Volume 3, Number 1 |
211 E. Maple St., Des Moines, Iowa 50309-1858 |
Marshalltown Diversity Committee
March 10, 1998
The presentation of the Ecumenical Ministries grant money to the Diversity Committee will be at the April 14 meeting, from 5:00-6:30 pm. The groups that will benefit from the money will have representatives to talk about their programs. Dr. James Ryan, Executive Director of the Ecumenical Ministries of Iowa, will make the presentation. Food will be provided by Louisa Ortega and students from Razas Unidas. Mark Grey wrote the grant for the committee.
Efforts are being made to make the Diversity Committee a "legal entity," due to the grants being received and necessities of the Heritage Celebration preparations. There is a possibility that the committee could become a committee of the Chamber of Commerce.
A demonstration grant from the Iowa Department of Economic Development is being applied for by MEDIC, Swift, and the City of Marshalltown. The proposal, according to Mark, includes a request for two two-year positions for cultural liaisons to encourage people to stay here, learn English, and feel comfortable staying here. This, hopefully, would decrease the turnover rate at Swift. The proposal will be submitted next week.
Various news articles and news letters were shared, including Mark’s Handbook for Creating Sustainable Multiethnic Food-Producing Communities, published by ISU. Impact of the US News and World Report article and media coverage was discussed.
There will be a spring Community Fair of non-profit organizations at the Marshalltown Mall, from 10-5:30 on April 18. The Steering Committee will discuss whether to pursue having a booth at the fair or at the next one, October 17.
Upcoming Diversity Committee presentations include the Noon Lioness group and the Morning Kiwanis Club (Louisa Ortega and Karen Haslett to present) and the Noon Kiwanis Club (Steve Williams and Kathy Black to present).
March 19, at 6:30 pm at MHS, is a meeting about drug concerns. At 7:00 pm is a free concert at the Coliseum, by Jim Valley, a singer/song writer who will be working in the elementary schools next week. Several Marshalltown people will be attending the diversity and immigration conference in Waterloo March 13. Sandy Burke will be a facilitator.
Steve announced that the Heritage Celebration Committee will meet at 7:00 am March 17. Plans must be "firmed up" by this time. Funding and volunteerism has just begun.. Performers are pretty well established.
Study Circles
A meeting of Iowa Study Circles Sponsoring Coalitions is scheduled for Thursday, June 25, 1998, from 4:00-5:30 pm over the ICN. Coalitions will share experiences, concerns and plans. For more info, contact Don Grove at 515-281-8084 or e-mail <don.grove@icrc.state.ia.us>.
Tama County Team for Intercultural Community
March 25, 1998
Attendance: Ivy Seivers, Nancy Dostal, Gladys Benson, Andrew Roberts, Louise YoungBear, Jim Tekippe, Sheriff Mike Richardson, Dr. Clarence Lippert, Dave Hegenbarth, John Carr, Charlie Morrow, Don Grove, Steve Burr, Mary Sillman, Gailyn Kapayou, Gloria Perez, Luis Perez, Jerry YoungBear Jr.
Minutes Minutes from January 15 were discussed. Gladys Benson asked about the comment from the minutes from Mike Richardson regarding a presentation being made to the Lion’s Club. Since a member of the Lion’s Club was present, Dave Hegenbarth said they would welcome a presentation regarding tribal operations.
Brief History Dr. Clarence Lippert shared a condensed version of the history of this group to the new attendees. The Tama County Team has been in existence going on 4 years. The meetings were started in November of ‘94 and at the time the group focus was on concerns involving law enforcement and the feeling that they were racially-biased. This group’s focus has grown to an area of wider concern. There is a need to better expose the community to the existence of the Team for Intercultural Community.
The Changing Face of Iowa in the 21st Century conference Jim Tekippe gave out copies of notes from this conference. It was attended by Jim and Charlie Morrow at Hawkeye Community College. The general theme of the conference was to make people aware of the influx of immigrants and that these people are here to stay, some communities are in denial and seem to feel that immigrants are only here for a short time and that they will "move on." However that is not the case. Positive personality traits of incoming immigrants were mentioned these are, hard working, law abiding and a desire to learn the language.
