Community Diversity Appreciation Teams

There are currently 19 communities that have formed Community Diversity Appreciation Teams. The teams have been formed by community leaders areound the state for the purpose of fighting discrimination locally before it happens, and to be ready to respond with action if it does happen. The commission provides staff support to a community wishing to form a team, and offers follow-up assistance as needed.

The teams have sponsored a variety of community projects and events, all designed to foster appreciation of diversity. As well as formal educational events, communities have found that social and recreational activities bring people together. Community ethnic festivals, school diversity days, and community soccer leagues have been popular activites for the community to share.

Immigration issues have continued to be important, particularly in communities that have meat-packing plants or other industries that draw large numbers of workers. Several communities have produced materials about community services in Spanish, and police departments or other agencies have bi-lingual staff members to assist newcomers.

A bi-monthly newsletter published by the Commission, Team
Diversity, helps the community teams to network and share ideas.

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