The Cochlear Implant, A New Hope for the Totally Deaf, A Program of the Iowa Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation, 1981

(1981) The Cochlear Implant, A New Hope for the Totally Deaf, A Program of the Iowa Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation, 1981. University of Iowa


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This pamphlet is concerned with the cochlear implant for restoration of some hearing to the totally deaf. The cochlear implant may be described as a "bionic ear." Part of this electronic device is implanted in the temporal (ear) bone, and part is worn like a pocket-type hearing aid.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Cochlear Implant, Deaf, Hearing
Subjects: Health and medicine
Social issues and programs
Social issues and programs > Disabilities
Social issues and programs > Disabilities > Hearing impairments
ID Code: 50053
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 02 Aug 2024 17:17
Last Modified: 02 Aug 2024 17:17