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Number of items: 137.

5 March 1857

(1857) Constitution of Iowa, 1857. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1857) Constitution of Iowa, 1857. (Enhanced version). Secretary of State, Iowa

14 January 1863

(1863) Report of the State Librarian, to the Tenth General Assembly of the State of Iowa. Secretary of State, Iowa

31 December 1863

(1863) Report of the Secretary of State in relation to the criminal returns of the State of Iowa for the years 1862-3. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1873) Iowa Official Register, 1873. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1877) Constitution of the State of Iowa, with an Analysis of the State Government for the Use of Normal Institutes, 1877. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1879) Iowa Official Register, Executive and Judicial Officers of the State of Iowa for the years A.D. 1879. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1881) Iowa Official Register, Executive and Judicial Officers of the State of Iowa for the years A.D. 1881. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1882) Manual of the State of Iowa: with rules, practice, committees, etc. of the Nineteenth General Assembly for the year 1882. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1886) Iowa Official Register, Executive and Judicial Officers of the State of Iowa for the years A.D. 1886. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1887) Iowa Official Register, Executive and Judicial Officers of the State of Iowa for the years A.D. 1887. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1888) Iowa Official Register, Executive and Judicial Officers of the State of Iowa for the years A.D. 1888. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1889) Iowa Official Register, Executive and Judicial Officers of the State of Iowa for the years A.D. 1889. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1890) Iowa Official Register, Executive and Judicial Officers of the State of Iowa for the years A.D. 1890. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1892) The Iowa Official Register, 1892. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1893) Constitution of the State of Iowa, 1857 : compiled by the Secretary of State, 1893. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1893) The Iowa Official Register, 1893. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1895) The Iowa Official Register, 1895. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1896) The Iowa Official Register, 1896. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1897) The Iowa Official Register, 1897. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1898) The Iowa Official Register, 1898. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1899) The Iowa Official Register, 1899. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1900) The Iowa Official Register, 1900. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1901) The Iowa Official Register, 1901. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1902) The Iowa Official Register, 1902. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1903) The Iowa Official Register, 1903. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1904) The Iowa Official Register, 1904. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1905) The Iowa Official Register, 1905. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1906) The Iowa Official Register, 1906. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1908) The Iowa Official Register, 1907-1908. Secretary of State, Iowa

8 September 1908

(1908) Memorial exercises in honor of William Boyd Allison : in Hall of House of Representatives, State Capitol, Des Moines, Iowa, Tuesday, September 8, 1908. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1910) The Iowa Official Register, 1909-1910. Secretary of State, Iowa

30 June 1910

(1910) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the Transactions of the Land Department. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1910) Statistics Reports of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Secretary of State, Iowa

2 January 1911

(1911) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the Number of Documents and Publications on hand January 2, 1911. Secretary of State, Iowa

6 July 1911

(1911) Revised Statutes of the Territory of Iowa revised and compiled by a Joint Committee of the Legislature, Session 1842-'43, and arranged by the Secretary of the Territory, 1911. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1912) The Iowa Official Register, 1911-1912. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1912) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the Land Transactions of the Land Department. Secretary of State, Iowa

31 December 1912

(1912) Report of the Secretary of State to the Governor of Iowa of the Number of Documents and Publications on hand December 31, 1912. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1914) The Iowa Official Register, 1913-1914. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1916) The Iowa Official Register, 1915-1916. Secretary of State, Iowa

December 1917

(1917) Official list of Iowa corporations & foreign companies; corporations that have complied with the law requiring corporations to make annual report ..., 1917. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1918) The Iowa Official Register, 1917-1918. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1919) Iowa Corporations and Foreign Corporations Transacting Business in Iowa, 1919. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1920) The Iowa Official Register, 1919-1920. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1920) The constitution of the state of Iowa and amendments from 1857 to 1919 with historical introduction. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1922) The Iowa Official Register, 1921-1922. Secretary of State, Iowa

December 1922

(1922) Iowa Corporations and Foreign Corporations Transacting Business in Iowa, 1922. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1924) The Iowa Official Register, 1923-1924. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1926) The Iowa Official Register, 1925-1926. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1928) The Iowa Official Register, 1927-1928. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1930) The Iowa Official Register, 1929-1930. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1932) The Iowa Official Register, 1931-1932. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1934) The Iowa Official Register, 1933-1934. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1934) Iowa Old Age Pension Act: Senate File 42 adopted by Forty-Fifth General Assembly, Pamphlet no. 8 issued by Alex Miller, Secretary of State, 1934. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1936) The Iowa Official Register, 1935-1936. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1936) The Iowa Official Register, 1935-1936. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1939) Biennial Appropriation Act: S.F. 477 for the Biennium beginning July 1, 1937 to June 30, 1939 issued by Robert E. O'Brian, Secretary of State, 1939. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1940) The Iowa Official Register, 1939-1940. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1942) The Iowa Official Register, 1941-1942. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1944) The Iowa Official Register, 1943-1944. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1946) The Iowa Official Register, 1945-1946. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1948) The Iowa Official Register, 1947-1948. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1950) The Iowa Official Register, 1949-1950. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1952) The Iowa Official Register, 1951-1952. Secretary of State, Iowa

