Iowa Job Outlook 2010: Higher Education Means Greater Earning Potential, Iowa's 2003 Mean Hourly Wages by Education Levels, Iowa Workforce Development, 2010

(2010) Iowa Job Outlook 2010: Higher Education Means Greater Earning Potential, Iowa's 2003 Mean Hourly Wages by Education Levels, Iowa Workforce Development, 2010. Iowa Workforce Development


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The Job Outlook is one resource for highlighting the growth of Iowa's occupations and industries. It shows which occupations exhibit growth potential and areas where trained individuals may be needed. In addition, information is provided on occupations that may be declining. It would be unwise to devote training time and dollars to occupations in this situation. This publication provides the most significant source of education or training needed by workers to become fully qualified for an occupation based on information furnished by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, individual company requirements may vary.

Item Type: Departmental Report
Keywords: Occupation Employment, Iowa Employment Services, Labor Statistics, Education, Wages
Subjects: Business and industry
Business and industry > Employment > Occupations
State government > State agencies
ID Code: 44186
Deposited By: Margaret Barr
Deposited On: 02 May 2023 16:35
Last Modified: 02 May 2023 16:35