THOMAS J. VILSACK, GOVERNOR������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ IOWA CIVIL RIGHTS COMMISSION

SALLY J. PEDERSON, LT. GOVERNOR������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� CORLIS S. MOODY

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November 18, 2002

10:00 Am � 12:00 PM

ICRC Office


Call to Order

David Leshtz, Chair called the meeting to order.


Roll Call

Present were Commissioners David Leshtz, Alicia Claypool, Connie Gronstal, Maria Waterman, Rick Morain, and Tim Tutt. Also present were Corlis Moody, Executive Director, Ron Pothast, Business Manager, Rick Autry, Assistant Attorney General and Araceli Goode, Executive Secretary.


Recognition of Public and Press

No Press was present.


Approval of Minutes

Motion was made by Commissioner Waterman and seconded by Commissioner Claypool to approve the October 10, 2002 Commissioners� Meeting Minutes. The motion passed unanimously.


Commissioners� Report and Sub-Committee Reports

Commissioner Claypool � visited the Martin Luther King exhibit in Atlanta, Georgia. Stated that the outstanding exhibit impressed her and that for her, it re-enforced the need to be vigilant regarding our civil rights.

Commissioner Leshtz � reported had written the letter in support of to the Iowa Utilities Board to pursue a statutory amendment to allow expansion of the Iowa Utilities Board�s equipment distribution program to people who have physical and cognitive disabilities.

Commissioner Gronstal � attended a presentation at UNI Interpreters Theater on interviews with Civil Rights Activists.

Commissioner Morain � introduced himself to Commissioners

Commissioner Tutt � Spoke at Central College in Pella on October 28 and 29 regarding sexual orientation. States program was well received. Approximately 100 people attended and both sides of controversy were heard.

Commissioner Waterman� reported a series on Racial Profiling covering a comparison between African-American and white population was being conducted in Davenport. This is separate from the State�s Racial Profiling Taskforce.


Executive Director�s Report

Corlis Moody, accompanied by the ICRC Investigative Unit, attended a Re-invention Workshop for three days. Their primary focus was time reduction of case processing. The unit is establishing guidelines and will put them in place by January.

NABRE Regional conference is scheduled for May 13 -15 of 2003 at Drake University. The Planning Steering Committee is meeting here in December 17 to coordinate program.

HUD Conference Training is being held December 13 at the Marriott Downtown, Kansas City, Missouri. Commissioners are invited to attend.

The Status of Women Report is available for sale for $20. Press conference is being held at the Capitol in conference room 118.

Sub-Committee Reports

Action: Commissioner Claypool updated the Commissioners on the GLBT Taskforce Committee work so far. The Forum date is February 5, 2003 from 6 � 9 PM, at the Ames Municipal Auditorium. The Ames Human Rights Commission is providing refreshments.

The taskforce submitted a grant request from the Humanities to cover the costs of the forum but has not received notification it has been granted. Funding has not been received from Wells Fargo either. Commissioner Morain suggested contacting Mary Garst to request funding or volunteers to distribute packets. Meeting of the Taskforce is scheduled for this afternoon at which time requests for sponsorship from other prospective organizations will be discussed and how to publicize the Forum.

New Business

Following a discussion, a motion was made Commissioner Waterman and seconded by Commissioner Gronstal to amend the �cities and county� wording on the Resolution on Sexual Orientation to �all entities�. Motion passed with a vote of 6 � 0.


After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Claypool and seconded by Commissioner Tutt to authorize the Iowa Civil Rights Commission work with the Legislation Bureau in drafting legislation to add Sexual Orientation as a protected basis. Motion passed with a 6 � 0 vote. Discussion followed on press releases. Commissioner Leshtz agreed to write the announcement of reaffirming the Resolution and the legislation being drafted once it is filed.


Commissioner Claypool requested to place on next meeting�s agenda discussion on creating a resolution to rescind The English Only Bill.

Old Business

No old business.

Next Meeting Date

Next meeting date is January 9, 2003, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM. West Des Moines Human Rights Commission will host.


The meeting adjourned at 11:50 AM


����������������������������������������������������������������������� Minutes submitted by Araceli Goode, Executive Secretary