Iowa Rights Commission
Commissioner�s Meeting
December 1, 2000
10:AM - 12:00 PM
Roll Call
Iowa Civil Rights Commission December 1, 2001 Board meeting was held in the Iowa Civil Rights Commission�s ICN room at 10:00 AM. Meeting was called to order by Robert Smith, Chairman, via ICN. Roll call of commissioners present were Mohamad Khan, Alicia Claypool via conference telephone, Flora Lee via ICN, David Leshtz and Jack Morlan. Rachel Scherle was not present. ICRC staff members present were Corlis Moody, Executive Director of Iowa Civil Rights Commission, Araceli Goode, Executive Secretary and Rick Autry, AAJ.
Approval of Minutes
The first order of business was the approval of the October 20, 2000 Board Minutes. Motion was made by Flora Lee and seconded by Alicia Claypool to accept the minutes as written. Motion passed unanimously.
Blackford vs. Casey�s
First order of business before the commission was unfinished business regarding the Blackford vs. Casey�s case. Rick Autry explained the draft of the order that reflects the commissioners intend based on the September meeting regarding front pay, reinstatement, interest award, hearing costs and training of staff. The commissioners discussed each issue.
Reinstatement and front pay - First motion was made by Jack Morlan and seconded by Robert Smith to strike the modification of reinstatement and front pay for the following reason: compensation awarded had already covered these issues. Motion passed unanimously.
Interest - Motion was made by Alicia Claypool and seconded by Robert Smith to adopt the draft as written on pages 59 through 70 regarding the interest. Motion passed unanimously.
Hearing costs- Motion was made by Alicia Claypool and seconded by Jack Morlan to reinstate paragraph 114, 115 and any other paragraph needed in order to provide payment of hearing costs as written in draft order. Motion passed unanimously.
Training of Casey�s staff - Motion was made by Alicia Claypool and seconded by Flora Lee to adopt the complainant�s proposed decision, pages 70 through 107, that Casey�s provide training to supervisory staff and plan for ongoing training of supervisory personnel with reporting requirement. Motion passed unanimously.
Rick summarized the modifications and a motion was made by Alicia Claypool and seconded by Robert Smith to adopt the draft of order written by staff with following modifications. (1) Strike the order of reinstatement; (2) Provide the reason that front pay denied because the Complainant was already made whole; (3) Award hearing costs pursuant to commission rule; and (4) Order training as suggested by Complainant in their proposed decision. Motion passed unanimously.
Commissioners� Report
Robert Smith - No report
Alicia Claypool - No report
Flora Lee - No report
David Leshtz - reported on the Latina/Latino Conference held the first Saturday in November sponsored by Iowa City Human Rights Commission. Suggested the Commission could participate by helping to sponsor the conference and/or having staff/Commissioners participate on panels. Also reported that the Forum on Accessibility in Housing in Iowa City referred frequently to the Commission�s Report on Accessibility during the forum. The second Annual conference on White Privilege will be held April 19th at Cornell College and recommends attendance to all interested in understanding, respecting and connecting in the changing face of America.
Jack Morlan - No report
Alicia Claypool - reported that a candlelight vigil, organized by Faith Alliance and Stop the Hate Coalition, was held at the home of Mr. Harris to speak out against racial graffiti. Sixty people attended. An interfaith service was also held at a nearby church.
Mohamad Khan - reports today was the 5th day of Ramadan, a fasting holiday which will end Christmas day or day after. This occurs every 33 years because the lunar system is used. Beside Christmas, there is Hanukkah, a Jewish holiday.
Recognition of the Public and Press
Press and other public were not present.
Next Meeting Date
Next meeting date is set for February 23, 2001 at 10:00 AM. Alicia Claypool requests Racial Profiling issues be part of the agenda. Corlis Moody will attempt to obtain contacts/materials regarding this issue for the next meeting.
Executive Director�s Report
Informed the Commissioners that she was part of the committee that was traveling the state looking at communities to set up as model cities to replicate throughout the state. Monday, the communities chosen will be announced. The communities were researched on all types of criteria from law enforcement to education. She also reported she had attended a mandatory HUD Conference in Kansas City. Mostly the push was to do investigations more quickly. She and the staff were working to improve the process.
Guest Speaker
Corlis Moody presented the guest speaker, David Oman, at this time. David Omen presented to the commissioners the 2010 Report followed by question and answer session.
Motion was made by Jack Morlan and seconded by Mohamad Khan to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously.