Items where Subject is "Libraries and archives"

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Number of items at this level: 102.


(1916) Statistics of Public Libraries in the State of Iowa, 1916. Library of Iowa, State


(1924) 1924. University of Iowa: University libraries facilities and services. University of Iowa


(1965) Iowa Commission for the Blind tape catalog : tapes 1-3399, 1965. Blind, Department for the


(1966) Sheldon Public Library, Sheldon Iowa, Part I: A Survey of the Library Building Beeds, 1966. Library of Iowa, State

(1966) Spencer Public Library, Spencer Iowa, A Survey of the Building Needs, 1966. Library of Iowa, State


(1970) What is Iowa Commission for the Blind, 1970. Blind, Department for the


(1974) Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1974. Library of Iowa, State


(1975) Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1975. Library of Iowa, State


(1976) Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1976-77. Library of Iowa, State


(1979) Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1977-78. Library of Iowa, State


(1980) An Architectural and Historical Survey of Public Libraries in Iowa 1870-1940, 1980. Cultural Affairs, Department of

(1980) Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1978-1979, 1980. Library of Iowa, State


(1981) Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1979-1980, 1981. Library of Iowa, State


(1983) Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1981-1982, 1983. Library of Iowa, State


(1984) Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1982-83, 1984. Library of Iowa, State


(1985) Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1983-84, 1985. Library of Iowa, State


(1986) Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1984-85, 1986. Library of Iowa, State


(1988) The Iowa Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1986-87, 1988. Library of Iowa, State

(1988) Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1985-86, 1988. Library of Iowa, State


(1989) The Iowa Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1987-88, 1989. Library of Iowa, State


(1990) The Iowa Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1988-89, 1990. Library of Iowa, State

(1990) The Iowa Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1989-1990, 1990. Library of Iowa, State


(1991) The Iowa Public Library Statistics: State Library of Iowa, 1990-1991, 1991. Library of Iowa, State

24 August 1991

(1991) Action Plan: For implementing the recommendations of the Iowa Governor's Pre-White House Conference on Library and Information Services, April 30, May 1 and 2, 1991 and the White House Conference on Library and Information Services, July 9-13, 1991. Library of Iowa, State

January 1993

(1993) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 1991-1992, January 1993. Library of Iowa, State

January 1994

(1994) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 1992-1993, January 1994. Library of Iowa, State


(1995) Iowa bibliography: 16mm films, 1/2" VHS videotapes. 1995. Library of Iowa, State

January 1995

(1995) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 1993-1994, January 1995. Library of Iowa, State

January 1996

(1996) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 1994-1995, January 1996. Library of Iowa, State

December 1996

(1996) Orientation Center Newsletter, December 1996. Blind, Department for the

January 1997

(1997) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 1995-1996, January 1997. Library of Iowa, State

June 1997

(1997) Orientation Center Newsletter, June 1997. Blind, Department for the


(1998) White Cane Update, Fall 1998. Blind, Department for the

January 1998

(1998) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 1996-1997, January 1998. Library of Iowa, State

December 1998

(1998) Orientation Center Newsletter, December 1998. Blind, Department for the


(1999) White Cane Update, Spring 1999. Blind, Department for the

Spring 1999

(1999) Iowa Children's Library Services Program Providers Directory produced by North Central Regional Library System, Spring 1999. Library of Iowa, State


(2000) White Cane Update, Summer 2000. Blind, Department for the

March 2000

(2000) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 1998-1999, March 2000. Library of Iowa, State


(2001) White Cane Update, Spring 2001. Blind, Department for the

(2001) White Cane Update, Summer 2001. Blind, Department for the

March 2001

(2001) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 1999-2000, March 2001. Library of Iowa, State


(2002) Orientation Center Newsletter, Spring 2002. Blind, Department for the

February 2002

(2002) Iowa Public Library Statistic, July 2000-June 2001, February 2002. Library of Iowa, State


(2003) Open Door, Summer 2003. Blind, Department for the

(2003) Open Door, Winter 2003. Blind, Department for the

(2003) White Cane Update, Fall 2003. Blind, Department for the

February 2003

(2003) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 2001-2002, February 2003. Library of Iowa, State

December 2003

(2003) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 2002-2003, December 2003. Library of Iowa, State

Summer 2003

(2003) Orientation Center Newsletter, Summer 2003. Blind, Department for the

Winter 2003

(2003) Open Door Newsletter of the Library, Winter 2003. Blind, Department for the

(2003) Open Door Newsletter of the Library, Winter 2003. Blind, Department for the

