February 1958. Transportation, Department of
(1958) Biennial Report, Iowa Mental Health Authority, 1956-1958, January 1958. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1958) Economic Optima in Soil Conservation Farming and Fertilizer use for Farms in the Ida-Monona Soil Area of Western Iowa: Research Bulletin No. 455, January 1958. Iowa State University
(1958) Iowa Conservationist, January 1958, Vol. 17, no.1. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) Plans for Beginning Farmers in Southwest Iowa with Comparison of Farm and Nonfarm Income Opportunities, January 1958. Iowa State University
(1958) Chronology of Important Events of the First 100 Years, the Iowa State College, 1958. Iowa State University
(1958) Commemorative Papers from the Iowa State College Centennial, Founders' Day Convocation, 1958. Iowa State University
(1958) Computer Analysis of Continuous I-beam Cridges : Employing the IBM 650 Computer, 1958. Transportation, Department of
(1958) Design for and Staffing of a Minimum Program for Secondary Education in Iowa, Grades 9-12, 1958. Education, Department of
(1958) The Flag, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, the Constitution of the State of Iowa, the Declaration of Independence, the "Mayflower" Compact, the Constitution of the United States : reprint from the Iowa Official Register, 1951-1952, 1958. Secretary of State, Iowa
(1958) Highway Finance in Iowa, 1958. Transportation, Department of
(1958) A History of the Department of Internal Medicine, State University of Iowa, College of Medicine, 1870-1958, 1958. University of Iowa
(1958) How Good is your Local School System?, A Guide for Examining the Quality of your Local school System, 1958. Education, Department of
(1958) Iowa Attorney General Unpublished Opinions, 1958. Attorney General
(1958) The Iowa Official Register, 1957-1958. Secretary of State, Iowa
(1958) Iowa Public Health Bulletin:Sanitary Standards for Water Wells Residential and other small installations, 1958. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1958) Iowa and the New Education : the Story of Iowa State College, 1858-1958, 1958. Iowa State University
(1958) Organization, Duties and Operational Policies of the State Conservation Commission, 1958. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) Preliminary Biennial Report, Department of Mental Health, 1958. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1958) Progress Report on School District Reorganization in Iowa by J.C. Wright, 1958. Education, Department of
(1958) Pupil Teacher Ratios in the 694 Districts Maintaining approved Public Four Year High School, School Year 1958-1959, 1958. Education, Department of
(1958) Quarterly Biology Report, 1958, Vol. 10 no. 2. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) Quarterly Biology Report, 1958, Vol. 10 no. 3. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) Report of Commissioner of the Des Moines River Improvement to His Excellency, 1958. Governor's Office
(1958) A Report to the People of Iowa on the Progress and Goals of School District Reorganization: Your School District, 1958. Education, Department of
(1958) Rural Primary Road Sufficiency Guide Study, 1958. Transportation, Department of
(1958) Salary Study in the Districts Maintaining Approved Public Four Year High Schools for School Year, February 1958. Education, Department of
(1958) School Business, A Manual for School Officials, 1958. Education, Department of
(1958) Simplified Diet Manual with Meal Patterns by Nutrition Service of the Iowa State Department of Health, 1958. Public Health, Department of (Health and Human Services, Department of)
(1958) Soil Stabilization Field Trials, Primary Highway 117, Jasper County, Iowa HR-52, 1958. Transportation, Department of
(1958) Some Characteristics of Good Schools, 1958. Education, Department of
(1958) Some Quick Facts About Iowa: Where Living is Fun!, 1958. Iowa Economic Development Authority
(1958) State of Iowa Transportation Map, 1958. Transportation, Department of
(1958) State of Iowa, 1958. Governor's Office
(1958) A Ten Year Program for the Iowa State Conservation Commission, 1958. Natural Resources, Department of
(1958) The Vocational Rehabilitation of Welfare Cases in Iowa, An Analysis of Cases successfully Rehabilitated and Current Status of Others, 1958. Vocational Rehabilitation
(1958) Your Job as Councilman, 1958. University of Iowa
(1958) Youth and Employment in Iowa, September 1959. Iowa Workforce Development