Indexes to Fact Finding Recommendations and Arbitration Awards 1975 to Present, Iowa Public Employment Relations Board, 1975

(1975) Indexes to Fact Finding Recommendations and Arbitration Awards 1975 to Present, Iowa Public Employment Relations Board, 1975. Labor, Division of


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This document contains indexes to fact-finding recommendations and interest arbitration awards which have been issued from 1975 to present pursuant to impasse procedures utilized by parties to collective bargaining under the Iowa Public Employment Relations Act. Decisions issued in each bargaining year are indexed by the name of the employer and the name of the fact-finder or arbitrator. Decisions issued in the more recent years ate also indexed by subject matter. This document is supplemented annually.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: arbitration, hearing procedure, labor laws, employment, Iowa Public Employment Relations Board
Subjects: Laws and regulations > Labor laws
Laws and regulations > Labor laws > Equal employment opportunity
Laws and regulations > Labor laws > Workers rights
ID Code: 49685
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 25 Jun 2024 14:34
Last Modified: 25 Jun 2024 14:34