Biennial Report, Iowa Development Commission, 1954

(1954) Biennial Report, Iowa Development Commission, 1954. Governor's Office


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The Iowa Development Commission is working for the general up grading of the economy of this state by attracting new industries within our borders. Industries that provide more jobs, to hold our surplus labor supply; payrolls, to diversify our sources of income and create new markets for Iowa retail, wholesale, professional and trade services; taxes, to broaden the tax base and provide more needed revenues for local, county, and state government.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Products, Manufacturers, Industry, Development
Subjects: Business and industry
Business and industry > Manufacturing
Public Safety and consumer protection
ID Code: 50432
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 06 Sep 2024 17:09
Last Modified: 06 Sep 2024 17:09