A Guide to Educationally related Organizations in Iowa: A Summary of the Role of and a Listing of the Key Personnel in Iowa Organizations which Supplement the efforts of those charged with the Formal Education of Iowa Citizens, 1973-1974. Office for Planning and Programming, 1974

(1974) A Guide to Educationally related Organizations in Iowa: A Summary of the Role of and a Listing of the Key Personnel in Iowa Organizations which Supplement the efforts of those charged with the Formal Education of Iowa Citizens, 1973-1974. Office for Planning and Programming, 1974. Management, Department of


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The purpose of this publication is to bring together in one book information on educationally related organizations in Iowa. The number and scope of these organizations, which are not charged with the formal education of Iowans, is amazing and difficult to trace. This book is intended to be available as a reference source for the Governor, legislators, professional educators, state and community planners, and other citizens who are interested in education and allied educational organizations in the state of Iowa.

Item Type: Newsletter
Keywords: DOM, Management, educational organizations, education, teachers, community planners, citizens of Iowa
Subjects: State government > Relations with other governments
State government > State agencies
Business and industry
ID Code: 47052
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 28 Nov 2023 17:23
Last Modified: 28 Nov 2023 17:23
URI: https://publications.iowa.gov/id/eprint/47052