January 2004

(2004) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 2003-2004, January 2004. Library of Iowa, State

Spring 2004

(2004) White Cane Update, Spring 2004. Blind, Department for the

Summer 2004

(2004) Open Door Newsletter of the Library, Summer 2004. Blind, Department for the

(2004) Orientation Center Newsletter, Summer 2004. Blind, Department for the

Fall 2004

(2004) White Cane Update, Fall 2004. Blind, Department for the

Winter 2004

(2004) Open Door Newsletter of the Library, Winter 2004. Blind, Department for the

(2004) Orientation Center Newsletter, Winter 2004. Blind, Department for the

(2004) White Cane Update, Winter 2004. Blind, Department for the

Spring 2005

(2005) ASSIST With Windows Newsletter, Spring 2005. Blind, Department for the

(2005) Independent Living Program, Spring 2005. Blind, Department for the

(2005) White Cane Update, Spring 2005. Blind, Department for the

(2005) White Cane Update, Spring 2005. Blind, Department for the

Summer 2005

(2005) Open Door Newsletter of the Library, Summer 2005. Blind, Department for the

(2005) Orientation Center Newsletter, Summer 2005. Blind, Department for the

Fall 2005

(2005) White Cane Update, Fall 2005. Blind, Department for the

Winter 2005

(2005) Open Door Newsletter of the Library, Winter 2005. Blind, Department for the

(2005) White Cane Update, Winter 2005. Blind, Department for the


(2006) White Cane Update, Summer 2006. Blind, Department for the

January 2006

(2006) Iowa Public Library Statistic, 2004-2005, January 2006. Library of Iowa, State

Spring 2006

(2006) Independent Living Program, Spring 2006. Blind, Department for the

Summer 2006

(2006) Independent Living Program, Summer 2006. Blind, Department for the

(2006) Open Door Newsletter of the Library, Summer 2006. Blind, Department for the

(2006) Orientation Center Newsletter, Summer 2006. Blind, Department for the

(2006) White Cane Update, Summer 2006. Blind, Department for the

Fall 2006

(2006) Independent Living Program, Fall 2006. Blind, Department for the

Winter 2006

(2006) Independent Living Program, Winter 2006. Blind, Department for the

(2006) Open Door Newsletter of the Library, Winter 2006. Blind, Department for the

(2006) White Cane Update, Winter 2006. Blind, Department for the


(2007) Independent Living Program, Vol. 1. Blind, Department for the

(2007) Independent Living Program, Vol. 2. Blind, Department for the

(2007) White Cane Update, Fall 2007. Blind, Department for the

(2007) White Cane Update, Summer 2007. Blind, Department for the

(2007) White Cane Update, Winter 2007. Blind, Department for the

August 2007

(2007) Orientation Center Newsletter, August, 2007, Vol. 27, no. 1. Blind, Department for the

October 2007

(2007) State Library of Iowa, Sustaining a State of Learners, Highlights - January 1999 to November 2006. Library of Iowa, State

Spring 2007

(2007) Independent Living Program, Vol. 2, 2007. Blind, Department for the

Fall 2007

(2007) Independent Living Program, Vol. 3, 2007. Blind, Department for the

Winter 2007

(2007) Independent Living Program, Vol. 1, 2007. Blind, Department for the

(2007) Open Door Newsletter of the Library, Winter 2007. Blind, Department for the


(2008) Independent Living Program, Vol. 1, 2008. Blind, Department for the

(2008) Independent Living Program, Vol. 2, 2008. Blind, Department for the

(2008) Independent Living Program, Vol. 3, 2008. Blind, Department for the

(2008) White Cane Update, Winter 2008. Blind, Department for the

November 2008

(2008) Orientation Center Newsletter, Vol. 28, no. 2, November-December 2008. Blind, Department for the

Spring 2008

(2008) Open Door Newsletter of the Library, Spring 2008. Blind, Department for the

Summer 2008

(2008) Orientation Center Newsletter, Vol. 28, no. 1, Summer 2008. Blind, Department for the

Spring 2009

(2009) White Cane Update, Spring 2009. Blind, Department for the

Winter 2009

(2009) Open Door Newsletter of the Library, Winter 2009. Blind, Department for the

1 November 2010

(2010) Iowa Library Services Reorganization Report, 2010. Library of Iowa, State

March 2019

(2019) Business Enterprises Program Policy & Procedure Manual, Iowa Department of the Blind, March 2019. Blind, Department for the

This list was generated on Thu Nov 7 06:03:17 2024 CST.