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(1920) Annual Report Of the State Geologist, 1919-1920, Vol. 29. Natural Resources, Department of
(1920) Child Labor, Analysis of Work Permits issued during Biennium ending June 30, 1920, 1920. Iowa Workforce Development
(1920) Climatological Data, Iowa Section by U.S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau, 1920. Agriculture and Land Stewardship
(1920) The Iowa Official Register, 1919-1920. Secretary of State, Iowa
(1920) A Limnological Reconnaissance of West Okoboji by E.A. Birge and Chancey Juday, 1920. University of Iowa
(1920) Report of the State Board of Health for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) A Short Record of Iowa State College in the World War, 1920. Iowa State University
(1920) Soil Survey Boone County, 1920. Iowa State University
(1920) Soil Survey Dallas County, 1920. Iowa State University
(1920) Soil Survey Dubuque County, 1920. Iowa State University
(1920) Soil Survey Emmet County, 1920. Iowa State University
(1920) Soil Survey Mills County, 1920. Iowa State University
(1920) Soil Survey Woodbury County, 1920. Iowa State University
(1920) Soil Survey of Dickinson County, Iowa by J. Ambrose Elwell and J.L. Boatman, 1920. Iowa State University
(1920) Soil Survey of Emmet County, Iowa by D.S. Gray and F.W. Reich, 1920. Iowa State University
(1920) Soil Survey of Linn County, Iowa by Frank B. Howe, 1920. Iowa State University
(1920) Soil Survey of Linn County, Iowa by Frank B. Howe, 1920. Iowa State University
(1920) Welfare Campaigns in Iowa by Marcus L. Hansen, 1920. Cultural Affairs, Department of
(1920) The constitution of the state of Iowa and amendments from 1857 to 1919 with historical introduction. Secretary of State, Iowa
(1920) Proposed Uniform Vehicle Law. Transportation, Department of
(1920) U.S. Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau and Bureau of Crop Estimates in Co-Operating with the Iowa Weather and Crop Service Annual Report for 1919, January 20, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Humidity Measurement and Control in the Bakery, June 9, 1920. Iowa State University
(1920) Possibilities of Pottery Manufacture from Iowa Clays, June 23, 1920. Natural Resources, Department of
(1920) Iowa Publications Report of the State Document Department for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Report of Oil Inspector for the Biennial Period ending June 30, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Report of the Adjutant General of Iowa for the Biennial period ended June 30, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Report of the Auditor of State for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Report of the Board of Parole for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Report of the Board of Pharmacy for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistic for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Report of the Department of Public Instruction for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Report of the Iowa State Board of Education for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Report of the State Librarian for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Report of the Superintendent of Banking for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Report of the Veterinary Department for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Report on Public Buildings and Property for the Biennial period ending June 30, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Twelfth Biennial Report of the Board of Control of State Institutions for the period ending June 30, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Heat and its Significance in the Bakery : Temperature, Measurement and Control, July 21, 1920. Iowa State University
(1920) Electric Service from Rural Transmission Lines, August 4, 1920. Iowa State University
(1920) Soil Survey of Iowa Report No. 15 Henry County Soils by W.H. Stevenson, September 1920. Iowa State University
(1920) Iowa Coal, October 6, 1920. Iowa State University
(1920) Report of the Dairy and Food Commissioner for the year ending, October 31, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) 1920 Report of the Iowa Library Commission Made to the Governor of Iowa for the Biennial Period July 1, 1918 to June 30, 1920. Library of Iowa, State
(1920) Nesting Habits of the Hermit Thrush in Northern Michigan by Dayton Stoner, Ph. D, Studies in Natural History, December 1, 1920. University of Iowa
(1920) Report of the State Highway Commission for the year ending December 1, 1920 Issued by that State Highway Commission, December 1, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Forty Third Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the year ending December 6, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Report of the Governor of Iowa of Pardons, Suspensions and Commutations of Sentence and Remission of Fines From January 1, 1919 to December 31, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Report of the Insurance Department of Iowa Volume I: Fire and Casualty, December 31, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Report of the Insurance Department of Iowa Volume II: Life Insurance, December 31, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Report of the Transactions of the Sixty Eight Building and Loan association in the State of Iowa for the year ending December 31, 1920. Governor's Office
(1920) Thirteen Biennial Report of the Attorney General for the Biennial period ending December 31, 1920. Governor's Office