Your IPERS Benefits, Iowa Public Employees Retirement System, 1968

(1968) Your IPERS Benefits, Iowa Public Employees Retirement System, 1968. Iowa Public Employee Retirement System


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This booklet describes your benefits, rights and obligations as a member of the Iowa Public Employees Retirement System. It replaces an earlier edition which does not include the amendments adopted in 1967 by the Sixty-second General Assembly of Iowa. The most important change made by these amendments is from "money-purchase" type of benefit to what is referred to as the new "formula" benefit. As you approach retirement, the formula benefit enables you to determine more readily and accurately the amount of benefits you may expect to receive at retirement.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: State Employees, retirement, social security, public employees, IPERS
Subjects: Government finance and taxes > State finance > State employee retirement system
State government
State government > State employees
ID Code: 49624
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 18 Jun 2024 20:54
Last Modified: 18 Jun 2024 20:55