Child Abuse Reporting Study Committee, Final Report, January 2002

(2002) Child Abuse Reporting Study Committee, Final Report, January 2002. Education, Department of


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The Legislative Council authorized the formation of the Child Abuse Reporting Study Committee and provided the following charge: he study committee shall consider creation of a statewide central intake unit by the Department of Human Services for receiving child abuse reports and address other issues associated with the state's child protection system. The study committee may utilize national experts to the extent possible, and include in deliberations individuals who are knowledgeable about child protection and prevention of child abuse, and other interested persons, such as representatives of the Department of Human Services, the juvenile court and juvenile court services, the Department of Justice, the Citizens' Aide, county attorneys, guardians ad litem, child advocates, and critics of the child protection system.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Reporting Child Abuse, child abuse
Subjects: Social issues and programs
Social issues and programs > Children and youth > Childabuse
ID Code: 49607
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 18 Jun 2024 16:50
Last Modified: 18 Jun 2024 16:50