www.IowaABD.com |
Lynn M. Walding, Administrator |
e - NEWS |
July 25, 2003 |
1. Bar Staff Signing
up for Training
PBR: Beer of Choice for Hipsters
New Survey Shows Parents
Troubled by Underage Drinking
4. Distilled
Spirits Council Responds to CAMY Survey on Underage Drinking
City Needs to Revisit Alcohol
1. Bar
Staff Signing up for Training
By Vanessa Miller - Iowa City Press-Citizen
July 19, 2003
IOWA CITY - Class is beginning earlier than usual this
year. On Aug. 4, many of Iowa City's bar employees will begin attending an
alcohol training course referred to as Training for Intervention
Procedures, or TIPS. "All our staff will be in
TIPS training," said Brian Flynn, 28, general manager of Joe's Place,
115 Iowa Ave. "I think its something that needs to be done so bar
owners and employees can say they are trained. There are a lot of my employees that have to learn a lot
more about checking identifications and things like that."
As of Friday, about 180 people had
signed up for Iowa City's program. Lynn Walding, administrator for the Iowa
Alcoholic Beverages Division, said he expects about 600 by the time classes
"I'm glad to see the
involvement, you never know how it's going to be until people start signing
up," Walding said. "I think the local law enforcement has generated a
lot of the retail involvement."
There will be two four-hour
classes every day for two weeks beginning Aug. 4, Walding said. All registered
employees will be required to attend one of the sessions, each of which can
hold about 20 people.
"If all the classes fill up,
we will expand," Walding said. "And the training is free. We don't
charge the licensees anything."
The two-year trial incentive
program promoting alcohol training has the approval of many bar owners, city
officials, law enforcement and members of the Stepping Up project, a University
of Iowa-led coalition against binge drinking.
It comes in response to a City
Council push to curb alcohol abuse.
At their May 6 meeting, councilors
passed an alcohol ordinance banning those under age 19 from entering bars after
10 p.m. The law takes effect Aug. 1.
Councilors initially considered
banning everyone under 21 and approved first consideration of that proposed law
April 8. Bar owners and UI students later persuaded a council majority to lower
the age to 19.
As part of the bar owners'
proposal, they suggested enforcing color-coded wristbands, additional bar
monitors and TIPS training.
While some bar owners are
determined to implement the additional enforcement measures, the Alcoholic
Beverages Division is providing an extra incentive to increase participation in
the training program.
An establishment will receive one
free exemption from being penalized for an alcohol violation if the employee
guilty of the infraction has been TIPS trained.
"We'll give them one get out
of jail free card," Walding said.
As part of the TIPS program, Brad
Krevor, senior research associate at the Schneider Institute for Health Policy at
the Heller School at Brandeis University in Boston, will do an evaluation of
employee reaction to TIPS and its effects in the community.
"By a pre- and post-test
questionnaire, we'll look at to what degree the program is utilized by
establishments and employees," said Krevor, who will come to Iowa City
around Aug. 4. "This is to better understand the effectiveness of the
training program and identify the problems that occur in an establishment. Our
evaluation is looking at the attitude changes in employees."
Krevor said the evaluation will be
complete around February 2004.
While Iowa City's TIPS program,
funded with a $15,000 grant from the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration, only is available to bar employees this year, Walding said
state officials have considered future expansion for university students.
A new group of higher education
officials focused on curbing binge drinking decided last week to pursue a TIPS
program for incoming freshmen at Iowa universities in the 2005 school year.
"We are looking for federal
funding to pay for the program," Walding said. "We will develop it
all year so we can roll it out next summer."
Mayor Ernie Lehman
he is pleased with the local and state enthusiasm to curb hazardous drinking.
"It's wonderful, I heard no
one signed up," he said of the TIPS program. "I just think it's
2. PBR:
Beer of Choice for Hipsters
By Phil Luciano – PJStar.com
July 15, 2003
Pabst Blue Ribbon remains
reviled by a chunk of Peoria that can't forgive the 1982 shutting of the
Heights brewery. PBR hasn't fared much better
elsewhere. Its Milwaukee brewery closed two years ago, and the company
moved to San Antonio, Texas. It's now a contract beer made by Miller. Sales
in 2001 fell to less than a million barrels, 90 percent less than its
heyday in 1975. Emmanuel Lozano / Arizona Republic Patrons drink Pabst Blue Ribbon beer at The Rogue in
Good riddance? Hardly.
Nationally, in a surge that defies conventional
marketing wisdom, Pabst is surging in sales - and in a market that's flatter
than a warm Blatz. Moreover, publications across the country have gushed over
Pabst's rebound, even The New York Times Magazine.
