Iowa Civil Rights Commission

Commissioners� Meeting

April 11, 2002

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

211 East Maple Street

Des Moines, Iowa 50309-1858


Call to Order

Commissioner David Leshtz, Chairperson, called the Commissioners� Meeting of the Iowa Civil Rights Commission to order.


Roll Call

Present were Commissioner Constance Gronstal via ICN, Commissioner Maria Waterman via ICN, Commissioner Alicia Claypool, Commissioner David Leshtz and Commissioner Tim Tutt. Commissioner Gilbert Solivan was not in attendance. Also present were Corlis Moody, Executive Director, Ron Pothast, Business Manager and Araceli Goode, Executive Secretary.


Approval of Minutes

Motion was made by Commissioner Claypool and seconded by Commissioner Waterman to approve the February 8, 2002 Commissioners� Meeting Minutes. The motion passed unanimously.


Recognition of Public and Press

No Public or Press present.


Commissioners� Report and Sub-Committee Reports

Commissioner Gronstal - No report

Commissioner Alicia Claypool - Extended an invitation to the Commissioners to attend a potluck dinner at the Islamic Center. Announced the Des Moines Human Rights Commission�s Symposium is May 2, 2002 and the Pan American Luncheon on April 19, 2002. The cost is $10/ person. Also commented on the article by Frank Tribble in the Spring issue of the Communicator stating it had great perspective. Informed the Commissioners that the Gilbert School Board did not add Sexual Orientation to the anti-discrimination school policy.

Commissioner Waterman - No report

Commissioner Tutt - Did a presentation before students of Buena Vista on Sexual Orientation issues. Also spoke before the Local Youth Group on Sexual Orientation issues. On April 25 will speak at Central College on Sexual Orientation issues, as there have been reports of discriminatory acts occurring.


Commissioner Leshtz - Distributed an announcement regarding the Cultural Centers at the University. The College wants to end the individual centers and combine them under one roof and the students are rallying against this. Announced Governor Vilsack would attend the Latino/a Leadership Conference on April 27, for which Iowa Civil Rights Commission was a sponsor.The Annual Civil Liberties Banquet will be held April 27 in the evening. Commissioner Leshtz has been asked to be the key speaker at the Annual Iowa City Human Rights Awards Banquet.


Committee Reports

Sexual Orientation Forum Committee

Members: Commissioner Claypool, Commissioner Waterman, Tom Anderson of the Dept. of Education, and Rich Eyhaner.

Planning meeting is scheduled for April 23, 2002, 1:30 PM at the ICRC office.


New Business

No new business was discussed


Executive Director�s Report

Executive Director Moody introduced the following staff members who gave short overview of their Unit�s work: Pam Patton on the Mediation Unit,which has been successful in decreasing the Commision�s backlog of cases; Dawn Peterson on the Resource Services Unit formally called the Education Team, as well as on the Department of Justice and HUD Grants that have provided the funds for 24 workshops on Equal Rights for Immigrants in Employment and Housing to be conducted this summer; and, Rick Autry on the Eiler case he argued before the Iowa Court of Appeals, which was decided in favor of ICRC.

Executive Director Moody discussed the budget for the FY2003. It is possible that staff will be affected if cuts in funding increase. Ron Pothast, Business Administrator stated the budget for 2003 compared to 2001 will be 22.5 % less. The 2003 Budget was further reduced from the Final 2002 Budget by $112,000, making it a total of $270,000 less than the 2001 Budget. The Legislative Leadership will be making the final actions this week.


Old Business

No old business to discuss.


Next Meeting Date

Next meeting dates and locations:

����������� May 9, 2002 - Ft. Dodge, Iowa, 10:00 AM

����������� June 13, 2002 - Davenport, Iowa



The meeting adjourned at 11:30 AM.


����������������������������������������������������������������������� Minutes submitted by Araceli Goode, Executive Secretary