Present: Mohamad Khan, Bernard Bidne, Liz Nichols, Flora Lee, and Jack Morlan
Staff: Tim Cook, Ron Pothast, and Don Grove
Public: Julie Simon, Iowa Senate Democratic Caucus Staff
Items: 1. Call to Order
9:00 a.m.
2. Recognition of Public and News Media
Julie Simon, Iowa Senate Democratic Caucus Staff
3. Commissioners' Reports
Khan - said he attended the LULAC meeting in May in Muscatine; the meeting featured excellent workshops and speakers; and he spoke at Dowling High School on valuing diversity.
Nichols – no report
Flores - said she is working with the Sioux City Human Rights Commission and the Siouxland Diversity Coalition on a project that would survey Woodbury County residents regarding services offered to persons of color.
Bidne - said he attended the Des Moines Human Rights Commission’s Annual Symposium and Banquet and ICRC’s Local Commission Conference on April 30 and May 1; and all the sessions and all the speakers, including ICRC educator Frank Tribble and Assistant Attorney General Rick Autry, were wonderful.
Morlan - said he attended and participated in a Veterans’ Memorial service.
4. Next Meeting
9-11:00 a.m. Friday, July 24, 1998
5. Minutes of March 13, 1998 Commissioners' Meeting
Bidne moved to approve; Khan seconded. Motion passed.
6. July 7, 1948/July 7, 1998 Dedication and Reception
ICRC and a number of other organizations are planning two ceremonies to celebrate/commemorate the work of a group of dedicated, courageous people who challenged the discriminatory attitudes/practices of Katz Drug Store and other lunch counters in the Des Moines area. During the first ceremony, at 7th and Locust Streets, from 11:30-Noon, a commemorative plaque will be dedicated and affixed to the Flynn Building, where Katz Drug Store once stood. During the second ceremony, from 4:30-6:15 p.m., at the Iowa Historical Building, there will be a reception and reunion for all the people who participated in the sit-ins and picketing, as well as a dramatic reenactment by the Langston Hughes Players.
7. Election of Officers
Commissioners decided to retain Fiscal Year 1997 officers throughout Fiscal Year 1998. Jack Morlan will continue to be Chair and Robert Smith, vice-chair.
8. Update on Community Diversity Appreciation Teams and Study Circles Sponsoring Coalitions
Don Grove reported that there are now 19 communities with Teams and 13 communities with Coalitions, and that the Coalitions will meet over the ICN on Thursday, June 25, to share experiences and concerns.
9. Next Month’s Agenda
Fiscal Year 1998 "Focal Issue of the Year"
Presentation by Iowa City Human Rights Commission regarding adding sexual orientation as a protected personal characteristic to the Iowa Civil Rights Act
10. Adjourn