"It's the kids," says Michael Sullivan, longtime
Peoria tavern entrepreneur and current proprietor of Sullivan's pub. "They
like the fact that it's not shoved down their throats."
Young adults are overwhelmed and wearied by our
relentless advertising culture. Breweries spend $1 billion a year on marketing.
That's how Pabst made its move. Actually, it made its
move by not moving at all.
Young adults in the Northwest, home to pricey
micro-brews, were drawn by Pabst's cost, often a buck a can in bars. Then,
Pabst's dearth of ads (no TV campaign in 20 years) endeared it to new fans. The
Times frames the phenomenon as a socio-political movement: Buying a can of
Pabst is a poke in the eye to mass-market beers.
Snowboarders, indie filmmakers and other hipsters on
the West Coast have been joined elsewhere by cultural brethren. Pabst sales got
a push from press rumblings in the Washington Post and other big publications,
plus a powerful thumbs-up by "The Hipster Handbook," a Bible of the
young and trendy.
Sales in 2002 rose 5.3 percent. Through April of this
year, supermarket sales soared 9.4 percent. Chicago sales are up a whopping 134
That's not to say Pabst Brewing Co. is ready to take
on the big boys. Its brands, mostly has-beens like Schlitz, Falstaff and
Olympia, account for just 4.2 percent of the domestic beer market; its heavy
hitter, Old Milwaukee, rates 1 percent. Industry giant Anheuser-Busch commands
48 percent.
In the Tri-County Area, Pabst is handled by RJ
Distributing of Peoria, which has seen PBR sales vault 10 percent this year.
Mind you, the beer industry has been flat for 18 months.
In Greater Peoria, I can think of three pubs with
Pabst on draft: Katie McButt's on the East Bluff, Mike's in West Peoria and
Gilles' in Kickapoo. Still, taverns and package-liquor stores have been selling
plenty of cans and bottles, says Rob Jockisch, general sales manager for RJ
He doesn't think local Pabst fans are making a social
statement. Rather, they're indulging in nostalgia - the "retro-chic"
movement that spawned renewed interest in cocktail music and Levi's jeans.
"You drink your dad's beer, what was in his
refrigerator," Jockisch says.
At Sullivan's, where you can buy lunch cheaper than
many of the import beers and micro-brews, PBR recently appeared in the cooler,
the lone sub-premium beer in the joint. Bottles go for $2, and Sullivan's, with
a high college-age traffic at night, had a hard time keeping enough in stock.
Amazing. Next time you drive by the old Pabst
building in the Heights and see the blue-ribbon logo, just think what
"retro-chic" could've meant in 1982.
3. New Survey Shows Parents Troubled by Underage Drinking and Alcohol Companies' Advertising Practices
July 14, 2003
WASHINGTON - Two-thirds of parents
say that seeing and hearing alcohol ads make teens more likely to drink
alcohol, and almost three-quarters of parents say that alcohol companies are
not doing enough to limit the amount of alcohol advertising that teens see,
according to a survey conducted by Peter D. Hart Research Associates and
American Viewpoint for the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth at Georgetown
"Parents get it that alcohol
companies' ads are not helping them teach their children about the risks of
alcohol use," said Jim O'Hara, executive director of the Center on Alcohol
Marketing and Youth at Georgetown University. "Parents want accountability
and responsibility from the beer and liquor companies."
Key findings from the survey
Parents perceive alcohol ads as having a serious effect on
teen drinking habits, and they see alcohol companies as falling far short in
dealing responsibly with the impact of their advertising on young people. Fully
two-thirds (66 percent) of parents say that seeing and hearing alcohol ads
makes teens more likely to drink alcohol than they otherwise would be. Minority
parents are substantially more likely than are parents overall to think alcohol
ads make teens more likely to drink, with 76 percent of African-American
parents and 73 percent of Hispanic parents agreeing that this is the case.
Almost three-quarters of parents fault alcohol companies for the amount of ads
that teens see and hear.
Teens engaging in risky behavior while under the influence
of alcohol ranks at the top of a list of concerns that parents have about
teenagers' behavior. Eighty-two percent (82 percent) of parents say that teens'
alcohol-related risky behavior is a problem in society today, including 56
percent who say that it is a big problem.
A wide gap exists between parents' perceptions of their
teens' drinking habits and those habits reported by teens themselves. The
largest gap is between 15-to 16-year olds and their parents. Only 31 percent of
parents of teens in this group say that their teen probably or definitely has
consumed an alcoholic beverage in the last year, as compared with 60 percent of
teens in this age group who report having done this.
