A Social Attitude Approach to Sex Education for the Educable Mentally Retarded, 1960

(1960) A Social Attitude Approach to Sex Education for the Educable Mentally Retarded, 1960. Education, Department of


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The development of this series of lessons on social attitudes with a primary emphasis on sex education has been prompted by the repeated appeals of teachers who work with educable mentally retarded children. The initial requests for this material related directly to the need for information on sex education, however, the final document presents a much broader coverage of information relevant to the development of social skills and attitudes. The social needs of the educable mentally retarded are basically the same as those of individuals with average intellectual ability, the differences which do occur may be found in the retardate's need for guidance and the teacher's need for assistance in planning learning experiences to facilitate social adjustment. If sex education is to be presented in its proper perspective, the teaching of social attitudes, values, and sex information must be considered as experiences integral to the total curriculum.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Department of Public Instruction, Special education, Sex Education, Educable Mentally Retarded
Subjects: Education > School personnel > Teachers
Education > Special education
Education > Students
ID Code: 49576
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 14 Jun 2024 17:09
Last Modified: 14 Jun 2024 17:09
URI: https://publications.iowa.gov/id/eprint/49576