Courts' and Communities' Response to Domestic Abuse, Report on the Implementation of the Iowa Supreme Court Task Force on Courts' and Communities' Response to Domestic Abuse, December 1996

(1996) Courts' and Communities' Response to Domestic Abuse, Report on the Implementation of the Iowa Supreme Court Task Force on Courts' and Communities' Response to Domestic Abuse, December 1996. Judicial Branch


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1991 the Iowa General Assembly enacted several laws relating to domestic abuse. Two provisions that passed required extraordinary organization and coordination to be fully implemented and effective. The Batterers Education Program was mandated for all convicted batterers. This program, coordinated by the Department of Correctional Services, entailed the establishment of education classes for batterers. The classes are effective only when accompanied by strict accountability of batterers from the courts, prosecutors and program providers. The second provision greatly expanded injunctive relief through the creation of a civil pro se process allowing victims to seek relief from the courts without an attorney. The unprecedented accessibility of the courts for relief from domestic abuse resulted in dramatic increases in domestic abuse civil filing rates.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Domestic Abuse, Public Health, Iowa Supreme Court, Civil Rights
Subjects: Law enforcement and courts
Laws and regulations
Social issues and programs
ID Code: 45851
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 19 Sep 2023 13:51
Last Modified: 19 Sep 2023 13:54