Parents reject the argument that alcohol companies'
advertising practices are legitimate as they are only trying to make money like
any other business. Parents overwhelmingly (81 percent) believe that, due to
the potentially harmful effects of its products, the alcohol industry has a
special responsibility to avoid exposing young people to messages encouraging
alcohol consumption.
Overall, parents find alcohol companies' specific
advertising practices to be very troubling. Parents express strong disapproval
for a variety of specific advertising practices commonly used by alcohol companies.
For example, 65 percent of parents find it very troubling when they learn that
alcohol companies produce marketing Web sites that include video games and
other features that appeal to youth under the legal drinking age. And, 63
percent of parents were very troubled to learn that beer companies place their
advertisements on television in such a way that young people ages 12 to 20 see
two beer advertisements on television for every three seen by an adult.
"The survey results are
striking because they show a nearly universal view among parents that alcohol
companies should be doing more to reduce teens' exposure," said Geoffrey
Garin of Peter D. Hart Research Associates. "This belief is held by large
majorities of every demographic subgroup, including two-thirds or more of
Republicans, Independents, and Democrats," said Gary Ferguson of American
More information on the Center and
a full text of this survey can be found at http://www.camy.org.
Background on the survey:
From June 2 to 8, 2003, Peter D.
Hart Research Associates and American Viewpoint conducted a survey on behalf of
the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth at Georgetown University among a
random national sample of 801 parents of 12- to 17-year-olds, including
oversamples of 100 African-American parents and 100 Hispanic parents. The
survey carries a margin of error of plus 3.5 percent. Data on teen drinking
behavior is from the Monitoring the Future Survey, University of Michigan,
About the Center on Alcohol
Marketing and Youth:
The Center on Alcohol Marketing
and Youth at Georgetown University monitors the marketing practices of the
alcohol industry to focus attention and action on industry practices that
jeopardize the health and safety of America's youth. The Center is supported by
grants from The Pew Charitable Trusts and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Contact: Nicole King of the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth,
4. Distilled Spirits Council Responds to CAMY Survey on Underage Drinking
July 14, 2003
WASHINGTON - In response to the latest survey on underage
drinking by the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY), Distilled Spirits
Council President Peter Cressy stated, "The distilled spirits industry is
and has been a leader in working with communities to stop illegal drinking by
those under the legal purchase age."
Cressy, a former university chancellor stressed that
the distilled spirits industry does not want underage drinkers as customers. He
pointed to the efforts of The Century Council (http://www.centurycouncil.org),
the distilled spirits industry's not-for-profit organization which has spent
more than $130 million over the last 12 years on programs to reduce illegal,
underage drinking including programs specifically aimed at encouraging parents
to talk with their children about alcohol.
"Parents need to know that study after study
shows they have the biggest influence over a youth's decision regarding
drinking," said Cressy. "Parents need to talk early and often with
their children about alcohol."
Cressy stated that the research on advertising and
alcohol consumption is very clear: advertising does not cause an adolescent to
drink. Numerous studies re-affirm parents and peers as the leading influencers
over youths' decision to drink. In fact, the numbers are stark. According to
the 2002 Roper Youth Report, 71 percent identified parents as influences over
their decision to drink versus five percent who identified advertisements.
He said the distillers are committed to responsible
advertising and are proud of their longstanding track record of effective
self-regulation. Since 1934, the distillers have voluntarily abided by a Code
of Good Practice to ensure that spirits advertising is responsible and directed
to adults.
Contact: Lisa Hawkins of the Distilled Spirits
Council, 202-682-8840
5. City Needs to Revisit Alcohol Rules
By Tribune Editorial Board – The Tribune
July 24, 2003
The Ames City
Council split this week on a request to serve beer for a short time in
Bandshell Park. |
AMES - The
tie-breaker was cast by Mayor Ted Tedesco in favor of allowing the Ames
Jaycees to cordon off a part of the park during its "Ames on the
Halfshell" fund-raiser next month and sell beer.
Now, it may be after
the fact, but her suggestion ought to be considered. The council should
revisit its alcohol policy, particularly as it applies to Bandshell Park.
All in all, the city
can stand to lighten up a bit. Have some fun. Wouldn't it be great to see the
downtown buzzing with families pushing strollers, parents of college students
visiting, young people on dates, maybe some music, outdoor cafes that serve,
yes, beer or wine - all after 8 p.m.? Plenty of examples abound in
communities near and far. They're not slipping into moral decay or
hooliganism. They're being adults.