The Study Club Program, A Suggestions relating to Courses of Study and Aids furnished by the Traveling Library, 1914

(1914) The Study Club Program, A Suggestions relating to Courses of Study and Aids furnished by the Traveling Library, 1914. Library of Iowa, State


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ALL study clubs are confronted by the difficulty of arranging each year a course of study which meets the needs or requirements of a diverse membership. Various methods are adopted by which a decision as to subject is reached. Sometimes a random suggestion will determine the choice, without sufficient consideration being given as to whether an outline can be obtained, or even satisfactory reference material from which such an outline may be prepared.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: education, study club, traveling library
Subjects: Education > Adult and continuing education
Education > Libraries and archives
Education > Libraries and archives > Public libraries
ID Code: 49200
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 21 May 2024 18:51
Last Modified: 21 May 2024 18:51