Feasibility of Soybean Oil Refining in Iowa, 1966

(1966) Feasibility of Soybean Oil Refining in Iowa, 1966. Iowa State University


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With an annual production in 1965 of over 123 million bushels, Iowa is second only to Illinois in the production of soybeans. Likewise with a production in 1964 of over 838 million pounds of soybean oil it again ranks second only to Illinois ( 3 ). The "crude oil" produced in Iowa plants is all * shipped out of the state where over 90% is used in food products such as margarine, shortening, and salad oil. The amount of soybean oil that comes back into the state is estimated to be at least 7 5 million pounds annually. This assumes the same per capita consumption as the national rate. Therefore, why cannot at least part of these food products be produced in Iowa from Iowa soybean oil for Iowa consumers? This report is the result of a study ( 1) attempting to answer this question. Operations involved in the production of food products are briefly described. A suitable location for an oil refining and processing plant is discussed. The equipment required for plants of various capacities is presented with estimated investment costs, operating costs, and potential profits.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Note: Series: Iowa State University bulletin ; v. 65, no. 5. | Engineering research (Iowa State University. Engineering Research Institute) ; report 47.
Keywords: by Lionel K. Arnold and Roger Brekken; Soybean oil mills
Subjects: Agriculture and food production
Agriculture and food production > Crops > Soybeans
ID Code: 45033
Deposited By: Pamela Rees
Deposited On: 05 Jul 2023 14:07
Last Modified: 05 Jul 2023 14:07
URI: https://publications.iowa.gov/id/eprint/45033