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David Leshtz, Chair
E-mail: dleshtz@ia.net
Telephone: (319) 351-2973
(Term expires May 2003)
Iowa City
Dinh VanLo
(Term expires May 2003)
Des Moines
Alicia Claypool
(Term expires May 2003)
Des Moines
Constance Gronstal
E-mail: cgronstal@aea13.org
Telephone: (712) 322-7354
(Term expires May 2005)
Council Bluffs
Rick Morain
(Term expires May 2005)
Timothy Tutt
(Term expires May 2005)
Des Moines
Maria Waterman
(Term expires May 2005)
Pleasant Valley

Commission appointed.

The Iowa Civil Rights Commission shall consist of seven members appointed by the governor subject to confirmation by the senate. Appointments shall be made to provide geographical area representation in so far as practicable. No more than four members of the Commission shall belong to the same political party. Members appointed to the Commission shall serve for four-year staggered terms beginning and ending as provided by section 69.19.

Iowa Code section 216.3.