4 November 1952

(1952) State of Iowa Canvass of the Vote General Election, November 4, 1952. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1954) The Iowa Official Register, 1953-1954. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1956) The Iowa Official Register, 1955-1956. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1958) The Flag, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, the Constitution of the State of Iowa, the Declaration of Independence, the "Mayflower" Compact, the Constitution of the United States : reprint from the Iowa Official Register, 1951-1952, 1958. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1958) The Iowa Official Register, 1957-1958. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1959) Report of the Election and Election Privileges Committee to the Fifty-Eighth General Assembly, 1959. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1960) The Iowa Official Register, 1959-1960. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1960) Your Iowa ... and nation : class room guide post, 1960. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1962) The Iowa Official Register, 1961-1962. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1962) The Iowa Official Register, 1963-1964. Secretary of State, Iowa

4 June 1962

(1962) Summary of Official Canvass Primary Election and Special Election. Secretary of State, Iowa

6 November 1962

(1962) Canvass of the Vote General Election, November 6, 1962. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1963) Your Iowa ... and nation : class room guide post,1963. Secretary of State, Iowa

3 November 1964

(1964) Canvass of the Vote General Election, November 3, 1964. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1966) The Iowa Official Register, 1965-1966. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1968) The Iowa Official Register, 1967-1968. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1970) The Iowa Official Register, 1969-1970. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1972) The Iowa Official Register, 1971-1972. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1974) Iowa Election Handbook with Election Laws of Iowa, 1974. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1974) The Iowa Official Register, 1973-1974. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1976) The Iowa Official Register, 1975-1976. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1978) The Iowa Official Register, 1977-1978. Secretary of State, Iowa

7 November 1978

(1978) State of Iowa Canvass of the Vote General Election, November 7, 1978. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1980) The Iowa Official Register, 1979-1980. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1982) The Iowa Official Register, 1981-1982. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1984) The Iowa Official Register, 1983-1984. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1986) The Iowa Official Register, 1985-1986. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1988) The Iowa Official Register, 1987-1988. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1989) We, the people : conserving Iowa's constitution. 1989. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1990) Constitution of the State of Iowa with history and amendments, 1990. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1990) The Iowa Official Register, 1989-1990. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1992) The Iowa Official Register, 1991-1992. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1995) Auditor's Guide to Absentee Voting, 1995. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1996) Instructions for Recounts, 1996. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1996) Instructions for Recounts, 1996. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1996) The Iowa Official Register, 1995-1996. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1997) The Auditor's Guide to Special Elections prepared by the Elections Division, 1997. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1997) City Clerk's Guide to City Elections prepared in the Elections Division, 1997. Secretary of State, Iowa

(1997) Election forms as prescribed by the Secretary of State, 1997. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1998) The Iowa Official Register, 1997-1998. Secretary of State, Iowa


(1999) Iowa Official Register, Election Supplement, 1998-1999. Secretary of State, Iowa


(2000) The Iowa Official Register, 1999-2000. Secretary of State, Iowa

(2000) Iowa Official Register, 2000. Secretary of State, Iowa


(2003) Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board, Agency Performance Plan. Secretary of State, Iowa

(2003) Iowa Voter Guide, 2003. Secretary of State, Iowa

(2003) State Symbols of Iowa, 2003. Secretary of State, Iowa


(2005) The Iowa Official Register, 2005-2006. Secretary of State, Iowa


(2006) IOWA Principles and Practices for Charitable Nonprofit Excellence, 2006. Secretary of State, Iowa

(2006) NEW Citizen Civic Handbook, 2006. Secretary of State, Iowa


(2007) Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board, Agency Performance Plan, 2007. Secretary of State, Iowa

(2007) Notary Pocketbook. Secretary of State, Iowa


(2008) Election Day Registration Guide, 2008. Secretary of State, Iowa

(2008) How to Vote in Iowa, 2008. Secretary of State, Iowa

(2008) Iowa Secretary of State 2008 Report, 2008. Secretary of State, Iowa

(2008) Politics in Iowa: How to Get Involved, 2008. Secretary of State, Iowa

(2008) State Fair 2008 Coloring Book, 2008. Secretary of State, Iowa

January 2008

(2008) Iowa election day registration guide, January 2008. Secretary of State, Iowa


(2009) Iowa Citizen Civic Handbook, 2009. Secretary of State, Iowa

8 May 2014

(2014) DCI Voter Fraud Investigations Report, May 8, 2014. Secretary of State, Iowa

12 January 2015

(2015) Iowa Budget Report, Secretary of State Budgets, 2016-2017. Secretary of State, Iowa

9 January 2016

(2016) Iowa Budget Report, Secretary of State Budgets, 2017. Secretary of State, Iowa


(2018) State of Iowa, 2018. Secretary of State, Iowa

13 January 2019

(2019) Secretary of State Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2020-2021, January 13, 2019. Secretary of State, Iowa

30 June 2019

(2019) Secretary of State Budget, FY 2018-2019. Secretary of State, Iowa

(2019) Secretary of State Budget, FY 2019. Secretary of State, Iowa

12 January 2020

(2020) Iowa Budget Report, Secretary of State Budgets 2021, January 12, 2020. Secretary of State, Iowa

10 January 2021

(2021) Secretary of State Budgets, Iowa Budget Report, 2022-2023, January 10, 2021. Secretary of State, Iowa


(2022) The Iowa Official Register, 2021-2022. Secretary of State, Iowa

30 June 2023

(2023) Secretary of State Budget, FY 2023. Secretary of State, Iowa


(2024) The Iowa Official Register, 2023-2024. Secretary of State, Iowa

30 June 2024

(2024) Secretary of State Budget, FY 2024. Secretary of State, Iowa

30 June 2025

(2025) Secretary of State Budget, FY 2025. Secretary of State, Iowa

This list was generated on Mon Feb 17 06:00:20 2025 CST.