MICA Nancy Miller and Delphina Chavez are the contact people of the Mid-Iowa Community Action, they are able to assist with information and resources for the Hispanic community. There is a need for community education to develop appreciation for community/cultural diversity.
Cultural Activities There was discussion on cultural activities and a suggestion to branch out STC’s Diversity Day into the community and get businesses involved. Cinco De Mayo and September 15 Mexico’s Independence Day were 2 dates that were mentioned as being significant holidays in the Hispanic community. There is interest within the group to plan around these holidays. A teen dance group was mentioned, there is one in Marshalltown and they perform Mexican dances.
Study Circles Don Grove from the Iowa Civil Rights Commission talked about Study Circles, meetings are set 4 times at 2 hours with a trained facilitator and the people who go should commit to making sure they attend all 4 meetings. People share their values, experiences and this sets the base for improving relationships in the community. Don shared when the Tama County Team started, there were 2 others in the state, today there are 18 other teams in the state. Study Circles would be a positive step for this community and could be started with people in this meeting. Andrew Roberts expressed interest in establishing Study Circles on the settlement to address Social Issues in the community.
Community Businesses Ivy Seivers wanted more information to the community about the pow-wow for visitors. Visitors come through asking questions about the pow-wow and the dances. Dave Hegenbarth commented the Sac and Fox Settlement School, with the efforts of Joy David, at one time had an Art display in the store. People stopped and took notice, the community seems to welcome this type of interaction. Ivy Seivers will talk with the retail community about time lines of community activities. A cultural community calendar was recommended.
Facilitator: John Carr, Recorder: Gailyn Kapayou
5th Annual Faces & Voices
Keynote speakers James A. Autry, Iowa’s own nationally acclaimed consultant and author, and Julian Bond, notable human rights activist recently elected chair of the NAACP, will highlight the "Faces and Voices of Iowa--Building CommUNITY" statewide diversity conference on October 20-21, 1998.
The conference, sponsored by the Lt. Governor’s Committee on Diversity and now in its fifth year, will feature a dual emphasis--diversity and business and also a celebration of human rights to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights made by the United Nations. The main focus, as in previous years, will be to encourage individuals and community leaders to seek effective ways to address unique community concerns and celebrate diversity. Quality workshops will provide even greater in-depth leadership training, resource assistance, how-to ideas, and opportunities for networking.
Call (515) 281-3421 to receive a registration brochure, Prism Award nomination form, proposal for workshops, or proposal for exhibitor, vendor, arts demonstrator.
Ames Diversity Appreciation Team
Sheila Lundt (515-239-5101)
Cedar Rapids Diversity Appreciation Team
Louise Lorenz (319-398-5036)
Cedar Valley Diversity Appreciation Team
Walter Reed (319-291-4441)
Charles City International Fellowship
Jim Sanner (515-228-6085)
Denison Cultural Diversity Committee
Marsha Kracht (712-263-8733) or
Coletta Weeda (712-263-4697)
Diverse-Cities Team (Iowa City/Coralville)
Heather Shank (319-356-5022)
Estherville Diversity Appreciation Team
Glenn Bohmer (712-362-3237)
Hampton Diversity Committee
Pat Sackville (515-456-5668)
Humboldt Co. Diversity Appreciation Team
Joe Hadar (515-332-5312)
Marshalltown Diversity Committee
Sandy Burke (515-294-9307)
MLK, Jr. Committee (Council Bluffs)
Jeanne Barzydlo (712-322-5101)
North Iowa Diversity Appreciation Team
Lois Fingalsen (515-421-4600)
Polk Co. Diversity Coalition
Barbara Hug (515-263-2660)
Quad Cities' Roundtables/Anti-Hate Response Team/ Diversity Committee
Brenda Drew-Peeples (319-326-0717)
Racism/Race Relations Committee
Connie Barrett (712-274-8678)
Siouxland Diversity Coalition
Matt Boley (712-258-5137)
Storm Lake Diversity Task Force
Dale Carver (712-732-6767)
Tama Co. Team for Intercultural Community
Bruce Leitz (319-266-1039) or
Clarence Lippert (515-484-4811)
Webster Co. Diversity Appreciation Team
Ed O'Leary (515-576-2201)